Living In Darkness

By Butch Paugh | September 17th, 2022

There can be no doubt that the world is becoming darker and more depressing every day. The people of the world seem to be in constant turmoil, full of frustration and getting angrier every day! Unless an individual has been completely engulfed in the “ways” of mankind and the world “system”, there is no way that they can’t see the insanity and mass confusion that has overwhelmed the whole world and the people of the earth.

The masses are getting desperate! Their whole little “world is crumbling around them! Their hearts and minds are full of anxiety and fear! Most have dysfunctional families. The “natural” love that families and mankind had at one time that kept society somewhat steady and secure, has vanished and been replaced by a “perverted” and lustful “feeling”! It is not the nurturing, tender and compassionate caring that once held the fabric of families and communities together in a bond of peace and contentment.

Their hearts and minds have become places of darkness! Full of all manner of tormenting thoughts and feelings! They are desperately striving to escape this horrific “prison” of pain, fear and desperation! They are driven to “doctors” to seek help. They are given the only remedy mankind has to offer. Drugs! Or, as God’s Word describes these mind-controlling and mind altering “medicines” (drugs), as witchcraft! Gal. 5:20 Or pharmacy or “pharmakeia”! Also means “sorcery” and magic. (Strong’s 5331) The same meaning as the words “sorcery” that is written in Rev. 9:21 and 18:23.

Anti-depressants, uppers, downers, “nerve” pills and other quick, temporary “fixers” of the “symptoms” of a far too serious disease that man simply cannot cure! If they can’t obtain “legal” drugs, they find a ready supply of “fixes” on the streets! They can never be cured and rescued from the darkness and torment that fills their lives, but for a little while they can have their senses numbed against the pain!

Yet, through this maze and haze of confusion and fear some still try to function and cope with mostly an empty facade of a “normal” life. Hoping that the next “election” will bring sanity back to their world! That somewhere, somehow an individual will come forth to “stabilize” things once again. And “he” will! This individual will be the answer to the hopes, wishes and “prayers” of the masses and even to many who “falsely” think they are born again followers of Christ. Those who are caught up in this world system who depend on mans’ system to sustain them! (Mt. 7:21-23, Jer. 17:5, Dan. 8:25) In Daniel 8:25 there are three words used to reveal, to those who will receive the truth of God’s Word, as to how this “man” will come to be the long awaited savior of the world! Please read the verse again and notice these words used in the 1611 KJV Bible. (Throw the other “perversions” out now!) Peace, policy and craft. In order to understand how his deception will work, we need to know what each word mean according to the Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance.

  • peace – Strong’s No. 7962 – security (genuine or false): prosperity, peaceably, abundance. Also refers back to 7951 – to be tranquil, i.e. secure or successful, prosper, safety
  • policy- Strong’s No. 7922 – intelligence, understanding, wisdom, prudence, knowledge and discretion.
  • craft- Strong’s No. 4820 – Fraud, deceit, false, guile, feigned, subtlety and treachery.

Yes, this “answer” to the hope, wishes and prayers of the people of the world will “seem” to be their final needed “fix”! He will bring into plain view his kingdom and his followers will worship him thinking he is their messiah! (Rev. 13:11-18)

His kingdom is being manifested over the whole earth in the “policies” he has given mankind in “his” wisdom, letting them “think” it’s all their ideas and policies. Most people never realize, comprehend or understand that they are being totally deceived! Their “god” has them blinded! (II Cor. 4:4, Eph. 4:18) The masses have turned from their Creator to man and his “promised” benefits! Faith in God for his provision is no longer needed. We have “welfare”! (Mt. 6:25-34, Phil. 4:19) We have provoked our Provider to jealousy! (Ex. 34:14)

His, (the anti Christ’s), kingdom is quickly coming to fruition at a speed that is increasing every day. George Bush Sr. called it the new world order. Klaus Schwab and others are calling it the great reset. Their stated time for this all to be brought forth is the year 2030! But, only Jehovah God knows the exact date! If nations would bring forth heartfelt repentance, there surely could be a reprieve! But sadly, even most “churches” have very little idea or much concern about their sins of commission and omission!

Folks, we must try not to deceive ourselves or be deceived by others! (I Tim. 4:1, II Tim. 4:13, II Pet. 2:1-3) The most heart- breaking truth is the fact that the real “Fix” is offered to all! No cost at all to those who “will” receive The “Cure” for the darkness, fear and torment that plague most of the minds and hearts of mankind. The man of sin, known as the beast, anti-Christ and other names, will have a temporary fix! He is bringing massive chaos to the people of the world, but then he will bring about his “order” and dispel chaos temporarily. Do not be deceived!

If only the pure light of Christ was being preached and lived by all those who call themselves His followers, perhaps we would see healing spread around the world. Unfortunately, Matthew 5:13 pretty much describes the “light” of the church today! Many, many “Christians” I speak to seem to be depressed, angry, frustrated, tormented and walking in fear themselves! Friends, this ought not be so! If you are living in darkness, torment and fear, you are not walking in Christ and His light! Here are a few promises from God’s Word to help you understand that victory of this world system is available to all who receive the truth through faith in His promises!

First, and most importantly, you must live by faith in Him and His promises! It is impossible to have victory in Christ otherwise! (Heb. 10:23, 11:6, Rom. 1:17, Heb. 10:38) When an individual sincerely repents and trusts Christ to become His Saviour and Lord, the darkness, torment and fear is dispelled from their hearts and minds. In Colossians 1:13 we are promised to be taken out of the power (authority) of darkness into the Kingdom of Christ. If we walk in Christ we are no longer in darkness. (John 8:12, Eph. 5:8, Rev. 21:24) As we are promised in Phil. 3:20, we become “citizens” of Heaven. The word ‘conversation’ in this verse is Strong’s no. 4175. It literally means “citizenship”. Wow! Victory in Jesus!

In closing this article, let me bring one more fact to your mind. And that fact is that no matter how close you walk with Christ, you are still in the world! You will have trouble and tribulations as all men do! But by remaining “faithful” to God and His Word, we can overcome this world’s heartaches and trials! (John 16:33, I John 4:3-4, 5:4, I Tim. 3:12-13)

There is absolutely no reason for anyone to walk in fear, anxiety, depression, turmoil or anger. Christ is ready, willing and able to deliver you from Satan’s kingdom of darkness and slavery! (John 14:27, 16:33)

If you have any questions about His promise of salvation and hope of eternal life, please feel free to contact me at 304-846-4448 or at

© 2022 Butch Paugh – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Butch Paugh:

About the Author: Butch Paugh

Tune in to Pastor Butch Paugh’s broadcast Monday-Friday at 9:00 PM Est. on your S.W. ATTENTION! 7.520 & 3.215! Pastor Butch Paugh has been leading the charge for righteousness and truth as a radio talk show host for 17 years on AM and FM stations across the country, WWCR shortwave and the Genesis Communications Network on the internet. Call to Decision is much more than just a radio show, it is a world-wide ministry based on truth and liberty under the guidance of Our Father. Pastor Butch speaks the truth for all to hear.

Stay the Course, for the Goal Is in Sight!

4  For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope. 
5  Now the God of patience and consolation grant you to be likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus: 
6  That ye may with one mind and one mouth glorify God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

~ Romans 15:4-6 KJV

This article was published at News with Views on 21st June 2022 and which original can be read Here. Kindly visit Rolaant McKenzie’s ministry by clicking on the banner below.



Stay the Course, for the Goal Is in Sight!

By Rolaant McKenzie | June 21st, 2022

Whenever the Olympic games take place, I especially enjoy the opening and closing ceremonies. It is wonderful seeing athletes from all over the world wearing the distinctive garb of their countries and carrying their national flags.

During the opening ceremonies, it is customary for the athletes of the many participating nations to march into the stadium under their own nations’ flags. This is in preparation for the national teams to compete against each other to gain glory for their respective countries. In contrast, during the closing ceremonies flag bearers of the nations proceed into the stadium together followed by the athletes from the countries those flags represent. The athletes come into the stadium as one body singing, dancing, and celebrating their common bond that they participated in the Olympic games, no matter to what nation they belonged.

It is like Van Halen’s rendition of the song Dancing in the Street (originally sung by Martha & the Vandellas), where people from all over the world get out into the streets and swing and sway to sweet music, expressing their joy of life and celebrating it with each other.

Armin Van Buuren, the famous Dutch DJ, is known worldwide for his very energetic progressive trance and dance-pop music concerts. It is obvious the joy he feels as he brings joy to his hearers. Armin dances as he controls the synthesizer and other equipment rolling out the show. The lights and music amaze and excite the crowd as they dance together waving flags from nations around the world.

In a small way this reminds me of the joy that will be when Jesus returns and takes from every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues a great multitude which no one will be able to count home to heaven (Revelation 7:9-17), where with great joy they will sing, dance, and celebrate as they make their way down the streets of gold praising and thanking God. Praising Him as the Creator and Sustainer of all things and thanking Him for sending Jesus, His one and only Son, who redeemed them from their sins, the devil, and his minions who had tormented them on earth.

In the 2006 epic historical action film 300, Leonidas, King of Sparta, led 300 Spartan warriors during the Battle of Thermopylae (480 BC) in a seemingly hopeless fight to defend his home against the army of King Xerxes of Persia more than 1,000 times the size.

In a pivotal scene, Leonidas met personally with Xerxes, who offered him great wealth and power if only he would kneel and worship him.Leonidas refused Xerxes’ offer, choosing instead to meet death with his fellow warriors defending their home. He further told him that contrary to being forgotten, history would remember that free men stood against a tyrant, that few stood against many, and that in the end all would know that Xerxes was no god at all.

Ephialtes, a Spartan who was turned away from joining Leonidas in the fight against the Persian invaders due to a physical deformity that prevented him from holding up his shield high enough, became embittered and made a different choice. He defected to Xerxes, who offered him wealth, luxury, women, and a military uniform if only he would kneel and worship him and tell him of the hidden pathway where he could trap and destroy Leonidas and his men. Ephialtes, awed by and desirous to partake of the splendor around him, prostrated himself before Xerxes and worshiped him, thus betraying his countrymen.

The first scene in 300 is reminiscent of another temptation that took place long ago that has made an indelible mark in history.

“The devil took Him [Jesus] to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory; and he said to Him, ‘All these things I will give You, if You fall down and worship me.’ Then Jesus said to him, ‘Go, Satan! For it is written, ‘YOU SHALL WORSHIP THE LORD YOUR GOD, AND SERVE HIM ONLY.’” (Matthew 4:8-10)

Because Jesus refused the devil’s offer to gain rulership of the world by avoiding suffering and death on the cross, all who trust in Him have complete forgiveness of their sins and an eternal place in His universal kingdom with all its unfading glory.

In contrast, global elitists such as some of those affiliated with organizations like the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the Bilderberg Group may have responded to the offer of wealth and power in a similar fashion as Ephialtes by bending the knee to the “god” of this world (2 Corinthians 4:3-4). In doing so, they serve a defeated lord for a kingdom that will not last but will be destroyed and replaced by the eternal kingdom of the Resurrected One, the King of kings and Lord of lords, Jesus Christ.

God’s people throughout history up to current times, have faced tests to their faith and temptations to compromise their fidelity to Jesus. Like Xerxes in 300, the devil will come to us and dangle something in front of our eyes we desire, or feel is indispensable to life in this world. It could be wealth, power, position, something, or someone. He will whisper in your ear,

“Do you want this? All you must do is kneel to me and this will be yours.”

Do not listen to him! Satan is a liar, thief, and murderer. You cannot bargain with someone who seeks your destruction no matter what. Instead, trust in the One who gives freely abundant life, eternal life. Jesus says,

“I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.” (John 10:9-11)

Subtle or clear, whatever tests come or their level of difficulty, God’s grace is sufficient to carry us successfully through them just as it was for His faithful believers gone home to heaven before us. This is an encouragement for all who trust in Jesus alone for forgiveness of their sins and salvation to press on with the race to the not-so-distant finish line.

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to obtain an inheritance which is imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, who are protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.” (1 Peter 1:3-5)

One of the most memorable scenes at the end of the 2014 Winter Olympics opening ceremony at Fisht Olympic Stadium in Sochi, Russia was the end of the Olympic torch relay leading up to the lighting of the Olympic cauldron.

Former award-winning figure skater Irina Rodnina took the torch and was met by former champion ice hockey goalkeeper Vladislav Tretiak, handing the torch to him. On both sides of the long path leading out of the stadium to the cauldron were all those who previously participated in the program. It was moving to watch them cheer on Tretiak and Rodnina as they jogged out of the stadium to the culmination of the program, the lighting of the cauldron.

This reminded me of the great cloud of witnesses described in Hebrews 11-12:1-3, whose stories encourage us to remain faithful to God and stay in the race until the finish line is crossed.

“Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Hebrews 12:1-2)

Do not give way to even intense pressure or throw in the towel. Bend not the knee to Baal or Molech, or receive thirty pieces of silver, or drop the pinch of incense to Caesar. Do not cast aside the approval of God for the approval of men (John 12:42-43). Bow not to the powers and principalities in this world that animate the elitists seeking global domination over all life (Ephesians 6:11-13). Persevere, standing firm with hope in the Lord. It really is worth it!

“For whatever was written in earlier times was written for our instruction, so that through perseverance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. Now may the God who gives perseverance and encouragement grant you to be of the same mind with one another according to Christ Jesus, so that with one accord you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Romans 15:4-6)

© 2022 Rolaant McKenzie – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rolaant McKenzie:


About the Author: Rolaant McKenzie

Rolaant McKenzie operates Gospel Outreach Ministries Online, a Christian apologetics ministry dedicated to the proclamation of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ online, and discussing important contemporary issues from a Biblical perspective.

The Gospel According to Rome ~ Part 4:13

TRUTH Please first read the Introduction as to why these blog posts are necessary. Back to Part 4 Index.


The Catholic Church Teaches (ERROR)

13. Scripture and Tradition together are the Church’s supreme rule of faith [RC Catechism 80, 82].

80 "Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture, then, are bound closely together, and communicate one with the other. For both of them, flowing out from the same divine well-spring, come together in some fashion to form one thing, and move towards the same goal."40 Each of them makes present and fruitful in the Church the mystery of Christ, who promised to remain with his own "always, to the close of the age".41

40 DV 9.
41 Mt 28:20

82 As a result the Church, to whom the transmission and interpretation of Revelation is entrusted, "does not derive her certainty about all revealed truths from the holy Scriptures alone. Both Scripture and Tradition must be accepted and honoured with equal sentiments of devotion and reverence."44

44 DV 9.

The Bible Teaches (TRUTH)

Scripture is the church’s only rule of faith (Mark 7:7-13; 2 Timothy 3:16,17).

7 Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.
8 For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do.

9 And he said unto them,
Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition.
10 For Moses said, Honour thy father and thy mother; and, Whoso curseth father or mother, let him die the death:
11 But ye say, If a man shall say to his father or mother, It is Corban, that is to say, a gift, by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me; he shall be free.
12 And ye suffer him no more to do ought for his father or his mother;
13 Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.
~ Mark 7:7-13

16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. ~ 2 Timothy 3:16,17

Soli Deo Gloria

The Gospel According to Rome ~ Part 4:12

TRUTH Please first read the Introduction as to why these blog posts are necessary. Back to Part 4 Index.


The Catholic Church Teaches (ERROR)

12. Scripture and Tradition together are the Word of God [RC Catechism 81, 85, 97, 182].

81 "Sacred Scripture is the speech of God as it is put down in writing under the breath of the Holy Spirit."42

"and [Holy] Tradition transmits in its entirety the Word of God which has been entrusted to the apostles by Christ the Lord and the Holy Spirit. It transmits it to the successors of the apostles so that, enlightened by the Spirit of truth, they may faithfully preserve, expound and spread it abroad by their preaching."43

42 DV 9.
43 DV 9.

85 "The task of giving an authentic interpretation of the Word of God, whether in its written form or in the form of Tradition, has been entrusted to the living teaching office of the Church alone. Its authority in this matter is exercised in the name of Jesus Christ."47 This means that the task of interpretation has been entrusted to the
bishops in communion with the successor of Peter, the Bishop of Rome.

47 DV 10 # 2.

97 "Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture make up a single sacred deposit of the Word of God" (DV 10) in which, as in a mirror, the pilgrim Church contemplates God, the source of all her riches.

182 We believe all "that which is contained in the word of God, written or handed down, and which the Church proposes for belief as divinely revealed" (Paul VI, CPG # 20).

The Bible Teaches (TRUTH)

Scripture is the Word of God (John 10:35; 2 Timothy 3:16,17; 2 Peter 1:20,21). Tradition is the words of men (Mark 7:1-13).

35  If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken; ~ John 10:35

16  All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
17  That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. ~ 2 Timothy 3:16,17

20  Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. 
21  For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. ~ 2 Peter 1:20,21

1  Then came together unto him the Pharisees, and certain of the scribes, which came from Jerusalem. 
2  And when they saw some of his disciples eat bread with defiled, that is to say, with unwashen, hands, they found fault. 
3  For the Pharisees, and all the Jews, except they wash their hands oft, eat not, holding the tradition of the elders. 
4  And when they come from the market, except they wash, they eat not. And many other things there be, which they have received to hold, as the washing of cups, and pots, brasen vessels, and of tables. 
5  Then the Pharisees and scribes asked him, Why walk not thy disciples according to the tradition of the elders, but eat bread with unwashen hands? 
6  He answered and said unto them,
Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. 
7  Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. 
8  For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do.
9  And he said unto them,
Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition. 
10  For Moses said, Honour thy father and thy mother; and, Whoso curseth father or mother, let him die the death: 
11  But ye say, If a man shall say to his father or mother, It is Corban, that is to say, a gift, by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me; he shall be free. 
12  And ye suffer him no more to do ought for his father or his mother; 
13  Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.
~ Mark 7:1-13

Soli Deo Gloria

The Gospel According to Rome ~ Part 4:11

TRUTH Please first read the Introduction as to why these blog posts are necessary. Back to Part 4 Index.


The Catholic Church Teaches (ERROR)

11. The Magisterium has the right to define truth found only obscurely or implicitly in revelation [RC Catechism 66, 88, 2035, 2051].

66 "The Christian economy, therefore, since it is the new and definitive Covenant, will never pass away; and no new public revelation is to be expected before the glorious manifestation of our Lord Jesus Christ."28 Yet even if Revelation is already complete, it has not been made completely explicit; it remains for Christian faith gradually to grasp its full significance over the course of the centuries.

28 DV 4; cf. I Tim 6:14; Titus 2:13

88 The Church’s Magisterium exercises the authority it holds from Christ to the fullest extent when it defines dogmas, that is, when it proposes, in a form obliging the Christian people to an irrevocable adherence of faith, truths contained in divine Revelation or also when it proposes, in a definitive way, truths having a necessary connection with these.

2035 The supreme degree of participation in the authority of Christ is ensured by the charism of infallibility. This infallibility extends as far as does the deposit of divine Revelation; it also extends to all those elements of doctrine, including morals, without which the saving truths of the faith cannot be preserved, explained, or observed.77

77 Cf. LG 25; CDF, declaration, Mysterium Ecclesiae 3.

2051 The infallibility of the Magisterium of the Pastors extends to all the elements of doctrine, including moral doctrine, without which the saving truths of the faith cannot be preserved, expounded, or observed.

The Ten Commandments

Exodus 20 2-17

I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt,
out of the house of bondage.

You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself a graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them or serve them; for I the LORD your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments.

You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain.

Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your work; but the seventh day is a sabbath to the LORD your God; in it you shall not do any work, you, or your son, or your daughter, your manservant or your maidservant or your cattle, or the sojourner who is within your gates; for in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day; therefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day and hallowed it.

Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land which the LORD your God gives you.

You shall not kill.

You shall not commit adultery.

You shall not steal.

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your
neighbor’s wife, or his manservant or his maidservant or his ox, or his ass, or anything that is your neighbor’s.

Deuteronomy 5:6-21

I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt
out of the house of bondage.

You shall have no other gods before me . . .

You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain . . .

Observe the sabbath day, to keep it holy. . .

Honor your father and your mother . . .

You shall not kill.

Neither shall you commit adultery.

Neither shall you steal.

Neither shall you bear false witness against your neighbor.

Neither shall you covet your neighbor’s wife .

You shall not desire . . . anything that is your neighbor’s.

A Traditional Catechetical Formula

1. I am the LORD your God: you shall not have strange Gods before

2. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.

3. Remember to keep holy the LORD’S Day.

4. Honor your father and your mother.

5. You shall not kill.

6. You shall not commit adultery.

7. You shall not steal.

8. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

9. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife.

10. You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods.

The Bible Teaches (TRUTH)

No one has the right to go beyond what is written in Scripture (1 Corinthians 4:6; Deuteronomy 4:2; 12:32; Proverbs 30:6; Revelation 22:18,19).

6  And these things, brethren, I have in a figure transferred to myself and to Apollos for your sakes; that ye might learn in us not to think of men above that which is written, that no one of you be puffed up for one against another. ~ 1 Corinthians 4:6

2  Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you. ~ Deuteronomy 4:2

32  What thing soever I command you, observe to do it: thou shalt not add thereto, nor diminish from it. ~ Deuteronomy 12:32 

6  Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar. ~ Proverbs 30:6

18  For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: 
19  And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. ~ Revelation 22:18,19

The true Ten Commandments can be read in Exodus 20:2-17 and in Deuteronomy 5:6-21.

2  I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. 
3  Thou shalt have no other gods before me. 
4  Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: 
5  Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; 
6  And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments. 
7  Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. 
8  Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. 
9  Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: 
10  But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:
11  For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.
12  Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.
13  Thou shalt not kill.
14  Thou shalt not commit adultery.
15  Thou shalt not steal.
16  Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.
17  Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s. ~ Exodus 20:1-17

6  I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. 
7  Thou shalt have none other gods before me. 
8  Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: 
9  Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, 
10  And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments.
11  Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.
12  Keep the sabbath day to sanctify it, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee.
13  Six days thou shalt labour, and do all thy work:
14  But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thine ox, nor thine ass, nor any of thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; that thy manservant and thy maidservant may rest as well as thou.
15  And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and that the LORD thy God brought thee out thence through a mighty hand and by a stretched out arm: therefore the LORD thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day.
16  Honour thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.
17  Thou shalt not kill.
18  Neither shalt thou commit adultery.
19  Neither shalt thou steal. 
20  Neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbour. 
21  Neither shalt thou desire thy neighbour’s wife, neither shalt thou covet thy neighbour’s house, his field, or his manservant, or his maidservant, his ox, or his ass, or any thing that is thy neighbour’s. ~ Deuteronomy 5:6-21

Soli Deo Gloria

The Gospel According to Rome ~ Part 4:10

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The Catholic Church Teaches (ERROR)

10. Scripture is to be interpreted in the sense in which it has been defined by the Magisterium [RC Catechism 113, 119].

113 2. Read the Scripture within "the living Tradition of the whole Church". According to a saying of the Fathers, Sacred Scripture is written principally in the Church’s heart rather than in documents and records, for the Church carries in her Tradition the living memorial of God’s Word, and it is the Holy Spirit who gives her the spiritual interpretation of the Scripture (". . . according to the spiritual meaning which the Spirit grants to the Church"81).

81 Origen, Hom. in Lev. 5, 5: PG 12, 454D.

119 "It is the task of exegetes to work, according to these rules, towards a better understanding and explanation of the meaning of Sacred Scripture in order that their research may help the Church to form a firmer judgement. For, of course, all that has been said about the manner of interpreting Scripture is ultimately subject to the judgement of the Church which exercises the divinely conferred
commission and ministry of watching over and interpreting the Word of God."88

88 DV 12 # 3.

The Bible Teaches (TRUTH)

Scripture must be interpreted in the original sense intended by the Holy Spirit (2 Peter 3:14-16).

14  Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless.
15  And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you;
16  As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction. ~ 2 Peter 3:14-16

Soli Deo Gloria

The Gospel According to Rome ~ Part 4:9

TRUTH Please first read the Introduction as to why these blog posts are necessary. Back to Part 4 Index.


The Catholic Church Teaches (ERROR)

9. The Magisterium alone has the ability and the right to interpret Scripture [RC Catechism 85, 100, 939].

85 "The task of giving an authentic interpretation of the Word of God, whether in its written form or in the form of Tradition, has been entrusted to the living teaching office of the Church alone. Its authority in this matter is exercised in the name of Jesus Christ."47 This means that the task of interpretation has been entrusted to the
bishops in communion with the successor of Peter, the Bishop of Rome.

47 DV 10 # 2.

100 The task of interpreting the Word of God authentically has been entrusted solely to the Magisterium of the Church, that is, to the Pope and to the bishops in communion with him.

939 Helped by the priests, their co-workers, and by the deacons, the bishops have the duty of authentically teaching the faith, celebrating divine worship, above all the Eucharist, and guiding their Churches as true pastors. Their responsibility also includes concern for all the Churches, with and under the Pope.

The Bible Teaches (TRUTH)

Every Christian, aided by the Holy Spirit, has the ability and the right to interpret Scripture (Acts 17:11; 1 Corinthians 2:12-16).

11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so. ~ Acts 17:11

12  Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.
13  Which things also we speak, not in the words which man’s wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.
14  But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
15  But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man.
16  For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ. ~ 1 Corinthians 2:12-16

Soli Deo Gloria

The Gospel According to Rome ~ Part 4:8

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The Catholic Church Teaches (ERROR)

8. The Pope is infallible in his authoritative teaching [RC Catechism 891].

891 "The Roman Pontiff, head of the college of bishops, enjoys this infallibility in virtue of his office, when, as supreme pastor and teacher of all the faithful – who confirms his brethren in the faith he proclaims by a definitive act a doctrine pertaining to faith or morals…. the infallibility promised to the Church is also present in the body of bishops when, together with Peter’s successor, they exercise the supreme Magisterium," above all in an Ecumenical Council.418 When the Church through its supreme Magisterium proposes a doctrine "for belief as being divinely revealed,"419 and as the teaching of Christ, the definitions "must be adhered to with the obedience of faith."420 This infallibility extends as far as the deposit of divine Revelation itself.421

419 DV 10 # 2.
420 LG 25 # 2.
421 Cf. LG 25.

The Bible Teaches (TRUTH)

God alone is infallible (Numbers 23:19).

19  God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? ~ Numbers 23:19

Soli Deo Gloria

The Gospel According to Rome ~ Part 4:7

TRUTH Please first read the Introduction as to why these blog posts are necessary. Back to Part 4 Index.


The Catholic Church Teaches (ERROR)

7. The Magisterium is the infallible interpreter of Scripture [RC Catechism 890-891, 2034-2035].

890 The mission of the Magisterium is linked to the definitive nature of the covenant established by God with his people in Christ. It is this Magisterium’s task to preserve God’s people from deviations and defections and to guarantee them the objective possibility of professing the true faith without error. Thus, the pastoral duty of the Magisterium is aimed at seeing to it that the People of God abides in the truth that liberates. To fulfill this service, Christ endowed the Church’s shepherds with the charism of infallibility in matters of faith and morals. the exercise of this charism takes several forms:

891 "The Roman Pontiff, head of the college of bishops, enjoys this infallibility in virtue of his office, when, as supreme pastor and teacher of all the faithful – who confirms his brethren in the faith he proclaims by a definitive act a doctrine pertaining to faith or morals…. the infallibility promised to the Church is also present in the body of bishops when, together with Peter’s successor, they exercise the supreme Magisterium," above all in an Ecumenical Council.418 When the Church through its supreme Magisterium proposes a doctrine "for belief as being divinely revealed,"419 and as the teaching of Christ, the definitions "must be adhered to with the obedience of faith."420 This infallibility extends as far as the deposit of divine Revelation itself.421

419 DV 10 # 2.
420 LG 25 # 2.
421 Cf. LG 25.

2034 The Roman Pontiff and the bishops are "authentic teachers, that is, teachers endowed with the authority of Christ, who preach the faith to the people entrusted to them, the faith to be believed and put into practice."76 The ordinary and universal Magisterium of the Pope and the bishops in communion with him teach the faithful the truth to believe, the charity to practice, the beatitude to hope for.

2035 The supreme degree of participation in the authority of Christ is ensured by the charism of infallibility. This infallibility extends as far as does the deposit of divine Revelation; it also extends to all those elements of doctrine, including morals, without which the saving truths of the faith cannot be preserved, explained, or observed.77

76 LG 25.
77 Cf. LG 25; CDF, declaration, Mysterium Ecclesiae 3.

The Bible Teaches (TRUTH)

Scripture is the only infallible interpreter of Scripture (Acts 17:11).

11  These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so. ~ Acts 17:11

Soli Deo Gloria

The Gospel According to Rome ~ Part 4:6

TRUTH Please first read the Introduction as to why these blog posts are necessary. Back to Part 4 Index.


The Catholic Church Teaches (ERROR)

6. The Magisterium is the authoritative teacher of the Church [RC Catechism 85-87].

85 "The task of giving an authentic interpretation of the Word of God, whether in its written form or in the form of Tradition, has been entrusted to the living teaching office of the Church alone. Its authority in this matter is exercised in the name of Jesus Christ."47 This means that the task of interpretation has been entrusted to the
bishops in communion with the successor of Peter, the Bishop of Rome.

86 "Yet this Magisterium is not superior to the Word of God, but is its servant. It teaches only what has been handed on to it. At the divine command and with the help of the Holy Spirit, it listens to this devotedly, guards it with dedication and expounds it faithfully. All that it proposes for belief as being divinely revealed is drawn from this single deposit of faith."48

87 Mindful of Christ’s words to his apostles: "He who hears you, hears me",49 The faithful receive with docility the teachings and directives that their pastors give them in different forms.

47 DV 10 # 2.
48 DV 10 para 2.
49 Lk 10:16; cf. LG 20.

The Bible Teaches (TRUTH)

The Holy Spirit is the authoritative teacher of the church (John 14:26; 16:13; 1 John 2:27).

26  But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. ~ John 14:26

13  Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. ~ John 16:13

27  But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him. ~ 1 John 2:27

Soli Deo Gloria