Psychiatrist Blows the Whistle on Pandemic Fearmongering

13 He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him. ~ Proverbs 18:13 KJV

In a South African context concerning scientists that were appointed to the MAC (Ministerial Advisory Committee) which can be read at the previous blog posts titled Coronavirus Plandemic and The NCCC and the MAC, the following extracts are quoted from the latter article:

On 30th September 2020 in a follow-up MedicalBrief article titled Mkhize culls his critics in order to ‘strengthen’ the MACs – Medical Brief[16], which article is quoted hereunder, deals with the MAC scientists that were ‘culled’ because they spoke out against minister Zweli Mkhize and the Health Department’s/Government’s implementation of unscientific regulations and decisions taken. Whilst Mkhize tries to explain away why this course of action was taken it is evident to anyone with an IQ >20 that he is looking for “advisory members” who will fall in line with his and the government’s rubber stamping of their decisions whether scientific or unscientific.

Further on writer quotes an extract from the aforementioned Medicalbrief article dealing with minister Zweli Mkhize’s ‘culling’ of the scientists, which reads as follows:

The move came as a surprise. Initially, a fortnight ago, Mkhize announced that the MACs would be “pulling in” social and behavioural scientists because of “the changing pattern of the pandemic”, and that there would be a new MAC established to focus on vaccine development. Nothing was said about the planned removal from the MAC of some of SA’s top scientists.

At the time when I read that the South African “MACs would be “pulling” in social and behavioural scientists because of “the changing pattern of the pandemic”” my impression at the time was that the “plandemic” had moved from a “virus disease pandemic” to a “psychological / psychiatric pandemic”. Now after watching the video and reading the following article, Dr. Peter Breggin who is interviewed by Dr. Joseph Mercola succinctly explains the psychiatric manipulation enforced by the elitist globalists who are pushing the COVID-19 narrative by using the fear appeal or fearmongering to control the masses. Scientifically this now makes a whole lot of sense to a layman like myself. Remember what I have also written on concerning “Order out of Chaos” in the Coronavirus Plandemic article.

I encourage every person reading this to read the Interview Transcript hereunder at the link.


Psychiatrist Blows the Whistle on Pandemic Fearmongering

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola / Fact Checked

November 29, 2020

Download Interview Transcript  |  Download my FREE Podcast

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  • There’s an entire school of research within public health on how to frighten people, known as “fear appeal”
  • Fear appeal is based on the premise that to successfully implement a public health measure, you must first highlight a threat. And, to work, the threat must be made personal, so that people fear for their personal safety
  • Next, you give people something immediate to do that will set them on the path of cooperating with the plan in its entirety. Examples during the COVID-19 pandemic include not leaving your house, wearing a mask, staying 6 feet apart, closing certain businesses and keeping children home from school. In the future, we can expect to be told we must get vaccinated and digitally tracked before we can resume life as normal
  • By adding confusion to the mix, you can bring an individual from fear to anxiety — a state of confusion in which you can no longer think logically. In this state, you are more easily manipulated
  • Eventually, when the fear and anxiety are great enough, desperation sets in, at which point people are willing to do just about anything to get relief

Dr. Mercola Interviews the Experts

This article is part of a weekly series in which Dr. Mercola interviews various experts on a variety of health issues. To see more expert interviews, click here.

Dr. Peter Breggin, a psychiatrist, has written more than a dozen bestselling books on psychiatry and the drug industry. He’s frequently referred to as “the conscience of psychiatry” because he was able to successfully reform the psychiatric profession, abolishing lobotomies and other harmful experimental psychosurgeries.

This past year, he’s homed in on COVID-19 and the fears around it, which is the topic of this interview. He also started researching the history of Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has been the face of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, learning more than he bargained for in the process.

“He just looked like this kindly gentleman, until I started to listen to what he was saying and to look into what he was doing,” Breggin says. “In early April, [my wife] Ginger brought this scientific article to me and said, ‘Honey, this looks like it’s impossible, it’s fake or something.’

It was a 2015 article by a big team from North Carolina [led by] Ralph Baric,1 He’s the final author on it and the power behind it, although the lead author is Vineet D. Menachery.2 This article is talking about making a coronavirus that’s going to be a new epidemic agent. They’re talking about it. They’ve actually accomplished it — and it’s a SARS coronavirus.

It’s a virus that will infect the lungs that comes from bats … And they’re checking it out and they find that it will infect human lung epithelium. They give it to mice and the older mice are getting very sick and ones that are compromised die.

It sounds … [like] the precursor of SARS-CoV-2. They even tried, by the way, to make a vaccine for it and they couldn’t. And I’m thinking, ‘My God, what’s going on here?’ And then I look down the line of all these authors. There are [two] Chinese names there … and they list themselves as being from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

And then I look who’s funding it. Well, China is funding it. And Fauci is funding it from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. I’m thinking to myself, ‘My God, we’re giving the Chinese a biomedical weapon’ … [The two Chinese authors] turn out to be two of the very, very top Chinese people in this, what is essentially a military lab. The Wuhan Institute, nothing like that is anything but military in China.”

What Is Fauci’s Role in the Bio-Assault on the World?

Breggin claims he was able to share the information with someone close to President Trump, and three days after sharing this finding, the president canceled the U.S.-Chinese research collaboration that was working on coronavirus gain-of-function research.

However, Fauci quickly took hold of the American research efforts and in October 2020 injected additional funding. Some of that funding will surely still end up in China, Breggin says, by way of the EcoHealth Alliance, which for years has subcontracted research work to the Wuhan Institute. Fauci also gave additional money to the University of Texas. Breggin explains:

“In Galveston, there is a Level 4 biosafety lab that can work with the most dangerous viruses. So, I decided to look into this. It’s not great magic to it, you have to use some search engines like DuckDuckGo. I [searched for] ‘China’ and ‘the Galveston Institute,’ and I got … a press release … bragging about their relationships with the Wuhan Institute, working on viruses.

So, no wonder he’s sending them money. I start digging deeper and I come across a letter from the education department to the University of Texas, saying they’ve not been forthcoming about their connections to China and the Communist Party (CCP), and in particular from the institute in Galveston.

So, I’m looking at this network of connections with China. They list them all. We have a blog out about that too now. And I realized there’s nothing stopping Fauci. Absolutely nothing is stopping him. He is going to carry on his assault on the world. And Fauci knew that the Wuhan Institute was unsafe.”

Breggin delves into some of the backstory that helps explain what’s been happening. In 2014, then-President Obama called for a moratorium on gain-of-function research [making harmless viruses virulent] in the U.S. He did not, however, mention collaborations with the CCP. To get around Obama’s moratorium, Fauci outsourced the gain-of-function research to the Wuhan Institute.

Based on the evidence, which Breggin details in a recent report featured in “Fauci’s Treacherous Ties to China and Globalists,” Fauci appears to play an important role in the global takeover by technocrats.

Technocracy is an economic system in which the world is ruled not by democratically elected politicians but by technocrats — a conglomerate of ultra-wealthy elites, scientists and technicians whose aim is to rule the global population and the allocation of resources through the use of technology.

Fear Is the Tool of Tyrants

Breggin was asked to be the medical legal expert in a lawsuit to put a stop to the never-ending emergency edict by the governor of Ohio. In his medical legal brief,3 Breggin detailed why shutdowns aren’t working, and the harm they inflict on the population.

This lawsuit has also stirred up other anti-lockdown projects around the U.S. You can find more information about all of this on It’s important to recognize that the primary tool that enables local and state leaders to implement unconstitutional mandates such as universal mask wearing, business shut-downs and draconian stay-at-home orders is fear.

Unless people are terrified, they won’t agree to such freedom-robbing edicts. This is a well-known fact, and as noted by Breggin, there’s an entire school of research within public health on how to frighten people, known as “fear appeal.”

“What an odd name: Fear appeal. It’s a euphemism for scaring people to death. That’s how you ‘appeal’ to them. And it’s a very long standing [field of research].

The particular article [Ginger and I] studied together made several points. It said, first, you have to not only create something or have something that people are afraid of in order to get your public health measures imposed, but you have to make it personal to them, you have to make them afraid personally.

Then you have to give them something immediate to do to begin cooperating with the plans that you have. We have many examples of that. Things to immediately do [are]: Don’t leave the house; wear a mask; stay 6 feet apart; start closing down businesses and so on. Don’t let your kids go to school and on and on …

That got me into looking more deeply at the whole question of public health. And public health, sad to say, is essentially a totalitarian model. It does not raise issues of collateral damage, it doesn’t raise issues of the Bill of Rights, the constitution, of liberty, the right to people to die with their boots on, the American tradition of individuals and their own communities making decisions.

There is no such concept. It starts with the assumption that what public health officials think is true and must be applied regardless of the context. And we see this with this globalism.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re working in Africa or in Communist China, North Vietnam or America, these are the principles, they’re about politics above everything. It’s quite astounding. So, [public health] became something that was perfectly usable by the most extreme totalitarianism …

At the top is extraordinarily wealthy and powerful people and organizations. I see it as a kind of a cooperative but competing group that welcomed Communist China, which shows how little these people — like Fauci and the World Bank and our governments in the Western world —worry about anything except wealth and power.

Once they invited Communist China into this circle, China became a big, big player along these world predators and let each other be. Until Trump came along, no major figure stood up and said, ‘No, no, we’re going to go back to the [way things were].”

The Psychology of Learned Helplessness

Fear is undoubtedly one of the most powerful motivating emotions for individuals, and the single most powerful intervention capable of controlling an entire population. It’s certainly hard to miss that fear has been used to control the masses during the COVID-19 pandemic.


By adding confusion to the mix, you can bring an individual from fear to anxiety, a state of confusion in which you cannot think straight anymore.


Governments now have access to incredibly sophisticated technologies, including artificial intelligence and machine learning, which is being used for all it’s worth to push this fear propaganda. The end goal is to push us into a state of helplessness, so that they can come in and “rescue” us. For decades, Breggin has studied learned helplessness and its remedies. 

“When we’re born, we’re fundamentally helpless. All we can do to be taken care of is to express pain, we can cry, we can wiggle, we can express suffering. But we have no ability to take control of the environment other than by hopefully attracting our caregivers that cuddle us or look for a thorn in the side or whatever.

And that remains an aspect of humanity. That never leaves us. All of us can at some point be made to feel helpless again. And when we feel helpless, we become like the infant. We feel we have to be saved, basically. We look to other people, we look to drugs, alcohol, we look to authoritarian religions, we look to leaders of all kinds.”

From Fear to Anxiety to Desperation

As explained by Breggin, by adding confusion to the mix, you can bring an individual from fear to anxiety, a state of confusion in which you cannot think straight anymore. One of the characteristics of a panic attack or an anxiety attack is the loss of the ability to think. You become helpless and confused. Eventually, desperation sets in, at which point people are willing to do just about anything to get relief.

“So this, folks, is a web of fear,” Breggin says. “It’s all about scaring us, confusing us, making us helpless. I recently wrote a chapter that I may or may not put it in the book about my 85 years of looking at fear, because I was alive during World War II. I went down to the beach when I was 4 or 5 years old and would find remnants of our sailors’ life rafts where they sunk right off the water’s edge.

We were afraid of bombs called blockbusters, we hid under the tables and chairs and whatever we could find in school desks for fear of blockbusters. I went through the horrors of the polio [epidemic]. My closest friend died of polio two days after I was wrestling with him. I know fear, I know epidemics … the Vietnam War … 9/11.

And never until Fauci … have I seen leaders say ‘Be afraid.’ I couldn’t believe it when they found a comment made in private by Trump that he wanted to reassure and not scare the people. That was his supposed villainousness — not wanting to scare people.

That’s what Roosevelt did, that’s what every single person has done in great moments of crisis — they have said ‘Let us not be afraid,’ because we all know that a country that is unafraid and is doing as much of its normal activity as possible, is the strongest possible country.

That’s an actual public health principle — that we function best when we are living a normal life, unafraid, and we have ideals and goals like American liberty and freedom to strive for.”

The Biology of Fear

So, just what happens in your body when you experience fear? Importantly, it “quite literally scrambles our brains,” Breggin says. The good news is you have the power to control your mind and to calm down. The bad news is you don’t think you have any control over your mind.

Anxiety overwhelms us, it makes us stupid, it makes us desperately want somebody to take over. But what we need is somebody who says you don’t have anything to fear, the anxiety won’t kill you; [someone who] will calm you down and tell you everything’s going to be fine, you don’t have to be helpless.

But we are getting the exact opposite message from Biden and Fauci … The pharmaceutical industry and the very wealthy need this fear because they’re making a fortune on this fear … getting all their drugs and vaccines ready.”

The Antidotes to Corruption Are Reason, Love and Liberty

Realizing the depth of the scientific corruption was part of why Breggin and his wife, Ginger, decided to take on this whole new field of investigation.

“We knew we had the research expertise and the scientific expertise. And I’ve got so many published books and scientific articles that I don’t think anybody can doubt I’m a researcher and a scientist,” he says.

“It was so mind-blowing to see the degree of corruption. I actually imagined standing in front of God, explaining why I didn’t do anything. That didn’t fly very well. I think the best antidote to looking at all this corruption is, first of all, to know this world has always been a corrupt place …

So, we need to learn to keep our own free will intact, and to love. We need reason and love. We can reason, we can love and respect the liberty of other people. Those are my three key words in life: Reason, love and liberty … You want to overcome your helplessness, [and you] do that with reason.”

What’s at Stake

Educating and supporting others are other strategies that can be helpful. Investigate things for yourself, and then share what you’ve learned with others. The way out of helplessness is to be of service to others, to contribute in some way. As noted by Breggin:

“We need to buckle up at this point and really see ourselves as an example of succeeding in the face of all this, and to spread it however far and wide we can … We weren’t promised an easy life.

There’s just no place that I know of that is a mammoth promise of an easy life. Life is difficult. Right now, I think the single most important thing is not the virus, it’s saving freedom in America.

One of the things I want to say to the progressive folks — and for a good chunk of my life, I was a very strong progressive — most of you are idealists, most of you would like to see the improvement of mankind. But that is not what’s going on in the world right now …

It is not about being a conservative, it is not about being a progressive. We are dealing with international predators that are just as happy to work with Iran, or North Korea, or North Vietnam or China. They are only interested in wealth and power. They have no real deep commitment to progressivism or capitalism. And … they haven’t got the slightest interest in free enterprise. Bill Gates is not a figure of free enterprise.

You got to get this straight. These people are not for liberty. This entire powerful international movement that I’m calling predatory globalists are motivated by wealth and power. They have reached the pinnacles of power, which are always corrupting.

Bill Gates has three people on his board of trustees: Himself, his wife and Warren Buffett — the No. 2 and No. 4 wealthiest people in the world. This is power beyond imagination. They are not wedded to anything except power and wealth. Wealth is a way to [power] and they’re using technocrats to do this.”

More Information

I agree with Breggin that the most important thing right now is to recognize that what we’re facing is an acute challenge to our society, our culture, that must be faced head-on. We need to aid our fellow human beings as best as we can with information, knowledge, that the conventional mainstream media is not telling them.

In fact, mainstream media are a significant part of the problem, because they’re being used as a tool to implement the technocrats’ agenda. For this reason, it has become imperative to seek out other channels of information, most of which are becoming progressively more censored and harder to find.

To stay on top of Breggin’s investigations, be sure to sign up for newsletter alerts on his website, He also has a radio and TV show that airs once a week. On his website, you’ll also find links to Breggin’s report4 on Fauci’s CCP connections, titled “Dr. Fauci’s COVID-19 Treachery,” and his legal report,5 “COVID-19 & Public Health Totalitarianism: Untoward Effects on Individuals, Institutions and Society.”

Also see Dr. Breggin’s YouTube Channel with many videos about COVID-19, including the September 2020 video, “US and China Collaborated to Make a Deadly Virus,” with 56,600 views.6

Sources and References

Former Pfizer Science Officer Reveals Great COVID-19 Scam

13 He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him. ~ Proverbs 18:13 KJV

Zero Excess COVID Deaths, How They’re Twisting the Numbers

The former vice president is speaking out about his concerns they’re twisting the numbers to greatly exaggerate the false idea the pandemic is resurging, and we need a vaccine – even though the total mortality rate is completely normal. ~

This is also very applicable in the context of a South African audience – in fact a global audience for that matter.


Former Pfizer Science Officer Reveals Great COVID-19 Scam

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola / Fact Checked

November 25, 2020

  • There are no excess deaths. The same number of people have died in 2020 that, on average, have died in previous years. This simply wouldn’t be the case if we had a lethal pandemic
  • The slight uptick in deaths now being reported in the U.K. aren’t due to COVID-19. Data show these deaths — primarily people aged 45 to 65, with equal distribution between the sexes — are mainly due to heart disease, stroke and cancer, which suggests they are excess deaths caused by lack of routine medical care due to the pandemic restrictions
  • The PCR test is not a valid diagnostic tool and should not be done on the scale we’re now doing it. The high rate of false positives is only fodder for needless fearmongering
  • Virtually no one who is asymptomatic has the live virus, but when you run the test at a cycle threshold over 30, meaning you amplify the viral RNA more than 30 times, you end up with a positive test even if the virus is inactive and noninfectious
  • According to Michael Yeadon, Ph.D., a former vice-president and chief scientific adviser of the drug company Pfizer, very few people will need the COVID-19 vaccine as the mortality rate is so low and the illness is clearly not causing excess deaths

I’ve written several articles about scientists and medical doctors who question the official narrative about the COVID-19 pandemic and the global measures put into place because of it, from useless testing, mask wearing and social distancing, to lockdowns, tracking and tracing and the baseless fearmongering driving it all.

In a video, British journalist Anna Brees interviews Michael Yeadon, Ph.D., a former vice-president and chief scientific adviser of the drug company Pfizer and founder and CEO of the biotech company Ziarco, now owned by Novartis.

In it, he discusses several concerns, including his belief that widespread PCR testing is creating the false idea that the pandemic is resurging, as the total mortality rate is completely normal. He also discusses his concerns about COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

PCR Testing Is Causing a False ‘Casedemic’

As I explained in “Asymptomatic ‘Casedemic’ Is a Perpetuation of Needless Fear,” by using PCR testing, which cannot diagnose active infection, a false narrative has been created.

Currently, rising “cases,” meaning positive tests, are again being used as the justification to impose more severe restrictions, including lockdowns and mandatory mask wearing, when in fact positive tests have nothing to do with the actual spread of illness.

According to Yeadon, the U.K. has now tested an estimated 30 million people, or close to half of the population. “A large number of those tests have been recent,” Yeadon says, noting that the definition of a “coronavirus death” in the U.K. is anyone who dies, from any cause, within 28 days of a positive COVID-19 test.


You cannot have a lethal pandemic stalking the land and not have excess deaths. ~ Michael Yeadon, Ph.D.


So, what we’re seeing now is a natural death rate — about 1,700 people die each day in the U.K. in any given year, Yeadon says — but many of these deaths are now falsely attributed to COVID-19. “I’m calling out the statistics, and even the claim that there is an ongoing pandemic, as false,” he says.

He challenges anyone who doesn’t believe him to seek out any database on total mortality. If you do that, you will find that the daily death count is “absolutely bang-on normal,” Yeadon says.

For some months, the death count is actually slightly lower than the average norm over the past five years. And, he adds, “You cannot have a lethal pandemic stalking the land and not have excess deaths.”

Lack of Routine Medical Care Is Causing Uptick in Deaths

The slight uptick in deaths that are now being reported simply aren’t directly due to COVID-19, he insists. Data show these deaths — primarily people aged 45 to 65, with equal distribution between the sexes — are mainly from heart disease, stroke and cancer, which suggests they are excess deaths caused by inaccessibility of routine medical care as people are either afraid or discouraged from going to the hospital.

These deaths may be characterized as being COVID related, but that’s only because they have been falsely lumped into that category due to false positives being recorded within 28 days of death.

Again, people are being tested very regularly, and the rate of false positives is extremely high. All hospital patients are also tested upon admission, so when they die — regardless of the cause — they’re likely to have a false positive on their record, which then lumps them into the death tally for COVID-19.

“The longer you stay in hospital, the more likely you are to die, obviously,” Yeadon says. “You would be released if you were well and improving. So … long-stay patients are both more likely to die statistically, and much more likely to be tested so often that they’ll have a false positive test.

That is what I think is happening … It’s a convenience for someone playing some macabre game, because I don’t think it’s an error anymore … I’ve spoken to people in [public health] and they’re embarrassed that they’re not even being allowed to characterize and publish the information you would need to know to work out how useful the test is. That’s not being done.”

Can You Get Reinfected?

Yeadon also says he’s “sick and tired” of people claiming that immunity against SARS-CoV-2 may wane after a short time, leaving you vulnerable to reinfection. If you’ve been ill with COVID-19 and recover, you will have antibodies against the virus, and you will be immune, he says.

He understands that journalists may get this wrong, or may be given incorrect information, but if a scientist says this, “they are lying to you,” he says. Yeadon categorically denies the premise that you can recover from COVID-19 and later get reinfected and experience severe illness again.

According to Yeadon, there are only two ways by which COVID-19 would not provide lasting immunity. The first would be if it destroys your immune system. The HIV virus, for example, which causes AIDS, disarms your immune system, causing permanent impairment. Hence you do not become immune to the HIV virus. Coronaviruses do not do that.

The second way is if the virus mutates, which is common among influenza viruses. If the virus mutates, your immune system may not fully recognize it and will have to mount a defense again, thereby creating another set of antibodies. However, coronaviruses are genetically stable, Yeadon says.

(For transparency, there have been reports of SARS-CoV-2 mutating,1 so it’s not impossible that some people might get reinfected with a slightly mutated version of the virus that might make them sick again.)

Hidden Agenda in Plain Sight

As noted by Yeadon, people are now changing the laws of immunology, which simply shouldn’t happen. This should not be a political issue, but somehow it is being treated as one. He claims to have no ideas at all as to why these false narratives are being created, and why scientific truth that contradicts the mainstream narrative is being censored.

Others, however, have become more outspoken about this issue, pointing out how the pandemic is being used as a convenient excuse and justification for redistribution of wealth and the technocratic takeover of the whole world under the banner of a Great Reset to a “more equitable” social order and greener commerce.

It’s being used to usher in social changes that simply could never be introduced without some sort of calamity, be it war or a biological threat, because they involve a radical limitation of personal freedoms and the elimination of privacy. Those in charge of pandemic response measures also refuse to take into account the price of these measures.

When making public health decisions, you need to calculate the cost in terms of lives saved and the price in dollars and cents of saving those people, against the cost of not implementing the measure in question. This is not being done. The question is why is such an illogical stance being taken?

Yeadon on Vaccination

Toward the end of the interview, Yeadon addresses the issue of COVID-19 vaccination. Many are nervous about it becoming mandatory, and rightfully so. Vaccine passports are already being rolled out, and all the indicators point to vaccination becoming a requirement for travel, perhaps even within national borders.

Having spent his career in the pharmaceutical industry, Yeadon fully supports vaccination, believing they prevent large numbers of deaths. However, when it comes to SARS-CoV-2, he believes the vaccine will only benefit the elderly. For those over 80, a vaccine might give them a few more months of life.

“Nobody else needs this [vaccine],” he says. “You don’t vaccinate a population because 1 in 1 million might have a bad outcome [from the infection].” He also strongly believes the vaccine must be voluntary:

It’s an appalling … public platform to suggest that the only way we get our lives back is to mass vaccinate the population. Something very smelly is going on. It’s simply not appropriate. I don’t even think it would work.”

In an open letter to the British health minister, Yeadon wrote:2

I have read the consultation document. I’ve rarely been as shocked and upset. All vaccines against the SARS-COV-2 virus are by definition novel. No candidate vaccine has been in development for more than a few months. If any such vaccine is approved for use under any circumstances that are not EXPLICITLY experimental, I believe that recipients are being misled to a criminal extent.

This is because there are precisely zero human volunteers for whom there could possibly be more than a few months past-dose safety information. My concern does not arise because I have negative views about vaccines (I don’t).

Instead, it’s the very principle that politicians seem ready to waive that new medical interventions at this, incomplete state of development, should not be made available to subjects on anything other than an explicitly experimental basis. That’s my concern.

And the reason for that concern is that it is not known what the safety profile will be, six months or a year or longer after dosing. You have literally no data on this and neither does anyone else.

It isn’t that I’m saying that unacceptable adverse effects will emerge after longer intervals after dosing. No: it is that you have no idea what will happen yet, despite this, you’ll be creating the impression that you do …

I don’t trust you. You’ve not been straightforward and have behaved appallingly throughout this crisis. You’re still doing it now, misleading about infection risk from young children. Why should I believe you in relation to experimental vaccines?”

What Can You Do?

In his interview with Brees, Yeadon suggests medical professionals, especially those who are members of a professional society, who disagree with further pandemic measures — based on the medical facts — write an open letter to the government, urging them to speak to and heed the recommendations from independent experts.

Arm yourself with mortality statistics and the facts on PCR testing, so you can explain how and why this pandemic simply isn’t a pandemic anymore. First and foremost, there are no excess deaths. The same number of people have died this year that, on average, have died in previous years. This simply wouldn’t be the case if we had a lethal pandemic.

Second, the PCR test is not a valid diagnostic tool and should not be done on the scale we’re now doing it. The high rate of false positives is only fodder for needless fearmongering. “People should demand to know what [the false positive] rate is,” Yeadon says.

Additionally, “testing people who are well — it’s just a madcap thing,” he says. Virtually no one who is asymptomatic has the live virus, but when you run the test at a cycle threshold over 30, meaning you amplify the viral RNA more than 30 times, you end up with a positive test even if the virus is inactive and noninfectious.

“Let’s get back to the facts,” Yeadon says. “There are no excess deaths. But that’s not what you hear from the BBC now, is it? I’m never going to trust the BBC again, by the way. I’ve watched BBC for 41 years. [They’re] never coming back into my ears, because they’ve lied in my face all year … There’s a fraud going on …

You’re walking into voluntary house arrest when there are no excess deaths. Why are you doing that? Seriously? … I’m fearful, because it doesn’t make any sense and there are no benign outcomes.”

Get Organized

It’s easy to get so confused that you can no longer think straight these days. As explained by Dr. Peter Breggin, featured in “Psychiatrist Blows the Whistle on Pandemic Fearmongering,” when you add uncertainty to fear you end up with anxiety, a state in which you can no longer think logically.

If this applies to you, I urge you to turn off mainstream media news and turn to independent experts, such as Yeadon. Do the research. Read through the science. Reorient yourself to the facts and turn off the propaganda. Next, join a group so that you can have support.

A number of groups have formed around the world that are now rising up against mask mandates, mandatory vaccinations and lockdowns. A few examples of such groups include:

  • Us for Them, a group campaigning for reopening schools and protecting children’s rights in the U.K.
  • The COVID Recovery Group (CRG), founded by 50 conservative British MPs to fight lockdown restrictions3
  • In the U.S., a team of attorneys, doctors, business owners and parents started the Freedom to Breathe Agency, which is fighting to protect freedom and liberty

Additional sources of information and groups fighting for truth and transparency that are worth checking out include:

  • The Great Barrington Declaration,4 which calls for an end to lockdowns. As of November 18, 2020, it had been signed by 34,973 medical practitioners, 12,070 medical and public health scientists, and 634,838 concerned citizens5
  • Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s The Defender, a new newsletter that publishes “banned” news
  • The German COVID-19 Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee (, which is launching an international class-action lawsuit against a long list of authorities over the global pandemic response
  • In Spain, more than 600 doctors have formed Doctors for the Truth (Medicos por la verdad)
  • In the U.S., doctors have formed a group called America’s Frontline Doctors, which is fighting to make hydroxychloroquine available across the nation

Sources and References

Global Vaccine Passport Will Be Required for Travel

13 He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him. ~ Proverbs 18:13 KJV


Global Vaccine Passport Will Be Required for Travel

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola / Fact Checked

November 24, 2020

  • Forced vaccination is part and parcel of the plan to “reset” the global economic system, forever altering life as we know it. Now, global vaccine passports are being introduced, and it’s only a matter of time before vaccination status will be a prerequisite for travel
  • CommonPass is a digital “health passport” framework initiated by The Commons Project, the World Economic Forum and The Rockefeller Foundation
  • When you get your test result or vaccine, that data is uploaded to an app on your cellphone. The app generates a barcode that is then scanned at the airport, at hotel check-in and wherever else vaccine status verification is deemed necessary
  • The CommonPass digital clearance system is currently being tested by United Airlines on flights between London and Newark, and Cathay Pacific on flights between Hong Kong and Singapore
  • In an April 2020 white paper, The Rockefeller Foundation laid out a strategic framework clearly intended to become part of a permanent surveillance and social control structure that severely limits personal liberty and freedom of choice

Around the world, there’s considerable resistance against mandatory COVID-19 vaccination, but even if the vaccine ends up being “voluntary,” refusing to take it will have severe implications for people who enjoy their freedom.

For months, the writing has been on the wall: Forced vaccination is part and parcel of the plan to “reset” the global economic system, forever altering life as we know it along the way. Now, global vaccine passports are in fact being introduced, and it’s only a matter of time before vaccination status will be a prerequisite for travel.

Just how voluntary is it if you have to have the COVID-19 vaccine if you ever want to leave the country — or perhaps even state — in which you live, at any point during the rest of your life?


CommonPass1 is a digital “health passport” framework initiated by The Commons Project, the World Economic Forum and The Rockefeller Foundation, which during the first week of July 2020 convened more than 350 leaders from the public and private sectors in 52 countries to design a common framework “for safe border reopening” around the world. The proposed framework involves the following:

  1. Every nation must publish their health screening criteria for entry into the country using a standard format on a common framework
  2. Each country must register trusted facilities that conduct COVID-19 lab testing for foreign travel and administer vaccines listed in the CommonPass registry
  3. Each country will accept health screening status from foreign visitors through apps and services built on the CommonPass framework
  4. Patient identification is to be collected at the time of sample collection and/or vaccination using an international standard
  5. The CommonPass framework will be integrated into flight and hotel reservation and check-in processes

Eventually, the CommonPass framework will be integrated with already existing personal health apps such as Apple Health and CommonHealth. If you want to travel, your personal health record will be evaluated and compared to a country’s entry requirements, and if you don’t meet them, you’ll be directed to an approved testing and vaccination location.

A screen grab from the video illustrates the general idea of how this will all work. When you get your test result or vaccine, that data is uploaded to an app on your cellphone. The app generates a barcode that is then scanned at the airport, at hotel check-in and wherever else vaccine status verification is deemed necessary.

commonpass framework

That the Rockefeller Foundation is one of the three founders of CommonPass should surprise no one, considering they basically laid the groundwork for it in their April 21, 2020, white paper2 “National COVID-19 Testing Action Plan — Strategic Steps to Reopen Our Workplaces and Our Communities.”

That white paper laid out a strategic framework that is clearly intended to become part of a permanent surveillance and social control structure that severely limits personal liberty and freedom of choice.

It also warns that elimination of privacy will be required, stating that “Some privacy concerns must be set aside for an infectious agent as virulent as COVID-19 …” The tracking system proposed by The Rockefeller Foundation also demands access to other medical data, which tells us the system will have any number of other uses besides tracking COVID-19 cases.

Worldwide Tracking Begins

This digital clearance system is currently being tested by United Airlines3 on flights between London and Newark, and Cathay Pacific on flights between Hong Kong and Singapore.4 As reported by Tott News, November 15, 2020:5

“Volunteer travelers landing at Newark Liberty International Airport on United Airlines Flight 15 from London Heathrow used the CommonPass health pass on their mobile phone to document their COVID-19 status and share it with airline staff upon disembarking.

Officials from U.S. Customs and Border Protection and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) observed the CommonPass demonstration in Newark … The transatlantic trial followed a successful trial of CommonPass on a Cathay Pacific flight from Hong Kong to Singapore on October 6.

Paul Meyer, CEO of The Commons Project, says it is anticipated that following initial trials, CommonPass will be rolled out on other routes, including international travel to and from Australia …

We are now seeing the beginning phases of a worldwide tracking system that will be linked to the health status of each and every individual … This has always been the agenda. Track and trace; identify the undesirables through deception.”

CommonPass Is a Cog in The Great Reset Wheel

As explained in “What You Need to Know About ‘the Great Reset’,” the current pandemic is being used as a justification for why we need to reset the global economy and shift away from capitalism and free enterprise into a new system of technocracy.

The word “technocracy” is never used by actual technocrats, mind you. Instead, they talk about the Great Reset and the fourth industrial revolution, the nuts and bolts of which boil down to transhumanism. In years past, this plan was referred to as a “new world order” or “one world order.” All of these terms, however, refer to an agenda that has the same ultimate goal.


CommonPass is a cog in this Great Reset plan. It’s the beginning stage of mass tracking and tracing, under the guise of keeping everyone safe from infectious disease. Rest assured, it will not be limited to COVID-19. The pandemic is just the justification for ushering in this radical new way of life.


It’s a plan that is decades in the making. Ultimately, the goal is to monitor and control the world through technological surveillance. It’s a world government run by self-appointed elitists; hence, it calls for the total dismantling of the political system, which includes the U.S. Constitution. National borders are also destined to be erased.

Sustainable Digital Finance

Technocracy is a resource-based economic system, which is why the World Economic Forum talks about the creation of “sustainable digital finance,”6 a carbon-based economy and carbon credit trading.7 As explained on its website:8

“Digital finance refers to the integration of big data, artificial intelligence (AI), mobile platforms, blockchain and the Internet of things (IoT) in the provision of financial services. Sustainable finance refers to financial services integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria into the business or investment decisions.

When combined, sustainable digital finance can take advantage of emerging technologies to analyze data, power investment decisions and grow jobs in sectors supporting a transition to a low-carbon economy.”

These rather innocuous-sounding definitions hide a true intent that would shock people to their core, were they to see the complete picture. Professor Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, has stated that the fourth industrial revolution will “lead to a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity,” complete with implantable microchips capable of reading your thoughts.9

This no longer sounds so far-fetched when you consider that technocracy requires social engineering to work. It requires total surveillance. It requires each person to be tied to the digital matrix — physically, mentally and financially — such that they cannot rebel.

To learn more about the history and intent behind technocracy, consider reading Patrick Wood’s books, “Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation10 and “Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order.”11

The Plan to Dehumanize Humanity

When world leaders now talk about “building back better” and spin tales about a utopia in which humanity no longer has a negative impact on the environment, what they’re really talking about is the transition to a world in which mankind is no longer free to do any of the things we’ve previously engaged in and typically enjoyed.

CommonPass is a cog in this Great Reset plan. It’s the beginning stage of mass tracking and tracing, under the guise of keeping everyone safe from infectious disease. Rest assured, it will not be limited to COVID-19. The pandemic is just the justification for ushering in this radical new way of life.

The global lockdowns are part and parcel of this plan too. You may have seen articles musing about how waterways and air cleared up while everyone kept indoors for weeks on end. Who knows, in the future, we may well have rolling lockdowns to look forward to — periodic house arrests for the sake of the environment, if not to prevent the latest outbreak.

Meanwhile, social distancing and mask wearing separates us from our fellow man, demoralizes and dehumanizes us and makes us alone, fearful and anxious, which in turn prevents us from thinking logically and from coordinating resistance efforts with others. Add to that a grossly biased media and draconian censorship, where the Big Tech overlords decide what opinions and even facts are allowable and which are not.

When you multiply it all together, it starts looking like the biggest psyop in the history of mankind, which in turn begs the question: If the direction they want us to go will actually lead to utopia, would this kind of social engineering effort really be necessary?

Welcome to 2030

November 10, 2016, the World Economic Forum published an article12 in Forbes titled, “Welcome to 2030: I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy and Life Has Never Been Better.” Let’s read beyond the creepy headline and see what this is all about, shall we?

“Welcome to the year 2030. Welcome to my city — or should I say, ‘our city.’ I don’t own anything. I don’t own a car. I don’t own a house. I don’t own any appliances or any clothes.

It might seem odd to you, but it makes perfect sense for us in this city. Everything you considered a product, has now become a service. We have access to transportation, accommodation, food and all the things we need in our daily lives. One by one all these things became free, so it ended up not making sense for us to own much …

In our city we don’t pay any rent, because someone else is using our free space whenever we do not need it. My living room is used for business meetings when I am not there. Once in a while, I will choose to cook for myself. It is easy — the necessary kitchen equipment is delivered at my door within minutes …

Shopping? I can’t really remember what that is. For most of us, it has been turned into choosing things to use. Sometimes I find this fun, and sometimes I just want the algorithm to do it for me. It knows my taste better than I do by now.

When AI and robots took over so much of our work, we suddenly had time to eat well, sleep well and spend time with other people … The work that we do can be done at any time. I don’t really know if I would call it work anymore. It is more like thinking-time, creation-time and development-time …

Once in a while I get annoyed about the fact that I have no real privacy. Nowhere I can go and not be registered. I know that, somewhere, everything I do, think and dream of is recorded. I just hope that nobody will use it against me. All in all, it is a good life.”

Techno-Tyranny Steps Into Broad Daylight

As noted in The Last American Vagabond’s article13 “Techno-Tyranny: How the U.S. National Security State Is Using Coronavirus to Fulfill an Orwellian Vision,” the U.S. is rapidly adopting an artificial intelligence-driven mass surveillance system rivaling that of China, and legal and structural obstacles are being swept away “under the guise of combating the coronavirus crisis.”

Again, technocracy requires social engineering to work, the effectiveness of which in turn requires mass surveillance and automation. In the first half of the 20th century, George Orwell wrote a dystopian novel, “Nineteen Eighty-Four,” in which the government controlled every aspect of a person’s life, including their very thoughts.

Today, scientists seem intent on turning Orwell’s nightmarish vision into reality, using the COVID-19 pandemic, national security and public health as their justification for doing so. Don’t expect them to admit this, however. Instead, be prepared for variations of the Forbes article above. It’s basically a world in which everyone has been stripped of purpose.

Artificial intelligence algorithms make decisions for you, and if you disobey or start thinking fancy thoughts all on your own, you can expect to be financially and socially disenfranchised. Effectively eliminating an individual from society will be as easy as pressing a button and putting a freeze on your digital wallet and identification.

Already, many truth-tellers that were purged from YouTube and other social media platforms simultaneously lost their PayPal and other digital payment accounts. No advance warning, and no justification given. Imagine if all your finances were tied together in a digital finance system and everything was shut down all at once. That, I’m sure, would discourage most everyone from expressing any contradictory views.

If you think this kind of technology is still in its cradle, check out Spiro Skouras video below, in which he discusses the rollout of the United Nations’ biometric digital wallet. This, undoubtedly, brings the UN one step closer to becoming the world’s de facto leadership hub.

[This video has been censored and deleted by YouTube]

Artificial Intelligence Is Further Along Than Most Can Imagine

Indeed, artificial intelligence is a key component of effective surveillance and social engineering. Data is useless unless you can interpret it and make decisions based on it. As noted by The Last American Vagabond:14

“[In 2019], a U.S. government body dedicated to examining how artificial intelligence can ‘address the national security and defense needs of the United States’ discussed in detail the ‘structural’ changes that the American economy and society must undergo in order to ensure a technological advantage over China, according to a recent document15 acquired through a FOIA request.

This document suggests that the U.S. follow China’s lead and even surpass them in many aspects related to AI-driven technologies, particularly their use of mass surveillance.

This perspective clearly clashes with the public rhetoric of prominent U.S. government officials and politicians on China, who have labeled the Chinese government’s technology investments and export of its surveillance systems and other technologies as a major ‘threat’ to Americans’ ‘way of life.’16

The document17 the article refers to was produced by the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence (NSCAI), a government organization created by the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of 2018.

Its purpose is “to consider the methods and means necessary to advance the development of artificial intelligence, machine learning and associated technologies to comprehensively address the national security and defense needs of the United States,” and ensure the U.S. maintains a technological advantage.

To that end, the NSCAI is pushing for an overhaul of the American way of life and economy in order to usher in a more comprehensive AI-driven surveillance apparatus. In other words, a Great Reset.

How to Resist the Great Reset

Ironically, while the real plan is to usher in a tech-driven globalist-run dystopia free of democratic controls, technocrats speak of this plan as a way to bring us back into harmony with Nature.

As I discuss in “The Global Takeover Is Underway,” the medical tyranny and censorship of anti-groupthink that has emerged during this pandemic are an unavoidable element of the Great Reset, and if you think it’s bad now, just wait until the whole system is brought fully online.

The mere idea of dissent will become a thought of the past, because your life — your health, educational and work opportunities, your finances and your very identity — will be so meshed with the automated technological infrastructure that any attempt to break free will result in you being locked out or erased from the system, leaving you with no ability to learn, work, travel or purchase anything.

It sounds far-fetched, I know, but when you follow the technocratic plan to its inevitable end, that’s basically what you end up with. The warning signs are all around us, if we’re willing to see them for what they actually are. The only question now is whether enough people are willing to resist it to make a difference.

Along those lines, let us carefully reflect on one of the United States’ founding fathers, Benjamin Franklin, in his warning and caution with respect to losing our liberty. I frequently reflect on them when I consider potential options in this new contrived crisis challenges we are confronted with:


Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. ~ Benjamin Franklin


If you are open for some practical strategies on how you can respond in light of all the tyrannical interventions that have been imposed on us you can watch James Corbett’s interview with Howard Lichtman below.

Interview 1598 – Howard Lichtman on The Thick Red Line : The Corbett Report

One of the Most Powerful Videos I’ve Ever Seen

The following video from Barbara Loe Fisher is one of the most powerful videos that I have ever seen. I am hopeful that watching this video will inspire you to take up the cause and join the fight for vaccine freedom and independence.

There is a cultural war and collusion between many industries and federal regulatory agencies that results in a suppression of the truth about vital important health issues. If this suppression continues we will gradually and progressively erode our private individual rights that our ancestors fought so hard to achieve. Please take a few minutes to watch this video.

Protect Your Right to Informed Consent and Defend Vaccine Exemptions

With all the uncertainty surrounding the safety and efficacy of vaccines, it’s critical to protect your right to make independent health choices and exercise voluntary informed consent to vaccination. It is urgent that everyone in America stand up and fight to protect and expand vaccine informed consent protections in state public health and employment laws. The best way to do this is to get personally involved with your state legislators and educate the leaders in your community.

Think Globally, Act Locally

National vaccine policy recommendations are made at the federal level but vaccine laws are made at the state level. It is at the state level where your action to protect your vaccine choice rights can have the greatest impact.

It is critical for EVERYONE to get involved now in standing up for the legal right to make voluntary vaccine choices in America because those choices are being threatened by lobbyists representing drug companies, medical trade associations and public health officials, who are trying to persuade legislators to strip all vaccine exemptions from public health laws.

Signing up for NVIC’s free Advocacy Portal at gives you immediate, easy access to your own state legislators on your smartphone or computer so you can make your voice heard. You will be kept up to date on the latest state bills threatening your vaccine choice rights and will get practical, useful information to help you become an effective vaccine choice advocate in your own community.

Also, when national vaccine issues come up, you will have the up-to-date information and call-to-action items you need at your fingertips. So, please, as your first step, sign up for the NVIC Advocacy Portal.


Share Your Story With the Media and People You Know

If you or a family member has suffered a serious vaccine reaction, injury or death, please talk about it. If we don’t share information and experiences with one another, everybody feels alone and afraid to speak up. Write a letter to the editor if you have a different perspective on a vaccine story that appears in your local newspaper. Make a call in to a radio talk show that is presenting only one side of the vaccine story.

I must be frank with you: You have to be brave because you might be strongly criticized for daring to talk about the “other side” of the vaccine story. Be prepared for it and have the courage to not back down. Only by sharing our perspective and what we know to be true about vaccination will the public conversation about vaccination open up so people are not afraid to talk about it.

We cannot allow the drug companies and medical trade associations funded by drug companies or public health officials promoting forced use of a growing list of vaccines to dominate the conversation about vaccination.

The vaccine injured cannot be swept under the carpet and treated like nothing more than “statistically acceptable collateral damage” of national one-size-fits-all mandatory vaccination policies that put way too many people at risk for injury and death. We shouldn’t be treating people like guinea pigs instead of human beings.

Internet Resources Where You Can Learn More

I encourage you to visit the website of the nonprofit charity, the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), at

  • Vaccine Requirements and Exemptions by State — Vaccine laws vary from one U.S. state to another. By knowing the specific policies where you live, you’ll learn how you can get exemptions and better protect your right to make informed vaccine choices.
  • NVIC Memorial for Vaccine Victims — View descriptions and photos of children and adults who have suffered vaccine reactions, injuries and deaths. If you or your child experiences an adverse vaccine event, please consider posting and sharing your story here.
  • If You Vaccinate, Ask 8 Questions — Learn how to recognize vaccine reaction symptoms and prevent vaccine injuries.
  • Vaccine Freedom Wall — View or post descriptions of harassment and sanctions by doctors, employers and school and health officials for making independent vaccine choices.
  • Vaccine Failure Wall — View or post descriptions about vaccines that have failed to work and protect the vaccinated from disease.

Sources and References

Who Pressed the Great Reset Button?

13 He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him. ~ Proverbs 18:13 KJV


Who Pressed the Great Reset Button?

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola / Fact Checked

November 16, 2020

Click to watch at The Corbett Report website.

Episode 387 – Your Guide to The Great Reset : The Corbett Report

  • The globalist technocracy is using the COVID-19 pandemic to bypass democratic accountability, override opposition, accelerate their agenda and to impose it on the public against our will
  • The Great Reset refers to a global agenda to monitor and control the world through digital surveillance. You’ll be tied to it through an electronic ID linked to your bank account and health records, and a social credit ID that will end up dictating every facet of your life
  • The Great Reset is about getting rid of capitalism and free enterprise, and replacing them with technocracy, publicly referred to as “sustainable development” and “stakeholder capitalism”
  • There’s not a single area of life that is left out of this Great Reset plan. The planned reform will affect everything from government, energy and finance to food, medicine, real estate, policing and even how we interact with our fellow human beings in general
  • Privacy protections are a major hurdle in this plan, which is why every effort is made to get people to loosen their views on the right for privacy. In the U.S., we also have the Constitution that stands in the way, which is why efforts to undermine, circumvent, ignore or nullify it are increasing

What is this “Great Reset” we’re now hearing about? In a nutshell, the Great Reset refers to a global agenda to monitor and control the world through digital surveillance.

As explained by journalist James Corbett in his October 16, 2020, Corbett Report above,1 the Great Reset is a new “social contract” that ties every person to it through an electronic ID linked to your bank account and health records, and a social credit ID that will end up dictating every facet of your life.

It’s about getting rid of capitalism and free enterprise, and replacing them with “sustainable development” and “stakeholder capitalism” — terms that belie their nefarious, anti-humanity intents. As noted in the book, “Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order”:2

“… Sustainable Development is Technocracy … The Sustainable Development movement has taken careful steps to conceal its true identity, strategy and purpose, but once the veil is lifted, you will never see it any other way. Once its strategy is unmasked, everything else will start to make sense.”

The Grand Plan

In her blog post “The Great Reset for Dummies,” Tessa Lena summarizes the purpose behind the call for a global “reset”:3

“The mathematical reason for the Great Reset is that thanks to technology, the planet has gotten small, and the infinite expansion economic model is bust — but obviously, the super wealthy want to continue staying super wealthy, and so they need a miracle, another bubble, plus a surgically precise system for managing what they perceive as ‘their limited resources.’

Thus, they desperately want a bubble providing new growth out of thin air — literally — while simultaneously they seek to tighten the peasants’ belts, an effort that starts with ‘behavioral modification,’ a.k.a. resetting the western peasants’ sense of entitlement to high life standards and liberties (see awful ‘privilege’).

The psychological reason for the Great Reset is the fear of losing control of property, the planet. I suppose, if you own billions and move trillions, your perception of reality gets funky, and everything down below looks like an ant hill that exists for you. Just ants and numbers, your assets. Thus, the practical aim of the Great Reset is to fundamentally restructure the world’s economy and geopolitical relations based on two assumptions:

One, that every element of nature and every life form is a part of the global inventory (managed by the allegedly benevolent state, which, in turn, is owned by several suddenly benevolent wealthy people, via technology).

And two, that all inventory needs to be strictly accounted for: be registered in a central database, be readable by a scanner and easily ID’ed, and be managed by AI, using the latest ‘science.’

The goal is to count and then efficiently manage and control all resources, including people, on an unprecedented scale, with unprecedented digital … precision — all while the masters keep indulging, enjoying vast patches of conserved nature, free of unnecessary sovereign peasants and their unpredictability.”

Global Asset Reallocations Will Not Benefit ‘the People’

These new global “assets” can also be turned into brand new financial instruments that can then be traded. An example of this was given by Vandana Shiva, Ph.D., in my interview with her.

In it, she explained how India is headed toward Zero-Budget Natural Farming — a brand-new concept of farming in which farmers must trade the carbon rate in their soil on the global market if they want to make a living. They’ll get no money at all for the crops they actually grow.

There’s not a single area of life that is left out of this Great Reset plan. The planned reform will affect everything from government, energy and finance to food, medicine, real estate, policing and even how we interact with our fellow human beings in general.

Privacy protections, of course, are a major hurdle in this plan, which is why every effort is made to get people to loosen their views on the right for privacy. In the U.S., we also have the Constitution that stands in the way, which is why efforts to undermine, circumvent, ignore or nullify it are increasing.

“To sum it up, the desired end result is a giant, joyless, highly controlled global conveyor of everything and everybody where privacy is tremendously expensive, dissent is unthinkable, and spiritual submission is mandatory.

It’s like a 24/7 medicated reality, except the medications are both chemical and digital, and they are reporting you back to the mothership, which can then punish you for bad behavior by, say, blocking your access to certain places or by putting a hold on your digital bank account — perhaps without any human intervention at all,” Lena writes.4

Stakeholder Capitalism

An October 5, 2020, Winter Oak article5 addressed the “technocratic fascist vision” of professor Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum who wrote the book on the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Schwab announced the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset Initiative in June 2020, which includes stripping all people of their privately owned assets.

In addition to being a staunch technocrat, Schwab also has a strong transhumanist bend, and he has spoken of a near future in which humans merge with machines and in which law enforcement will be able to read our mind.6

Winter Oak — a British nonprofit social justice organization — points out that Schwab and his globalist accomplices are using the COVID-19 pandemic “to bypass democratic accountability, to override opposition, to accelerate their agenda and to impose it on the rest of humankind against our will.”


Ultimately, the Great Reset will result in two tiers or people: The technocratic elite, who have all the power and rule over all assets, and the rest of humanity, who have no power, no assets and no say-so in anything.


This is no conspiracy theory. The plan is out in the open. As noted by Time magazine,7 “The COVID-19 pandemic has provided a unique opportunity to think about the kind of future we want.” The same statement has been delivered by a number of politicians and organizations around the world in recent months.

Schwab’s book,8,9 “COVID-19: The Great Reset” also urges industry leaders and decision makers to “make good use of the pandemic” and “not letting the crisis go to waste.” Incidentally, the owner of Time magazine and founder of Salesforce, Mark Benioff, is also a board member of the World Economic Forum,10 so he’s clearly familiar with the reset plan.

The problem is that while the plan is being sold as a way to, finally, make life fair and equitable for all people, the required sacrifices do not apply to the technocrats running the system. Ultimately, the Great Reset will result in two tiers or people: the technocratic elite, who have all the power and rule over all assets, and the rest of humanity, who have no power, no assets and no say-so in anything.

While technocracy is not a political system but an economic one, in practical terms it does resemble fascism. None of it is being sold under the banner of fascism, of course. Instead, they use financial terms like “stakeholder capitalism,” described by Forbes magazine11 as “the notion that a firm focuses on meeting the needs of all its stakeholders: customers, employees, partners, the community and society as a whole.”

In that same article, Forbes points out that this strategy has already been tried and failed. It failed because balancing conflicting stakeholder claims was near-impossible and only led to mass confusion and poor returns. The failure of this strategy is what led big businesses to focus on maximizing shareholder value instead.

Now, at a time when big business finds itself under attack for “single-mindedly shoveling money to its shareholders and its executives at the expense of customers, employees, the environment and society as a whole,” the answer, they say, is to return to stakeholder capitalism. But if it didn’t work before, what makes us think it will work now?

Great Reset Plan for Big Food

A November 9, 2020, article12 in The Defender, a new media platform by the Children’s Health Defense, also points out the problems with the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset plan for the food industry:

“The architects of the plan claim it will reduce food scarcity, hunger and disease, and even mitigate climate change. But a closer look at the corporations and think tanks the WEF is partnering with to usher in this global transformation suggests that the real motive is tighter corporate control over the food system by means of technological solutions.”

Aside from the food industry, partners13 include data mining giants, telecommunications, weapons manufacturers, finance, drug companies and the biotechnology industry.

Looking at that list, it should come as no surprise that the World Economic Forum insists the future of food and public health hinges on genetically modified organisms (GMOs), laboratory-grown protein, drugs and industrial chemicals.

The EAT Forum and the Rise of Food Imperialism

To further the fake food takeover, the World Economic Forum has partnered with the EAT Forum, which will set the political agenda for global food production. The EAT Forum was cofounded by the Wellcome Trust, which in turn was established with the financial help of GlaxoSmithKline.

EAT currently collaborates with nearly 40 city governments across Africa, Europe, Asia, North and South America and Australia, and maintains close relationships with imitation meat companies such as Impossible Foods, which was cofounded by Google, Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates.14

As noted by The Defender, the ultimate aim is to “replace wholesome nutritious foods with genetically modified lab creations.” To this end, EAT is working with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) to establish global dietary guidelines and sustainable development initiatives.

The “Planetary Health Diet”15 developed by EAT is a diet that is supposed to replace all others. Federic Leroy, a food science and biotechnology professor at University of Brussels told The Defender:16

“The diet aims to cut the meat and dairy intake of the global population by as much as 90% in some cases and replaces it with lab-made foods, cereals and oil.”

Vandana Shiva, Ph.D., has raised harsh critique against the proposed diet saying it “is not about nutrition at all. It’s about big business and it’s about a corporate takeover of the food system.”17 The Defender adds:18

“According to EAT’s own reports, the big adjustments the organization and its corporate partners want to make to the food system are ‘unlikely to be successful if left up to the individual,’ and the changes they wish to impose on societal eating habits and food ‘require reframing at the systemic level with hard policy interventions that include laws, fiscal measures, subsidies and penalties, trade reconfiguration and other economic and structural measures.’

But Shiva said this is the wrong approach, because ‘all of the science’ shows that diets should be centered around regional and geographical biodiversity. She explained that ‘EAT’s uniform global diet will be produced with western technology and agricultural chemicals. Forcing this onto sovereign nations by multinational lobbying is what I refer to as food imperialism.’”

The Future of Food and Health Care

You can get a feel for where the future of food is headed by analyzing the World Economic Forum’s strategic intelligence map.19 As you can see, this top-down approach ties food production to a wide range of sectors, including biotech, the chemical industry, artificial intelligence, the internet of things and the digital economy.

For more details on Schwab and the World Economic Forum’s strategic intelligence plan, see Covert Geopolitic’s article,20 “Breaking Down the Global Elite’s Great Reset Master Plan.”

future of food

If any of this raises your concern, you’re probably not going to like what the World Health Economic Forum has in store for health care reform either. As detailed on their website:21

“Our current capital intensive, hospital-centric model is unsustainable and ineffective. The Platform for Shaping the Future of Health and Healthcare leverages a data-enabled delivery system and virtual care, integrated across the continuum of care from precision prevention to personalized care delivery …”

Aiding the World Economic Forum in this health care transformation are the biggest corporate criminals in the history of the modern world, including Bill Gates, AstraZeneca,22 Bayer,23 Johnson & Johnson,24 Merck,25 Pfizer,26 Novartis27 and a host of others.28

These companies have at various times been found guilty of all sorts of crimes that they have paid tens of billions of dollars in fines for. They are also loaded with conflicts of interest in nearly every venture they are involved with. Yet we’re now supposed to believe these companies are going to put aside their profit incentives and fix the whole system?

Build Back Better

As noted in a July 21, 2020, World Economic Forum article,29 the economic devastation caused by COVID-19 pandemic shutdowns “has the potential to hobble global prosperity for generations to come.” The answer is to come up with stimulus measures, such as infrastructure development, that can allow countries to move forward.

But while at it, countries are urged to make sure the economic system is “built back better.” Make no mistake, this catchy slogan is part and parcel of the Great Reset plan and cannot be separated from it, no matter how altruistic it may sound. As reported by Fox News:30

“A radical movement called the Great Reset embraced by some Democrats poses a grave threat to liberty and free markets in the United States and around the world … The Great Reset is perhaps the biggest danger to capitalism and individual rights since the collapse of the Soviet Union …

It would destroy the current capitalist system and replace it with progressive and modern socialist systems, with a special emphasis placed on eco-socialist policies … Policy ideas offered by ‘Great Reset’ advocates include government-provided basic income programs, universal health care, massive tax increases and the Green New Deal …

For example, at a campaign event on July 9, Biden said we need to end the ‘era of shareholder capitalism,’ a major part of the Great Reset proposal that would alter how companies are evaluated, elevating social justice causes and climate change concerns over property rights …

The Build Back Better plan comes straight from the Great Reset’s playbook … As recently as July 13, the World Economic Forum promoted ‘building back better’ through ‘green’ infrastructure programs as part of the Great Reset …”

Part of the “building back better” is to shift the financial system over to an all-digital currency system, which in turn is part of the system of social control, as it can easily be used to incentivize desired behaviors and discourage undesired ones.

An August 13, 2020, article31 on the Federal Reserve website discusses the supposed benefits of a central bank digital currency (CBDC). There’s general agreement among experts that most major countries will implement CBDC within the next two to four years.

Many uninformed people believe that these new CBDCs will be very similar to existing cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, but they would be mistaken. Bitcoin is decentralized and a rational strategy to opt out of the existing central bank controlled system, while these CBDCs will be centralized and completely controlled by the central banks and will have smart contracts that allow the banks to surveil and control your life.

The Great Reset Psyops Guide

It goes without saying that to achieve the kind of radical transformation of every part of society has its challenges. No person in their right mind would agree to it if aware of the details of the whole plan. So, to roll this out, they had to use psychological manipulation, and fear is the most effective tool there is.

As explained by psychiatrist Dr. Peter Breggin, there’s an entire school of public health research that focuses on identifying the most effective ways to frighten people into accepting desired public health measures.

By adding confusion and uncertainty to the mix, you can bring an individual from fear to anxiety — a state of confusion in which you can no longer think logically — and in this state, you are more easily manipulated. The following graphic illustrates the central role of fearmongering for the successful rollout of the Great Reset.

technocracy and the great reset

Social Engineering Is Central to Technocratic Rule

In closing, keep in mind that technocracy is inherently a technological society run through social engineering. Fear is but one manipulation tool. The focus on “science” is another. Anytime someone dissents, they’re simply accused of being “anti-science,” and any science that conflicts with the status quo is declared “debunked science.”

The only science that matters is whatever the technocrats deem to be true, no matter how much evidence there is against it. We’ve seen this first hand during this pandemic, as Big Tech has censored and banned anything going against the opinions of the World Health Organization, which is just another cog in the technocratic machine.

If we allow this censorship to continue, the end result will be nothing short of devastating. We simply must keep pushing for transparency and truth. We must insist on medical freedom, personal liberty and the right to privacy.

One fight in particular that I don’t see us being able to evade is the fight against mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations. If we don’t take a firm stand against that and fight for the right to make our own choice, there will be no end to the medical tyranny that will follow. As noted in the Covert Geopolitics article:32

“As you might have guessed, ‘the most important anchor of recovery’ is for a COVID-19 vaccination … The implication is that without a vaccine the world will be unable to return to any sense of normality, particularly in terms of open interaction with your fellow man …

You can actually participate in the global efforts to cripple the Deep State organized criminal cabal’s ability for genocide, while enjoying healthcare freedom at the same time, by boycotting Big Pharma for good.”

Sources and References

Fear Secures Obedience in COVID-19 War

13 He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him. ~ Proverbs 18:13 KJV


Fear Secures Obedience in COVID-19 War

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola / Fact Checked

October 24, 2020


  • Scientists, lawyers, medical professionals and academics are increasingly recognizing that the deliberate fear-mongering that has kept the COVID-19 pandemic alive threatens to replace democracy with fascist totalitarian models of government
  • Over the past several years, the threat of bioterrorism and viruses in general have been highlighted as one of the most serious threats to mankind, yet we continue to fund dangerous gain-of-function research — the very source and basis of this threat
  • The data tell us SARS-CoV-2 is not the existential threat it’s been made out to be. The big picture emerging seems to point in one direction, and that is the implementation of a long-standing plan to usher in and permanently establish a technocratic society
  • In a few short months, we’ve been dramatically shifted from a state of freedom to a state of totalitarianism, and the way that was done was through social engineering, which involves psychological manipulation, two tools of which are fear-based propaganda and censorship
  • It appears mobile phone carriers may already be providing data to state governments for quarantines and contact tracing purposes without your knowledge or consent, even though we’ve been told track and trace apps would be voluntary

A famous quote by Franklin D. Roosevelt is “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” He understood that fear is ultimately what strips us of our human rights and drives a society into totalitarianism, and that the only way to circumvent such a fate is to bravely resist fear. Today, one of the biggest threats (or so we’re told) is a global pandemic.

Today, we also have something no previous tyrant has had, namely the technology to track, trace, control and manipulate individuals wherever they are. Most people are surrounded by electronics and wireless devices that harvest every imaginable data point about your personal life. Digital currency stands at the ready to complete the net of tyranny.

Engineering Contagion

I’ve written many articles reviewing the scientific evidence supporting the claim that SARS-CoV-2 is a laboratory creation. Whether the pathogen was released accidentally or on purpose is probably less important than establishing the truth of its origin.

The reason I say that is because intent would be hard to prove, while the fact that we’re still engineering bioweapons is unquestionable — and, as long as we continue dangerous gain-of-function research, the end result can only be more of the same. More outbreaks. More pandemics. More fear. Increased control. More restrictions. Fewer freedoms.


Hysteria is infectious. We are working ourselves up into a lather in which we exaggerate the threat and stop asking ourselves whether the cure may be worse than the disease. ~ Lord Sumption, Supreme Court Judge


If we want to dismantle the bioterrorism threat narrative, we have to address the research that makes this threat a possibility in the first place. The video above features independent journalist Whitney Webb, who provides an overview of the research she’s amassed in the course of writing articles on bioterrorism.

Her September 25, 2020, article1 “Engineering Contagion: UPMC, Corona-Thrax and ‘The Darkest Winter” delves into how the biodefense industrial complex are already working on a turbo-charged form of anthrax.

Documents obtained via FOIA reveals anthrax, an already deadly pathogen, is being genetically manipulated to express the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, the part of the virus that allows it to gain access into human cells. This clearly has little to do with staying a step ahead of nature, seeing how bacteria are not likely to mix with and take on characteristics of a virus if left to their own devices. I encourage you to watch the video and/or read her article if you’re interested in this topic.

Democracy Under Threat

As noted by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich2 — co-founder of the German Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee3,4 that is preparing the biggest class-action lawsuit in history5,6,7,8 — scientists, lawyers, medical professionals and academics are increasingly recognizing that the deliberate fear-mongering that has kept the COVID-19 pandemic alive well past its expiration date threatens to replace democracy with “fascist totalitarian models” of government.

Fortunately, more and more of them are now starting to realize that they must speak out, before it’s too late. Case in point, a Journal of Law and the Biosciences paper9 by Stephen Thompson and Eric C. Ip, both from the University of Hong Kong, titled “COVID-19 Emergency Measures and the Impending Authoritarian Pandemic,” which reads, in part:

“This Article demonstrates — with diverse examples drawn from across the world — there are unmistakable regressions into authoritarianism in governmental efforts to contain the virus. Despite the unprecedented nature of this challenge, there is no sound justification for systemic erosion of rights-protective democratic ideals and institutions beyond that which is strictly demanded by the exigencies of the pandemic.

A Wuhan-inspired all-or-nothing approach to viral containment sets a dangerous precedent for future pandemics and disasters, with the global copycat response indicating an impending ‘pandemic’ of a different sort, that of authoritarianization.

With a gratuitous toll being inflicted on democracy, civil liberties, fundamental freedoms, healthcare ethics, and human dignity, this has the potential to unleash humanitarian crises no less devastating than COVID-19 in the long run.”

Bioterrorism Narrative Used to Fuel Fear

Over the past several years, the threat of bioterrorism and viruses in general have been highlighted as one of the most serious threats to mankind. Bill Gates, who invests in and profits from pandemic vaccines, has been priming the public to fear the emergence of deadly diseases for years.

In 2015, he warned his TED Talk audience that the next big threat to humanity would be “a highly infectious virus” that “we are not ready for,”10 and in 2017 he predicted tens of millions could be killed by bioweapons.11

“The next epidemic could originate on the computer screen of a terrorist intent on using genetic engineering to create a synthetic version of the smallpox virus … or a super contagious and deadly strain of the flu,” Gates said at the time.12

Of course, Gates also co-hosted the October 2019 pandemic preparedness simulation known as Event 201, along with the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and the World Economic Forum. The event eerily predicted what would happen 10 weeks later, when COVID-19 appeared.

This scripted tabletop exercise included everything we now see playing out in the real world, from PPE shortages, lockdowns and removal of civil liberties to mandated vaccination campaigns, riots, economic turmoil and the breakdown of social cohesion. They even got the type of virus right: a “novel coronavirus.”

The detailed working paper13 “Bioterrorism and Biocrimes: The Illicit Use of Biological Agents Since 1900,” originally published in 1998 and revised in 2001, reviews some 270 suspected biowarfare incidents on record.

Considering that paper is now nearly 20 years old, that list is likely to be even longer today. This list may even include SARS-CoV-2, if we are to believe Francis Boyle, who drafted the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, and others.

Technocracy Rising

Another medical professional who is now speaking openly about the COVID-19 pandemic being a brazen power-grab by the technocratic elite is Dr. Lee Merritt, an orthopedic spinal surgeon with a medical practice in Logan, Iowa.14

August 16, 2020, she delivered a speech at the Doctors for Disaster Preparedness15 convention in Las Vegas, Nevada, featured in “How Medical Technocracy Made the Plandemic Possible,” in which she dissected the many fear-inducing lies we’ve been told about this pandemic.

When you look at the actual data and statistics available, and compare them to what we’re being told by government officials and the media, it becomes evident that there’s a gulf between the two. The data tells us SARS-CoV-2 is not the existential threat it’s been made out to be. That in turn begs the question: “Why do they want us to live in fear? Surely, there must be a reason for it.”

Of course there is, and it has nothing to do with making sure you and your family remain healthy and safe from infection. The big picture emerging seems to point in one direction, and that is the implementation of a long-standing plan to usher in and permanently establish a technocratic society.

In summary, technocracy16,17 is an economic ideology built around totalitarian rule by unelected leaders. A technocrat is someone who exercises power over you on the basis of their knowledge. As an economic system, technocracy is resource-based. Under this system, companies are told what resources they’re allowed to use, when, and for what, and consumers are told what to buy.

Social Engineering Is in Full Swing

The technocratic system also requires social engineering, which relies on massive data collection and the use of artificial intelligence. Technocrats have silently and relentlessly pushed this agenda forward ever since the 1930s, and signs of its implementation are becoming increasingly visible.

In a few short months, we’ve been dramatically shifted from a state of freedom to a state of totalitarianism, and the way that was done was through social engineering, which of course involves psychological manipulation.

Censoring and propaganda are but two strategies that shape and mold a population. Psychiatry professor Albert Biderman’s “chart of coercion”18,19 also includes the following methods, all of which can be clearly related to the COVID-19 response:

Isolation techniques — Quarantines, social distancing, isolation from loved ones and solitary confinement
Monopolization of perception — Monopolizing the 24/7 news cycle, censoring dissenting views and creating barren environments by closing bars, gyms and restaurants
Degradation techniques — Berating, shaming people (or even physically attacking) those who refuse to wear masks or social distance, or generally choose freedom over fear
Induced debility — Being forced to stay at home and not be able to exercise or socialize
Threats — Threatening with the removal of your children, prolonged quarantine, closing of your business, fines for noncompliance with mask and social distancing rules, forced vaccination and so on
Demonstrating omnipotence/omniscience — Shutting down the whole world, claiming scientific and medical authority
Enforcing trivial demands — Examples include family members being forced to stand 6 feet apart at the bank even though they arrived together in the same car, having to wear a mask when you walk into a restaurant, even though you can remove it as soon as you sit down, or having to wear a mask when walking alone on the beach
Occasional indulgence — Reopening some stores and restaurants but only at a certain capacity, for example. Part of the coercion plan is that indulgences are always taken away again, though, and they’re already saying we may have to shut down the world again this fall

The Trampling of Privacy and Human Rights

The technocracy’s fingerprints are also evident in the invasive, privacy-shredding tracking and tracing programs that have been rolled out around the world, and the repeated warning that unless every man, woman and child gets vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2, life will never go back to normal.

The truth is, the technocrats have no intention of ever letting us go back to normal. The plan is to alter society permanently. Part of that alteration is the removal of civil liberties and human rights, and it is now happening at breakneck speed.

As reported by Alex Berenson in a September 30, 2020, Twitter post,20 real-world experience suggests mobile phone carriers, including AT&T and Verizon, are already providing data to state governments for quarantines and contact tracing purposes without your knowledge or consent, even though we’ve been told track and trace apps would be voluntary.

We’re also being bombarded with news reports telling us to prepare to roll up our sleeves and get vaccinated as soon as a COVID-19 vaccine becomes available — or else.

An October 1, 2020, article21 in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine bemoans a poll that found only 49% of Americans plan to get the COVID-19 vaccine when it comes out. The answer, the article suggests, is to make it mandatory for all.

Written by lawyers at Stanford Law School and other health policy experts, the article outlines what the authors claim are “six substantive criteria” that would support the first vaccine ever to be mandated for adults, outside of the flu vaccine for health care workers.

Recognizing that it’s the individual states, not the federal government, that would do the mandating, the authors also review measures that states would need to implement in order to pull off a mandate.

“State mandates should not be structured as compulsory vaccination (absolute requirements); instead, noncompliance should incur a penalty,” the authors say, adding that this penalty should be “substantive,” in the form of employment suspension or stay-at-home orders. If refusing a vaccine results in you being denied an income and forced into house arrest, then it’s not really voluntary, is it? It’s as compulsory as it gets.

Along with Gates, Dr. Anthony Fauci has also been priming the public consciousness throughout the pandemic by warning that, without a vaccine, we’ll never be able to go back to normal.22 All this talk is about forced vaccination, despite the complete lack of assurance that any of the vaccine candidates are safe.

Emerging evidence actually suggests the novel mRNA vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 could be a public health disaster in the making. An October 1, 2020, report23 by CNBC reviews the experiences of five participants in Moderna’s and Pfizer’s SARS-CoV-2 vaccine trials. One of the participants in Pfizer’s vaccine trial “woke up with chills, shaking so hard he cracked a tooth after taking the second dose,” CNBC reports.24

A Moderna trial participant said he had a low-grade fever and felt “under the weather” for several days after his first shot. Eight hours after his second shot he was “bed-bound with a fever of over 101, shakes, chills, a pounding headache and shortness of breath. He said the pain in his arm, where he received the shot, felt like a ‘goose egg on my shoulder.’ He hardly slept that night, recording that his temperature was higher than 100 degrees for five hours.”25

Two others reported similar side effects, and a third warned you would need to take a day off after the second shot. CNBC also noted that “as companies progressed through clinical trials, several vaccine makers abandoned their highest doses following reports of more severe reactions.”

Russian Intelligence: COVID-19 Is a ‘False Pandemic’

The legal eagles of the German Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee26,27 are not the only ones calling the COVID-19 pandemic out as a fraud and cover-up of a more nefarious agenda.

In the video above, Vladimir Kvachkov, a former colonel of Russian military intelligence, calls COVID-19 a false pandemic, planned and implemented with the goal of gaining totalitarian control over the world population. It started with 9/11, Kvachkov says, and the coronavirus is the next step to continue the power grab.

“It’s all a lie and needs to be considered as a global, strategic special operation,” Kvachkov says. “These are command and staff exercises of the world’s behind-the-scenes powers on controlling humanity.”

Comparing it to a military exercise, Kvachkov says the ultimate aim is to reduce the world’s population to 1 billion “ordinary” people and just 100 million of those in control — with the ordinary people being there to serve the 100 million.

In short, he says, the “artificially created” and “purposely spread” coronavirus has four dimensions. The first is religion and population reduction; the second is to establish political control over humanity; the third is to deflate the world economy; and the fourth is to eliminate geo-economic competition.

COVID-19 Rules Mark ‘Hysterical Slide Into Police State’

I’ll end this with some observations by British Supreme Court Judge Lord Sumption, who in a March 30, 2020, interview28 with The Post warned that COVID-19 rules are paving the way for despotism — the exercise of absolute power in a cruel and oppressive manner.

“The real problem is that when human societies lose their freedom, it’s not usually because tyrants have taken it away. It’s usually because people willingly surrender their freedom in return for protection against some external threat. And the threat is usually a real threat but usually exaggerated.

That’s what I fear we are seeing now. The pressure on politicians has come from the public. They want action. They don’t pause to ask whether the action will work. They don’t ask themselves whether the cost will be worth paying. They want action anyway. And anyone who has studied history will recognize here the classic symptoms of collective hysteria.

Hysteria is infectious. We are working ourselves up into a lather in which we exaggerate the threat and stop asking ourselves whether the cure may be worse than the disease.”

It is time to ask ourselves some very pressing questions. Is it reasonable to expect government to eliminate ALL infection and ALL death? They’ve proven they cannot, yet we keep relinquishing more and more freedoms and liberties because they claim doing so will keep everyone safer. It’s an enticing lie, but a lie nonetheless.

Remember, they sold us on the business shutdowns and home quarantining by saying we just need to flatten the curve of infection to avoid hospital overcrowding. Now, hospitals are near-empty and deaths are so low they’re not even reported anymore. Yet lockdowns remain in many areas and some — Australia being a prime example — have reached shocking new heights.

Sooner or later everyone must decide which is more important: Personal liberty or false security? The good news is that many are starting to see the writing on the wall; they’re starting to see we’ve been “had,” and are starting to choose liberty over brutal totalitarianism in the name of public health.

Sources and References

Why ‘90 Percent Effective’ Vaccine Announcement Is Nonsense

13 He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him. ~ Proverbs 18:13 KJV

The original article can be viewed at the title link hereunder.


First COVID-19 Vaccine 90% Effective?

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola / Fact Checked

November 18, 2020

  • Pfizer, in a joint venture with BioNTech, announced that their mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccine candidate, BNT162b2, was “more than 90% effective” in a Phase 3 trial
  • While Pfizer did release a clinical protocol of its trial, it only issued a press release; data for the interim analysis has not been peer reviewed or published
  • Infectious disease expert William Haseltine criticized COVID-19 vaccine trials, including Pfizer’s, saying their protocols reveal that they’re “designed to prove their vaccines work, even if the measured effects are minimal”
  • Asymptomatic infections aren’t regularly being tested for in Pfizer’s trial, so it’s possible that those who have been vaccinated could still be asymptomatic carriers of COVID-19, spreading the disease to others
  • Also missing from Pfizer’s press release is how the vaccine fared in different age groups, a key data point since older people are those most at risk of serious disease outcomes
  • There is concern that COVID-19 vaccines could cause antibody-dependent enhancement, or ADE, in which the vaccine enhances the virus’ ability to enter and infect your cells, resulting in more severe disease than had you not been vaccinated
  • It’s far too soon to know whether the vaccine is safe, as, on average, it can take 10 to 12 years for a vaccine to be developed and go through the normal licensing process

With more than 180 COVID-19 vaccines currently in development1 — 53 of them undergoing clinical trials in humans2 — manufacturers are racing to be the first to reach the market. Pfizer, in a joint venture with Germany-based BioNTech, may have just taken the lead, with an announcement that their mRNA-based vaccine candidate, BNT162b2, was “more than 90% effective” in a Phase 3 trial.3

BNT162b2 was selected to move forward to a Phase 2/3 trial after an earlier version of the vaccine, BNT162b1— another mRNA-based vaccine candidate — resulted in considerable adverse events,4 including fever, which occurred in 50% of individuals who received the highest dose (100 micrograms), fatigue, headache and chills.

Side effects were even more common following the booster dose, after which more than 70% of participants experienced a fever at the mid-range (30 microgram) dose. In fact, those in the high-dose group didn’t even get the booster dose after the side effects were deemed to be potentially too severe.

While the vaccines are similar, with the BNT162b2 vaccine, mRNA encodes the full-length spike protein. A spike protein is a glycoprotein protruding from the envelope of a coronavirus that allows entry into the cell.5 In an earlier study, while BNT162b2 appeared to cause fewer side effects, antibody titers were lower in a group of older individuals, ranging in age from 65 to 95 years, than in younger individuals.6

Geometric mean titers (GMTs), which are used as a measure of immune response, were about 40% lower among older individuals given Pfizer’s BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccine than they were in younger age groups, a concerning finding considering it’s the older individuals who are most at risk from severe COVID-19.

Is Pfizer’s COVID Vaccine Really 90% Effective?

In a Phase 3 efficacy trial, a vaccine is given to thousands of people, while researchers wait to see how many end up infected compared to those given a placebo.7 Pfizer’s Phase 3 clinical trial began July 27, 2020 and enrolled 43,538 participants8 to date ranging in age from 12 years to over 55, with a minimum of 40% of participants in the over 55 age range.9

Participants received either a two-dose series of BNT162b2, given at the 30-microgram dose 21 days apart, or a placebo. Initially an interim analysis was set to be conducted after 32 COVID-19 cases, but “after discussion with the FDA,” they increased it to after a minimum of 62 cases. According to Dr. Albert Bourla, Pfizer Chairman and CEO, in a press release:10

“Upon the conclusion of those discussions, the evaluable case count reached 94 and the DMC (Data Monitoring Committee) performed its first analysis on all cases.

The case split between vaccinated individuals and those who received the placebo indicates a vaccine efficacy rate above 90%, at 7 days after the second dose. This means that protection is achieved 28 days after the initiation of the vaccination, which consists of a 2-dose schedule.”

Bourla added the caveat, “As the study continues, the final vaccine efficacy percentage may vary.” In fact, there are many questions that remain unanswered regarding the reported 90% efficacy rate.

While Pfizer did release a clinical protocol of its trial,11 data for the interim analysis have not been released. “This is science by public pronouncement,” William Haseltine, an infectious disease expert and former Harvard medical professor, told Business Insider.12

COVID-19 Vaccine Trials ‘Designed to Succeed’

In September 2020, Haseltine criticized COVID-19 vaccine trials, including Pfizer’s, saying their protocols reveal that they’re “designed to prove their vaccines work, even if the measured effects are minimal.”13

He points out that prevention of infection is a critical endpoint in a normal vaccine trial, but prevention of infection is not a criterion for success for COVID-19 vaccines in development by Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca or Johnson & Johnson. According to Haseltine:14

“Any vaccine trial should include regular antigen testing every three days to test contagiousness to pick up early signs of infection and PCR testing once a week to confirm infection by SARS-CoV-2 test the ability of the vaccines to stave off infection. Prevention of infection is not a criterion for success for any of these vaccines.

In fact, their endpoints all require confirmed infections and all those they will include in the analysis for success, the only difference being the severity of symptoms between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. Measuring differences amongst only those infected by SARS-CoV-2 underscores the implicit conclusion that the vaccines are not expected to prevent infection, only modify symptoms of those infected.”

He also explains that while most people expect that a vaccine will prevent serious illness in the event they’re infected, “Three of the vaccine protocols — Moderna, Pfizer, and AstraZeneca — do not require that their vaccine prevent serious disease only that they prevent moderate symptoms which may be as mild as cough, or headache.”15

Pfizer Didn’t Release Key Vaccine Data

While Pfizer is touting its vaccine as more than 90% effective based on 94 cases in their trial, “There are many, many outstanding questions which are left unanswered,” Haseltine said.16

One of the main unanswered questions has to do with asymptomatic infections, which aren’t regularly being tested for in Pfizer’s trial. It’s possible, then, that those who have been vaccinated could still be asymptomatic carriers of COVID-19, spreading the disease to others.

“That’s a major point that I don’t think most people appreciate,” Haseltine told Business Insider. “It doesn’t mean an end to the epidemic.”17 It’s also unknown whether the vaccine reduced the number of cases of serious disease, hospitalizations and deaths, as no distinction was made between serious COVID-19 cases and those causing only minor symptoms.

Also missing from Pfizer’s press release is how the vaccine fared in different age groups, a key data point since older people are those most at risk of serious disease outcomes. It also remains to be seen how long any protection offered by a vaccine may last, as the study just began in July.

As for side effects, Pfizer’s Bourla said, “The DMC has not reported any serious safety concerns and recommends that the study continue to collect additional safety and efficacy data as planned.”18 Again, however, it’s far too soon to know whether the vaccine is safe. The timeline of the experimental COVID-19 vaccine is unprecedented as, on average, it can take 10 to 12 years for a vaccine to be developed and go through the normal licensing process.19

“We don’t know anything about groups they didn’t study, like children, pregnant women, highly immunocompromised people and the eldest of the elderly,” Dr. Gregory Poland, director of the Mayo Clinic’s Vaccine Research Group in Rochester, Minnesota, told NBC News.20

As for potential adverse effects, in their clinical protocol Pfizer listed the following, noting that the first five participants in each group in phase 1 would be monitored for four hours after vaccination to assess adverse effects, while others would be observed for “at least 30 minutes.”21


Injection site redness, swelling and pain Fever
Fatigue Headache
Chills Vomiting
Diarrhea Muscle pain
Joint pain Unknown adverse effects and laboratory abnormalities associated with a novel vaccine
Potential for increased exposure to SARS-CoV-2 because of the requirement to visit health care facilities during the trial COVID-19 enhancement, stating, “Disease enhancement has been seen following vaccination with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), feline coronavirus, and Dengue virus vaccines.”

Coronavirus Vaccines May Enhance Disease

Even Pfizer acknowledged in their clinical protocol that COVID-19 disease enhancement is a real risk following certain vaccinations.22 In what’s known as antibody-dependent enhancement, or ADE, or sometimes called paradoxical immune enhancement (PIE). In these scenarios rather than enhance your immunity against the infection, the vaccine enhances the virus’ ability to enter and infect your cells, resulting in more severe disease than had you not been vaccinated.23

Th2 immunopathology, in which a vaccine induces a faulty T cell response, triggering allergic inflammation, poorly functional antibodies and airway damage, is another serious risk.

Both ADE and Th2 immunopathology occurred in the 1960s when a vaccination for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) was being developed, resulting in the death of two toddlers and serious illness in several other children who received the experimental vaccine.24

Similar concerns again surfaced in testing for a potential vaccine against another coronavirus, SARS, about 20 years ago. At the time, even long-time pro-vaccine advocate Dr. Peter Hotez, dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine and professor of pediatrics and molecular virology and microbiology at Baylor College of Medicine, was shaken. According to a feature published in PNAS:25

“When SARS, also a coronavirus, appeared in China and spread globally nearly two decades ago, Hotez was among researchers who began investigating a potential vaccine.

In early tests of his candidate, he witnessed how immune cells of vaccinated animals attacked lung tissue, in much the same way that the RSV vaccine had resulted in immune cells attacking kids’ lungs. ‘I thought, ‘Oh crap,’’ he recalls, noting his initial fear that a safe vaccine may again not be possible.”

Despite years of additional research and alternative development strategies, immune enhancement concerns remain, and, as explained by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in our 2020 interview, coronavirus vaccines remain notorious for creating paradoxical immune enhancement.

mRNA Is a Novel Vaccine Technology

Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine is relying on novel mRNA technology that has never previously been used in vaccines.26 It essentially instructs your cells to make the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, which is what attaches to the ACE2 receptor of the cell. This is the first stage of the two-stage process viruses use to gain entry into cells.

The idea is that by creating the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, your immune system will be stimulated to produce antibodies, without making you sick in the process. However, another key question that needs to be answered is which of two types of antibodies are produced through this process.

Coronaviruses produce both neutralizing antibodies,27 also referred to as immoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies, that fight the infection, and binding antibodies28 (also known as nonneutralizing antibodies) that cannot prevent viral infection. Instead of preventing viral infection, binding antibodies can trigger an abnormal immune response like ADE or PIE.

In trials of Moderna’s experimental COVID mRNA vaccine, 25 participants who received two doses of its low or medium dose vaccine had levels of binding antibodies — the type that are used by the immune system to fight the virus but do not prevent viral infections — at levels approximating or exceeding those found in the blood of patients who recovered from COVID-19.29

Data for the more significant neutralizing antibodies, which stop viruses from entering cells, were reported for only eight people.

Pfizer Has $1.95 Billion Deal With US Government

While the results of Pfizer’s Phase 3 trial remain murky, as part of Operation Warp Speed the drug giant has already struck a $1.95 billion deal with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Defense to provide Americans with 100 million doses of its COVID-19 vaccine after it is licensed — at no cost to recipients — with an option for 500 million additional doses.30 The agreement is part of Operation Warp Speed.

Pfizer and BioNTech also have a deal with the U.K. government for 30 million initial doses.31 The FDA’s guidance for a vaccine to receive Emergency Use Authorization requires only a median of two months of safety data following the second dose, which Pfizer expects to have by the third week of November.

At that point, they’re hoping to bring the experimental vaccine to market, with promises to produce up to 50 million vaccine doses in 2020 and up to 1.3 billion doses, globally, in 2021.32 Upon Pfizer’s announcement that their vaccine showed 90% effectiveness, shares rose 16%. The next day, CEO Bourla sold 62% of his stock, an amount worth about $5.6 million.33

Does the Pfizer CEO know something we don’t? If and when the vaccine does become available, be sure to carefully weigh the risks versus the benefits before making a choice of whether or not to receive it.

It may help in your decision to know that if you’re under the age of 40, your risk of dying from COVID-19 is just 0.01%, meaning you have a 99.99% chance of surviving the infection34 — and you could improve that to 99.999% if you’re metabolically flexible and vitamin D replete.

Sources and References

Coronavirus Fraud Scandal — The Biggest Fight Has Just Begun

13 He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him. ~ Proverbs 18:13 KJV


Coronavirus Fraud Scandal — The Biggest Fight Has Just Begun

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola / Fact Checked

October 17, 2020

[The video above refers. It was just a matter of time before YouTube enforced their draconian censorship to prevent anything related to exposing the coronavirus hoax! The video can be viewed at this Link ~ Updated on December 13, 2020 and now January 16, 2022]

  • The German Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee (Außerparlamentarischer Corona Untersuchungsausschuss), launched July 10, 2020, was founded by four trial attorneys to investigate and prosecute those responsible for implementing the economically devastating lockdowns around the world, as well as using fraudulent testing to engineer the appearance of a dangerous pandemic
  • The Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee will be working with an international network of lawyers to argue the most massive tort case ever — a case described as “probably the greatest crime against humanity ever committed”
  • They argue that pandemic measures were intended to sow panic so that the pharmaceutical and tech industries can generate huge profits from the sale of PCR tests, antigen and antibody tests and vaccines, and the harvesting of our genetic fingerprints
  • Lockdowns were unnecessary, and any claim to the contrary is wrong, the Inquiry Committee insists. The virus was already in retreat and infection rates were starting to decline when lockdowns were imposed; scientific evidence shows a majority of people already have built-in protection against the virus due to cross-reactive T cell immunity, and the PCR test cannot be used to identify an active infection with SARS-CoV-2 or any other virus
  • While mortality statistics during the pandemic have been within the norms of any given year, meaning the pandemic has not resulted in an excess number of deaths or a death toll higher than normal, the collateral damage from pandemic response measures is nearly incalculable

The video announcement1,2,3,4 above by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich5 is long, but I strongly recommend listening to it in its entirety. Fuellmich has been a consumer protection trial lawyer in California and Germany6 for 26 years and is one of four founding members of the German Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee (Außerparlamentarischer Corona Untersuchungsausschuss7),8,9 launched July 10, 2020.

The other three founding members, all lawyers, are Viviane Fischer, Antonia Fischer and Justus P. Hoffmann, Ph.D.10 Fuellmich is heading up the committee’s corona crisis tort case. All meetings are live-streamed and available on the Committee’s YouTube channel11 (at least for now).

According to Fuellmich, an international class-action lawsuit will be filed against those responsible for implementing the economically devastating lockdowns around the world, as well as using fraudulent testing to engineer the appearance of a dangerous pandemic.

This includes everyone from local policy makers all the way to the World Health Organization and drug companies. He claims more than 50 other countries will be following suit.

“I have been practicing law primarily as a trial lawyer against fraudulent corporations such as Deutsche bank, formerly one of the world’s largest and most respected banks, today one of the most toxic criminal organizations in the world;

VW, one of the world’s largest and most respected car manufacturers, today notorious for its giant diesel fraud; and Cunard and Niagara the world’s largest shipping company. We’re suing them in a multi-million-dollar bribery case,” Fuellmich says.

“All the above-mentioned cases of corruption and fraud committed by the German corporations pale in comparison in view of the extent of the damage that the corona crisis has caused and continues to cause. This corona crisis, according to all we know today, must be renamed a corona scandal; and those responsible for it must be criminally prosecuted and sued for civil damages.”

Exposing Corrupt Agendas

Fuellmich stresses that, on a political level, all-out efforts must be made to ensure “that no one will ever again be in a position of such power as to be able to defraud humanity, or to attempt to manipulate us with their corrupt agendas.”

To that end, the Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee will be working with an international network of lawyers to argue the most massive tort case ever — a case Fuellmich describes as “probably the greatest crime against humanity ever committed.”

As explained by Fuellmich, crimes against humanity, first defined during the Nuremberg trials following World War II, are today regulated in Section 7 of the International Criminal Code. The three questions the committee seeks to answer through judicial means are:

1.Is there a COVID-19 pandemic or is there only a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test pandemic?

Specifically, does a positive PCR test result mean that the individual is infected with SARS-CoV-2 and has COVID-19, or does it mean absolutely nothing in connection with the COVID-19 infection?

2.Do pandemic response measures such as lockdowns, mask mandates, social distancing and quarantine regulations serve to protect the world’s population from COVID-19, or do these measures serve only to make people panic?

Are these measures intended to sow “panic in order to make people believe, without asking any questions, that their lives are in danger, so that the pharmaceutical and tech industries can generate huge profits from the sale of PCR tests, antigen and antibody tests and vaccines, as well as the harvesting of our genetic fingerprints?”

3.Is it true that the German government was massively lobbied — more so than any other country — by the chief protagonists of this COVID-19 pandemic?

According to Fuellmich, Germany “is known as a particularly disciplined country and was therefore to become a role model for the rest of the world for its strict and, of course, successful adherence” to pandemic measures.

Answers to these questions are urgently needed, he says, because SARS-CoV-2, which is touted as one of the most serious threats to life in modern history, “has not caused any excess mortality anywhere in the world.”

Pandemic measures, on the other hand, have “caused the loss of innumerable human lives, and have destroyed the economic existence of countless companies and individuals worldwide,” Fuellmich says.

He points out that in Australia, residents are now thrown into prison if they do not comply with mask rules, and in the Philippines, people can be shot dead if they defy lockdown orders or don’t wear a mask.12,13 During the first week of April 2020, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte announced he would “not hesitate” to kill anyone challenging his pandemic restrictions:14,15

“I will not hesitate. My orders are to the police and military, as well as village officials, if there is any trouble, or occasions where there’s violence and your lives are in danger, shoot them dead.

Is that understood? Dead. Instead of causing trouble, I will bury you. Do not intimidate the government. Do not challenge the government. You will lose,” Duterte said.

This hardly seems to be a strategy aimed at preserving life. Fuellmich goes on to present “the facts as they present themselves,” based on expert testimony collected by the committee so far.

The German Congress on Global Health

According to Fuellmich, in May 2019, and again in early 2020, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) of Germany held a congress on global health. In addition to political leaders, including Mr. Tedros Adhanom, head of the WHO, and German health officials, speeches were also given by chief lobbyists of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Wellcome Trust.

“Less than a year later these very people called the shots in the proclamation of the worldwide corona pandemic, made sure that mass PCR tests were used to prove mass infections with COVID-19 all over the world, and are now pushing for vaccines to be invented and sold worldwide,” Fuellmich says.

“These infections, or rather the positive test results that the PCR tests delivered, in turn became the justification for worldwide lockdowns, social distancing and mandatory face masks.”

He also points out that the very definition of “pandemic” was altered 12 years ago. Originally, a pandemic was defined as a disease that spread worldwide, resulting in widespread serious illness and deaths. Twelve years ago, the definition was changed to reflect a disease that spreads worldwide only. “Many serious illnesses and many deaths were not required anymore, to announce a pandemic,” he says.

The Swine Flu Pandemic That Wasn’t

This change to the definition of a pandemic is what allowed the WHO to declare the swine flu a pandemic in June 2009,16 which resulted in the sale of many millions of dollars of fast-tracked swine flu vaccines. Within months, cases of disability and death from the H1N1 vaccine were reported in various parts of the world.

In the aftermath, the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) questioned the WHO’s handling of the pandemic. In June 2010, PACE concluded “the handling of the pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO), EU health agencies and national governments led to a ‘waste of large sums of public money, and unjustified scares and fears about the health risks faced by the European public.'”17

Specifically, PACE concluded there was “overwhelming evidence that the seriousness of the pandemic was vastly overrated by WHO,” and that the drug industry had influenced the organization’s decision-making.

A joint investigation by the British Medical Journal and the Bureau of Investigative Journalism (BIJ) also uncovered serious conflicts of interest between the WHO — which promoted the global vaccination agenda — and the drug companies that created those vaccines.18 As noted by Fuellmich:

“These vaccines proved to be completely unnecessary because the swine flu eventually turned out to be a mild flu and never became the horrific plague that the pharmaceutical industry and its affiliated universities kept announcing it would turn into, with millions of deaths certain to happen, if people didn’t get vaccinated.

These vaccines also led to serious health problems: about 700 children in Europe fell incurably ill with narcolepsy and are now forever severely disabled. The vaccines bought with millions of taxpayers’ money had to be destroyed, with even more taxpayers’ money.”

The Virologist Responsible for Germany’s Lockdown Orders

One of the characters that drummed up panic in 2009 with his doomsday prophesies was German virologist Christian Drosten, head of the Institute of Virology at the University of Bonn Medical Centre, best known for developing the first diagnostic test for SARS in 2003. He also developed a diagnostic test for the swine flu.19

Drosten spoke at the 2019 CDU congress on global health, and according to Fuellmich, when it came time to decide on a response for COVID-19, the German government relied on the opinion of Drosten alone.

“In an outrageous violation of the universally accepted principle audiator at ultra parse, which means that one must also hear the other side, the only person they listened to was Mr. Drosten, that is, the very person whose horrific panic-inducing prognosis had proved to be catastrophically false 12 years earlier,” Fuellmich says.

Meanwhile, many “highly renowned scientists” painted a completely different picture of the COVID-19 pandemic. Among them, professor John Ioannidis of Stanford University in California; professor Michael Levitt, a biophysicist at Stanford University and Nobel prize winner for chemistry; German professors Karin Mulling, Sucharit Bhakdi, Klud Wittkowski and Stefan Homburg.

Dr. Mike Yeadon, former vice president and scientific director of Pfizer, is also on this list. Yeadon recently went on record stating “there is no science to suggest a second wave should happen,” and that false positive results from unreliable PCR tests are being used to “manufacture a ‘second wave’ based on ‘new cases.'”20

“They assumed, and still do assume, that there was no disease that went beyond the gravity of the seasonal flu; that the population had already acquired cross or T-cell immunity against this allegedly new virus; and that there was therefore no reason for any special measures and certainly not for vaccinations,” Fuellmich says.

He also quotes21 from a scientific paper published in September 2020 by Yeadon and colleagues, in which they state:

“We’re basing our government policy, our economic policy and the policy of restricting fundamental rights presumably on completely wrong data and assumptions about the coronavirus. If it weren’t for the test results that are constantly reported in the media, the pandemic would be over, because nothing really happened.”

Situational Analysis

Commenting on “the current, actual situation regarding the virus’s danger; the complete uselessness of PCR tests for the detection of infections; and the lockdowns based on nonexistent infections,” Fuellmich states:

“We know that the health care systems were never in danger of becoming overwhelmed by COVID-19. On the contrary, many hospitals remain empty to this day and some are now facing bankruptcy. The hospital ship Comfort which anchored in New York at the time, and could have accommodated a thousand patients, never accommodated more than some 20 patients.

Nowhere was there any excess mortality. Studies carried out by Professor Ioannidis and others have shown that the mortality of corona is equivalent to that of the seasonal flu; even the pictures from Bergamo and New York that were used to demonstrate to the world that panic was in order proved to be deliberately misleading.

Then, the so-called ‘panic paper’ was leaked which was written by the German Department of the Interior. Its classified content shows beyond a shadow of a doubt that in fact the population was deliberately driven to panic by politicians and mainstream media.

The accompanying irresponsible statements of the head of the RKI, remember the CDC, Mr. Wieler who repeatedly and excitedly announced that the corona measures must be followed unconditionally by the population, without them asking any question shows that he followed the script verbatim.

In his public statements, he kept announcing that the situation was very grave and threatening although the figures compiled by his own institute proved the exact opposite. Among other things, the panic paper calls for children to be made to feel responsible, and I quote, ‘for the painful tortured death of their parents and grandparents if they do not follow the corona rules.'”

Fuellmich goes on to cite data showing that in Bergamo, Italy, 94% of deaths were not the result of COVID-19 infection spreading wild but, rather, the consequence of the government’s decision to transfer sick patients from hospitals to nursing homes, where they spread infection — colds, flu and SARS-CoV-2 — among the old and frail.

This was also done by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo,22 in direct violation of federal guidelines,23 as well as in Minnesota, Ohio,24 Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Michigan and California.25 Fuellmich also points out the routine malpractice that occurred in some New York hospitals, where all suspected COVID-19 patients were placed on mechanical ventilation, which turned out to be a death sentence.

“Again, to clarify, COVID-19 … is a dangerous disease, just like the seasonal flu is a dangerous disease, and of course COVID-19, just like the seasonal flu, may sometimes take a severe clinical course and will sometimes kill patients,” Fuellmich says.

“However, as autopsies have shown, which were carried out in Germany, in particular by the forensic scientist Professor Klaus Püschel in Hamburg, the fatalities he examined had almost all been caused by serious pre-existing conditions and almost all of the people who had died, had died at a very old age, just like in Italy, meaning they had lived beyond their average life expectancy.

In this context, the following should also be mentioned: the German RKI, that is again the equivalent of the CDC, had initially, strangely enough, recommended that no autopsies be performed and there are numerous credible reports that doctors and hospitals worldwide had been paid money for declaring a deceased person a victim of COVID-19 rather than writing down the true cause of death on the death certificate, for example a heart attack or a gunshot wound.

Without the autopsies, we would never know that the overwhelming majority of the alleged COVID-19 victims had died of completely different diseases but not of COVID-19.

Lockdowns Were and Are Unnecessary

Based on the expert testimony collected so far by Fuellmich and his colleagues, lockdowns were unnecessary, and any claim to the contrary is wrong. The three reasons for this are:

  1. Lockdowns were imposed at a time when the virus was already in retreat and infection rates were starting to decline
  2. Scientific evidence shows a majority of people already have built-in protection against the virus due to cross-reactive T cell immunity from exposure to cold and flu viruses26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35
  3. The PCR test — which is being used as a gauge of infection rates and a justification for restrictive measures — “do not give any indication of an infection with any virus let alone an infection with SARS-CoV-2”

To the politicians, who believe those corrupt people, these facts are hereby offered as a lifeline, that can help you readjust your course of action and start the long overdue public scientific discussion and not go down with those charlatans and criminals. ~ Dr. Reiner Fuellmich

The PCR Test Fraud

First of all, the PCR test have not been approved for diagnostic purposes. Its inventor, Kary Mullis, has repeatedly yet unsuccessfully stressed that this test should not be used as a diagnostic tool. As noted by Fuellmich:

“[PCR tests] are simply incapable of diagnosing any disease … A positive PCR test result does not mean that an infection is present. If someone tests positive, it does not mean that they’re infected with anything, let alone with the contagious SARS-CoV-2 virus. Even the United States CDC … agrees with this and I quote directly from page 38 of one of its publications on the coronavirus and the PCR tests dated July 13 2020:36

  • Detection of viral RNA may not indicate the presence of infectious virus or that 2019-nCoV is the causative agent for clinical symptoms.
  • The performance of this test has not been established for monitoring treatment of 2019-nCoV infection.
  • This test cannot rule out diseases caused by other bacterial or viral pathogens.

The PCR swabs take one or two sequences of a molecule that are invisible to the human eye and therefore need to be amplified in many cycles to make it visible. Everything over 35 cycles is … considered completely unreliable and scientifically unjustifiable.

However, the Drosten test as well as the WHO recommended tests … are set to 45 cycles. Can that be because of the desire to produce as many positive results as possible and thereby provide the basis for the false assumption that a large number of infections have been detected?”

Equally important is the fact that PCR tests cannot distinguish between inactive viruses and “live” or reproductive ones. As a result, they may pick up dead debris or inactive viral particles that pose no risk whatsoever to the patient and others. What’s more, the test can pick up the presence of other coronaviruses, so a positive result may simply indicate that you’ve recuperated from a common cold in the past.

“Even Drosten himself declared in an interview with a German business magazine in 2014 … that these PCR tests are so highly sensitive that even very healthy and non-infectious people may test positive,” Fuellmich notes.

“In my view, it is completely implausible that [Drosten] forgot in 2020 what he knew about the PCR tests and told the business magazine in 2014. In short, this test cannot detect any infection, contrary to all false claims stating that it can.

An infection, a so-called hot infection, requires that the virus … penetrates into the cells, replicates there and causes symptoms such as headaches or a sore throat. Only then is a person really infected, in the sense of a hot infection; because only then is a person contagious, that is, able to infect others.

Until then it is completely harmless for both the host and all other people that the host comes into contact with … A number of highly respected scientists worldwide assume that there has never been a corona pandemic but only a PCR test pandemic …

Dr. Yeadon, in agreement with the professors of immunology, Camera from Germany, Capel from the Netherlands and Cahill from Ireland as well as a microbiologist, Dr. Harvey from Austria, all of whom testified before the German corona committee, explicitly points out that a positive test does not mean that an intact virus has been found.”

In the September 20, 2020 article37 “Lies, Damned Lies and Health Statistics — The Deadly Danger of False Positives,” Yeadon details the problems with basing our pandemic response on positive PCR tests.

In summary, the PCR test simply measures the presence of partial DNA sequences that are present in a virus, but it cannot tell us whether that virus is active or inactive. Chances are, if you have no symptoms, a positive test simply means it has detected inactive viral DNA in your body. This would also mean that you are not contagious.

Collateral Damage

While mortality statistics during the pandemic have been within the norms of any given year,38,39 meaning the pandemic has not resulted in an excess number of deaths or a death toll higher than normal, the collateral damage from pandemic response measures is nearly incalculable. Public health, both physical and mental, as well as the global economy, have all suffered tremendous blows.

Fuellmich cites yet another leaked document written by a German official in the Department of the Interior, dubbed “the False Alarm paper,”40,41 which concludes that there’s no evidence to suggest SARS-CoV-2 posed a serious health risk for the population, at least the danger is no greater than that of many other viruses, while pandemic measures have “manifold” and “grave” consequences.

“This, he concludes, will lead to very high claims for damages, which the government will be held responsible for. This has now become reality but the paper’s author was suspended,” Fuellmich says.

“More and more scientists, but also lawyers, recognize that as a result of the deliberate panic-mongering and the corona measures enabled by this panic, democracy is in great danger of being replaced by fascist totalitarian models …

According to psychologists and psychotherapists who testified before the corona committee, children are traumatized en masse, with the worst psychological consequences yet to be expected in the medium and long term.

In Germany alone, 500,000 to 800,000 bankruptcies are expected in the fall to strike small and medium-sized businesses which form the backbone of the economy. This will result in incalculable tax losses and incalculably high and long-term social security money transfers for, among other things, unemployment benefits.”

Legal Consequences

In closing, Fuellmich reviews the legal consequences that are currently underway. This includes looking at the constitutionality of the measures. He notes:

“Very recently, a judge, Torsten Schleife … declared publicly that the German judiciary, just like the general public has been so panic-stricken that it was no longer able to administer justice properly. He says that the courts of law, and I quote:

‘Have all too quickly waved through coercive measures which for millions of people all over Germany represent massive suspensions of their constitutional rights.’ He points out that German citizens, again I quote:

Are currently experiencing the most serious encroachment on their constitutional rights since the founding of the Federal Republic of Germany in 1949. In order to contain the corona pandemic federal and state governments have intervened,’ he says, ‘massively and in part threatening the very existence of the country, as it is guaranteed by the constitutional rights of the people.'”

Then there are the issues of fraud, intentional infliction of damage and crimes against humanity. According to Fuellmich, there’s evidence showing a range of falsehoods and misrepresentations of facts have purposely been circulated, such that, based on the rules of criminal law, “it can only be assessed as fraud,” and “based on the rules of civil tort law, this translates into intentional infliction of damage.”

“The German professor of civil law, Martin Schwab, supports this finding in public interviews in a comprehensive legal opinion of around 180 pages. He has familiarized himself with the subject matter like no other legal scholar has done thus far and in particular has provided a detailed account of the complete failure of the mainstream media to report on the true facts of this so-called pandemic,” Fuellmich says.

“Under the rules of civil tort law, all those who have been harmed by these PCR tests, PCR tests induced lockdowns are entitled to receive full compensation for their losses. In particular, there is a duty to compensate, that is, a duty to pay damages, for the loss of profits suffered by companies and self-employed persons as a result of the lockdown, and other measures.

In the meantime, however, the anti-corona measures have caused and continue to cause such devastating damage to the world’s population’s health and economy that the crimes committed by Messrs Drosten, Wieler and the WHO must be legally qualified as actual crimes against humanity, as defined in Section 7 of the International Criminal Code.”

To address these grievances, the German Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee is prepared to file a class-action lawsuit — a legal remedy available in the U.S. and Canada — against the responsible parties.

It should be emphasized that nobody must join the class action, but every injured party can join the class action,” Fuellmich explains. “The advantage of the class action is that only one trial is needed, namely, to try the complaint of a representative plaintiff who is affected in a manner typical of everyone else in the class.”

Such a lawsuit would also open the door to pretrial discovery, which requires all relevant evidence to be presented to the other party. Destruction or withholding evidence has serious consequences, as “the party withholding or … destroying evidence loses the case under these evidence rules.”

In Germany, a group of tort lawyers have already started the process of disseminating information and legal forms, and estimating damages among German plaintiffs. Fuellmich concludes his announcement explaining how the lawsuit will proceed from here:

Initially, this group of lawyers had considered to also collect and manage the claims for damages of other non-German plaintiffs but this proved to be unmanageable.

However, through an international lawyers’ network, which is growing larger by the day, the German group of attorneys provides to all of their colleagues, in all other countries, free of charge, all relevant information, including expert opinions and testimonies of experts showing that the PCR tests cannot detect infections and they also provide them with all relevant information as to how they can prepare and bundle the claims for damages of their clients so that they too can assert their clients claims for damages either in their home countries, courts of law, or within the framework of the class action as explained above …

To the politicians, who believe those corrupt people, these facts are hereby offered as a lifeline, that can help you readjust your course of action and start the long overdue public scientific discussion and not go down with those charlatans and criminals.”

Sources and References

Why COVID-19 Testing is a Tragic Waste

13  He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him. ~ Proverbs 18:13 KJV


Why COVID-19 Testing Is a Tragic Waste

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola / Fact Checked

November 13, 2020

covid 19 testing

  • PCR tests are not designed to be used as a diagnostic tool as they cannot distinguish between inactive viruses and “live” or reproductive ones
  • Amplification over 35 cycles is considered unreliable and scientifically unjustified, yet many labs use 45 cycles. This amplifies any tiny sequence of viral DNA that might be present to the point that the test reads “positive” even if the viral load is extremely low or the virus is inactive
  • The PCR test can also pick up the presence of other coronaviruses, so a positive result may simply indicate that you’ve recuperated from a common cold in the past
  • Millions of people are simply carrying inactive viral DNA that pose no risk to anyone, yet positive test results are being used by the global technocracy to implement a brand new economic and social system based on draconian surveillance and totalitarian controls
  • Research shows the global lockdown strategy harms public health to a greater degree than the virus itself

From the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the clarion call has been to test, test and test some more. However, right from the start, serious questions arose about the tests being used to diagnose this infection, and questions have only multiplied since then.

Positive reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) tests have been used as the justification for keeping large portions of the world locked down for the better part of 2020.

This, despite the fact that PCR tests have proven remarkably unreliable with high false result rates, and aren’t designed to be used as a diagnostic tool in the first place as they cannot distinguish between inactive viruses and “live” or reproductive ones.

Dr. Mike Yeadon, former vice president and scientific director of Pfizer, has even gone on record stating1 that false positive results from unreliable PCR tests are being used to “manufacture a ‘second wave’ based on ‘new cases,’” when in fact a second wave is highly unlikely.

Understanding PCR Tests

Before his death, the inventor of the PCR test, Kary Mullis, repeatedly yet unsuccessfully stressed that this test should not be used as a diagnostic tool for the simple reason that it’s incapable of diagnosing disease. A positive test does not actually mean that an active infection is present. As noted in a U.S. Centers for Disease Control and prevention publication on coronavirus and PCR testing dated July 13 2020:2

  • Detection of viral RNA may not indicate the presence of infectious virus or that 2019-nCoV is the causative agent for clinical symptoms.
  • The performance of this test has not been established for monitoring treatment of 2019-nCoV infection.
  • This test cannot rule out diseases caused by other bacterial or viral pathogens.

So, what does the PCR test actually tell us? The PCR swab collects RNA from your nasal cavity. This RNA is then reverse transcribed into DNA. However, the genetic snippets are so small they must be amplified in order to become discernible. Each round of amplification is called a cycle.

Amplification over 35 cycles is considered unreliable and scientifically unjustified, yet Drosten tests and tests recommended by the World Health Organization are set to 45 cycles.

What this does is amplify any, even insignificant sequences of viral DNA that might be present to the point that the test reads “positive,” even if the viral load is extremely low or the virus is inactive. As a result of these excessive cycle thresholds, you end up with a far higher number of positive tests than you would otherwise.

We’ve also had problems with faulty and contaminated tests. As soon as the genetic sequence for SARS-CoV-2 became available in January 2020, German researchers quickly developed a PCR test for the virus.

In March 2020, The New York Times3 reported the initial test kits developed by the CDC had been found to be flawed. The Verge also reported4 that this flawed CDC test in turn became the basis for the WHO’s test, which the CDC ended up refusing to use.

PCR Tests Cannot Detect Infection

Perhaps most importantly of all, the PCR tests cannot distinguish between inactive viruses and “live” or reproductive ones. What that means is that PCR tests cannot detect infection. Period. It cannot tell you whether you’re currently ill, whether you’ll develop symptoms in the near future, or whether you’re contagious.

The tests may pick up dead debris or inactive viral particles that pose no risk whatsoever to the patient and others. What’s more, the test can pick up the presence of other coronaviruses, so a positive result may simply indicate that you’ve recuperated from a common cold in the past.

An “infection” is when a virus penetrates into a cell and replicates. As the virus multiplies, symptoms set in. A person is only infectious if the virus is actually replicating. As long as the virus is inactive and not replicating, it’s completely harmless both to the host and others.

Chances are, if you have no symptoms, a positive test simply means it has detected inactive viral DNA in your body. This would also mean that you are not contagious and pose no risk to anyone.

For all of these reasons, a number of highly respected scientists around the world are now saying that what we have is not a COVID-19 pandemic but a PCR test pandemic. In his September 20, 2020, article5 “Lies, Damned Lies and Health Statistics — The Deadly Danger of False Positives,” Yeadon explains why basing our pandemic response on positive PCR tests is so problematic.

In short, it appears millions of people are simply being found to carry inactive viral DNA that pose no risk to anyone, yet these test results are being used by the global technocracy to implement a brand new economic and social system based on draconian surveillance and totalitarian controls.

Artificially Created Justifications for Totalitarian Controls

As reported by The Vaccine Reaction, September 29, 2020:6

“The test’s threshold is so high that it detects people with the live virus as well as those with a few genetic fragments left over from a past infection that no longer poses a risk. It’s like finding a hair in a room after a person left it, says Michael Mina, MD, an epidemiologist at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.7

In three sets of testing data that include cycle thresholds compiled by officials in Massachusetts, New York and Nevada, up to 90% of people testing positive carried barely any virus, a review by The New York Times found8

‘We’ve been using one type of data for everything, and that is just plus or minus — that’s all,’ Dr. Mina said. ‘We’re using that for clinical diagnostics, for public health, for policy decision-making.’

But ‘yes’ or ‘no’ isn’t good enough, he added. It’s the amount of virus that should dictate the infected patient’s next steps. ‘It’s really irresponsible, I think, to forgo the recognition that this is a quantitative issue,’ Dr. Mina said.”

Again, medical experts agree any cycle threshold over 35 cycles makes the test too sensitive, as at that point it starts picking up harmless inactive DNA fragments. Mina believes a more reasonable cutoff would be 30 or less.

Changing the cycle threshold from 40 cycles to 35 cycles eliminated about 43% of the positive results. Limiting it to 30 cycles eliminated a whopping 63%.

According to The New York Times,9 the CDC’s own calculations show it’s extremely unlikely to detect live viruses in samples that have gone through more than 33 cycles, and research10 published in April 2020 concluded patients with positive PCR tests that had a cycle threshold above 33 were not contagious and could safely be discharged from the hospital or home isolation.

Importantly, when officials at the New York state laboratory, the Wadsworth Center, reanalyzed testing data at The Times’ request, they found that changing the threshold from 40 cycles to 35 cycles eliminated about 43% of the positive results. Limiting it to 30 cycles eliminated a whopping 63%.11 The Vaccine Reaction adds:12

“In Massachusetts, from 85 to 90% of people who tested positive in July with a cycle threshold of 40 would have been deemed negative if the threshold were 30 cycles, Dr. Mina said. ‘I would say that none of those people should be contact-traced, not one,’ he said.

‘I’m really shocked that it could be that high — the proportion of people with high CT value results,’ said Ashish Jha, MD, director of the Harvard Global Health Institute. ‘Boy, does it really change the way we need to be thinking about testing’13

In late August, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the first rapid coronavirus test that doesn’t need any special computer equipment. Made by Abbot Laboratories, the 15-minute test [BinaxNOW] will sell for U.S. $5 but still requires a nasal swab to be taken by a health worker.14

The Abbot test is the fourth rapid point-of-care test that looks for the presence of antigens rather than the virus’s genetic code as the PCR molecular tests do.15

Massive Waste of Resources

As noted by Dr. Tom Jefferson and professor Carl Henegan in an October 31, 2020, article in the Daily Mail,16 mass PCR testing has been a massive waste or resources, as it doesn’t provide us with the information we actually need to know — who’s infectious, how far is the virus spreading and how fast does it spread?

Instead, it has led to economic devastation from business shutdowns and isolating noninfectious people in their homes for weeks and months on end. Jefferson and Henegan claim they shared their pandemic response plan with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson over a month ago, and just presented it to him again. “We urge him to pay attention and embrace it,” they write, adding:

“There are only two things about which we can be certain: first, that lockdowns do not work in the long term … The idea that a month of economic hardship will permit some sort of ‘reset’, allowing us a brighter future, is a myth. What, when it ends, do we think will happen? Meanwhile, ever-increasing restrictions will destroy lives and livelihoods.

The second certainty is this: that we need to find a way out of the mess that does no more damage than the virus itself … Our strategy would be to tackle the four key failings.”

These four areas are:

  1. Addressing the problems in the government’s mass testing program
  2. Addressing “the blight of confused and contradictory statistics”
  3. Protect and isolate the vulnerable — primarily the elderly, but also hospitalized patients in general and staff — while allowing the rest to maintain “some semblance of normal life”
  4. Inform the public about the true and quantifiable costs of lockdown that “kill people just as surely as COVID-19”

“If we do these things, there is real hope that we can learn to live with the virus. That, after all, was supposed to be the plan,” Jefferson and Henegan note. With regard to testing, the pair call “for a national program of testing quality control to ensure that results are accurate, precise and consistent.”

Importantly, we must not rely on positive/negative readings alone. The results must be assessed in relation to other factors, such as the age of the subject and whether they are symptomatic, to determine who actually poses an infectious risk. You can review the full details of their proposed plan at the end of their Daily Mail article.17

Lockdown Dangers Have Been Kept Out of Public Discussion

Jefferson and Henegan aren’t the only ones highlighting the fact that the global lockdown strategy is causing more harm and destruction than the virus itself. In a June 16, 2020 article in The Federalist, James Lucas, a New York City attorney, wrote:18

“If we’re going to allow models and modelers to dictate the entire nature of our society, one would hope that the models are as complete as possible. Yet the epidemiological models that have so transformed our world are seriously incomplete, and therefore fundamentally inadequate.

Any medical therapy is supposed to be tested for both efficacy and safety. There have been several studies19 examining the effectiveness of the lockdowns in combating the spread of the COVID-19 virus, with mixed conclusions.

So far, however, none of these studies or models have analyzed the safety side of the lockdown therapy. In response to questions from physician Sens. Rand Paul and Bill Cassidy, Dr. Anthony Fauci admits20 this side of the equation has not been accounted for in the models now driving our world.

As noted in an open letter21 recently signed by more than 600 health-care professionals, the public health costs from the lockdowns — described as a ‘mass casualty incident’ are real and growing.

These models are estimations based on existing research. The constantly changing projections of coronavirus deaths are extrapolations from research on previous epidemics. Yet modelers have no excuse for leaving evaluations of the lockdowns’ massive costs to public health out of their models.”

The Hidden Costs of Lockdowns

How does the “lockdown therapy” affect public safety? In his article, Lucas highlights the following:22

Increased chronic disease rates due to unemployment, poverty and putting non-COVID medical care on hold — Research23 by the Veterans Administration has shown delaying cancer treatment for just one month led to a 20% increase in mortality. Another study24 found each one-month delay in breast cancer diagnosis increased mortality by 10%

Increased rates of mental health problems due to unemployment and isolation

Increased mortality rates from suicide — In one study,25 being unemployed was associated with a twofold to threefold higher relative risk of suicide. A more recent study26 estimates “deaths of despair” linked to lockdowns may be around 75,000 in the U.S.

Reduced collective life span — Extended unemployment is also associated with shorter, unhealthier lives. Hannes Schwandt, a health economics researcher at Northwestern University, estimates an extended economic shutdown could shorten the lifespan of 6.4 million Americans entering the job market by an average of about two years.27 Lucas notes:

“If epidemiologists don’t care to take account of this toll, another profession must. A study28 just released by a group of South African actuaries estimates that the net reduction in lifespan from increased unemployment and poverty due to a national lockdown will exceed the increased lifespan due to lives saved from COVID-19 by the lockdown by a factor of 30 to 1.

In other words, each year of additional life attributable to isolating potential coronavirus victims in the lockdown comes at a cost of 30 years lost due to the negative public health effects of a lockdown …”

Lack of education is also associated with significantly shorter life spans and poorer health. High school drop-outs die on average nine years sooner than college graduates,29 and school closings disproportionally affect poorer students.

Who Pays the Most?

As noted by Lucas, in addition to calculating the overall costs on society, modelers must also determine “on whom those costs fall,” because the costs are not borne equally by all. The consequences of the lockdowns disproportionally affect those who are already the most vulnerable — financially and health wise — such as those living near the poverty line, the chronically ill, people with mental illness and minorities in general.

“Contrary to the PR slogan, we are NOT all in this together,” Lucas writes.30 “We need less insipid pro-lockdown propaganda extolling the virtues of the ‘essential’ workers, and more serious analysis of the enormous public health toll the lockdowns are imposing on them. Otherwise, we may come to see the era of coronavirus as simply the time where pro-lockdown elites sacrificed the working class31 to protect themselves.”

A Pandemic of Fearmongering

An October 28, 2020, article featured by the Ron Paul Institute points out that:32

“Ever since the alleged pandemic erupted this past March the mainstream media has spewed a non-stop stream of misinformation that appears to be laser focused on generating maximum fear among the citizenry.

But the facts and the science simply don’t support the grave picture painted of a deadly virus sweeping the land. Yes, we do have a pandemic, but it’ a pandemic of ginned up pseudo-science masquerading as unbiased fact.”

Nine facts that can be backed up with data “paints a very different picture from the fear and dread being relentlessly drummed into the brains of unsuspecting citizens,” the article states. In addition to the fact that PCR testing is practically useless, for all the reasons already mentioned, these data-backed facts include:

1.A positive test is NOT a “case” — As explained by Dr. Lee Merritt in her August 2020 Doctors for Disaster Preparedness33 lecture, featured in “How Medical Technocracy Made the Plandemic Possible,” media and public health officials appear to have purposefully conflated “cases” or positive tests with the actual illness.

Medically speaking, a “case” refers to a sick person. It never ever referred to someone who had no symptoms of illness. Now all of a sudden, this well-established medical term, “case,” has been completely and arbitrarily redefined to mean someone who tested positive for the presence of viral RNA. As noted by Merritt, “That is not epidemiology. That’s fraud.”

2.According to the CDC34 and other research data,35 the COVID-19 survival rate is over 99%, and the vast majority of deaths occur in those over 70, which is close to normal life expectancy.

3.CDC analysis reveals 85% of patients testing positive for COVID-19 wore face masks “often” or “always” in the two weeks preceding their positive test. As noted in the Ron Paul article,36 “The only rational conclusion from this study is that cloth face masks offer little if any protection from Covid-19 infection.”

4.There are inexpensive, proven successful therapies for COVID-19 — Examples include various regimens involving hydroxychloroquine with zinc and antibiotics, quercetin-based protocols, the MATH+ protocol and nebulized hydrogen peroxide.

5.The death rate has not risen despite pandemic deaths — Data37,38 show the overall all-cause mortality has remained steady during 2020 and doesn’t veer from the norm. In other words, COVID-19 has not killed off more of the population than would have died in any given year anyway.

As noted in the Ron Paul article,39 “According to the CDC as of early May 2020 the total number of deaths in the US was 944,251 from January 1 — April 30th. This is actually slightly lower than the number of deaths during the same period in 2017 when 946,067 total deaths were reported.”

15,000 Doctors and Scientists Call for End to Lockdowns

All in all, there are many reasons to suspect that continued lockdowns, social distancing and mask mandates are completely unnecessary and will not significantly alter the course of this pandemic illness, or the final death count.

And, with regard to universal PCR testing where individuals are tested every two weeks or even more frequently, whether they have symptoms or not, this is clearly a pointless effort that yields useless data. It’s just a tool to spread fear, which in turn allows for the rapid implementation of the totalitarian control mechanisms required to pull off The Great Reset. Fortunately, more and more people are now starting to see through this plot.

About 45,000 scientists and doctors worldwide have already signed the Great Barrington Declaration,40 which calls for the end to all lockdowns and implementation of a herd immunity approach to the pandemic, meaning governments should allow people who are not at significant risk of serious COVID-19 illness to go back to normal life, as the lockdown approach is having a devastating effect on public health — far worse than the virus itself.41,42 The declaration states:43

“Coming from both the left and right, and around the world, we have devoted our careers to protecting people. Current lockdown policies are producing devastating effects on short and long-term public health …

The most compassionate approach that balances the risks and benefits of reaching herd immunity, is to allow those who are at minimal risk of death to live their lives normally to build up immunity to coronavirus through natural infection, while better protecting those who are at highest risk. We call this focused protection.”

The declaration points out that current lockdown policies will result in excess mortality in the future, primarily among younger people and the working class. As of November 5, 2020, The Great Barrington Declaration44 had been signed by 11,791 medical and public health scientists, 33,903 medical practitioners and 617,685 “concerned citizens.”45

Sources and References

The NCCC and the MAC

During the preceding blog post titled “The Coronavirus Plandemic” which was published on 28th October 2020, we looked at how this pandemic actually came about and how the elitist globalists have driven this socialist planned-epidemic which has since morphed into this global COVID-19 pandemic. As a result thereof, the world is restricted with lockdowns, social distancing, sanitising, mask-controlled and “second wave” fear-mongering that keeps the world population indoctrinated and manipulated by governments hell-bent on achieving their economic Global Reset and draconian totalitarian New World Order. They call it the new normal, when there is nothing “new” and nothing “normal” with socialist communism!


Dlamini-Zuma (l) and Ramaphosa (r) In the South African COVID-19 context, the ‘Wuhan, China coronavirus’ was first confirmed a case on 5th March 2020 when the National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NCID) confirmed that a suspected case of COVID-19 had tested positive. The patient was a 38-year-old male who travelled to Italy with his wife as a part of a group of 10 people who arrived back in South Africa on 1st March 2020. Within ten days of the first ‘confirmed case’ a National State of Disaster was declared by the President of South Africa Mr Cyril Ramaphosa on 15th March 2020 under the Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No. 57 of 2002), hereinafter referred to as the Disaster Management Act and/or DMA.

In terms of Section 3 of the aforementioned Disaster Management Act the President Mr Ramaphosa appointed the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Dr Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma to administer the Act and be the Chairperson of the Committee in terms of Section 4(2) of the DMA. It is by proceeding as aforementioned that the National Coronavirus Command Council (NCCC) was implemented and effectually came into operation in what would appear to be in terms of Sections 8 and 9 of the DMA. However, this does not appear to be correct as we will see hereunder.

Without delving too deeply into the various sections of the Act, the purpose of discussing and looking into the framework of the NCCC is to determine whether the practices of the NCCC and its cabinet ministers, including the South African President Mr Ramaphosa, were acting within the ambits of the Constitution of South Africa and upholding the citizens rights in terms of the Section 2 Bill of Rights of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, Act No. 108 of 1996 (as amended).

On 23rd April 2020 the NCCC had “decided” to address the nation by President Mr Ramaphosa that a lockdown would come into effect. In terms of Section 27(1) of the DMA the State of Disaster had to be gazetted and in terms of Section 27(5)(a) the state of disaster duration “lapses three months after it has been declared.” What however causes much concern is the wording of Section 27(5)(c) which deals with extensions and reads as follows, “may be extended by the Minister by notice in the Gazette for one month at a time before it lapses in terms of paragraph (a) or the existing extension is due to expire.” In essence what this allows is that after the initial three months, the appointed NCCC Chairperson being Dr Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma has carte blanche without going to cabinet to extend the State of Disaster and the effective lockdown period indefinitely and after every monthly period as it appears to be the current practice. This practice amounts to nothing more than draconian totalitarian control of the citizens of the Republic of South Africa.

In an article published in the Daily Maverick on 15th June 2020 one can read extensively (or listen to) the article: Covid-19 lockdown regulations and National Coronavirus Command Council under legal scrutiny, again.[1] From the article that pertains to “lockdown decisions” undertaken, the following quote regarding the NCCC’s secrecy reads,

The record of these Covid-19 lockdown decisions had been requested for this court hearing – and refused. Or as the court papers said in criticising the applicants for going to court without the record of decision, “in any event, they would not be entitled to the minutes or documents of the Cabinet, including a structure of Cabinet, the NCCC”.

It is evident from the article that the NCCC were taken to the High Court in the Western Cape to argue the unconstitutionality of the NCCC organ, the lockdowns and unscientific regulations that have violated South Africans’ basic human rights. The writer of this blog is not writing here to look at jurisprudence or argue the merits of the court case. In a BusinessTech article titled: Ramaphosa on South Africa’s most controversial lockdown issues – including cigarettes and the NCCC [2], one reads,

Opposition parties have questioned the constitutionality of the National Coronavirus Command Council (NCCC), and how it appears usurp the powers of structures set up under the Disaster Management Act in determining government’s response to national disasters.

It has also been criticised for operating without any parliamentary oversight.

However, Ramaphosa said that the NCCC was not established in terms of the Disaster Management Act but instead forms part of Cabinet in an advisory capacity.

If Mr Ramaphosa is being ‘truthful’ about the NCCC being a “part of Cabinet in an advisory capacity” then we can understand that it is the “ANC Cabinet” he is referring to because the opposition parliamentary parties often challenge the NCCC’s decisions and regulations in court.

In an IOL[3] article we read,

In terms of this statute [Disaster Management Act 57 of 2002], the National Corona[virus] Command Council (NCCC) was brought into being and operation.

It is cogently submitted that the word “command” is highly problematic, since our liberal democratic Constitution of 1996 is premised not on the idea of “command”, but on fundamental concept and practice of the government by consent, which is the very essence of our liberal democracy.

Earlier it was unclear in terms of which sections of the DMA that the NCCC was established as mention was made to Sections 8 and 9 of Act No. 57 of 2002. However, in  a Polity article dated 10th June 2020 by News24Wire we read extensively that the NCCC was not established in terms of any act. The original article is quoted here extensively:


Govt’s coronavirus command council not established in terms of any act, Ramaphosa’s answers reveal[4]

10th June 2020 BY: News24Wire

Cyril Ramaphosa

The National Coronavirus Command Council (NCCC) was not established in terms of the Disaster Management Act.

This was revealed in President Cyril Ramaphosa‘s answers to Democratic Alliance (DA) MP Glynnis Breytenbach.

Breytenbach posed two written questions to Ramaphosa on the topic of the controversial NCCC, a body established after the declaration of a national state of disaster. Its legal standing has been questioned while lockdown regulations seemingly emanate from it.

In one of her questions, Breytenbach asked on “which existing Act of Parliament, regulation or provision of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa” did Ramaphosa rely on when he established the NCCC and from which existing Act, regulation or provision of the Constitution does the NCCC derive its power, responsibility, functions and duties.

Ramaphosa’s full response to this question read as follows: “The National Coronavirus Command Council [NCCC] – originally known as the NCC – was established as a committee of Cabinet by the Cabinet in its meeting of 15 March 2020.”

The NCCC faced criticism for taking far-reaching decisions related to the nationwide lockdown to curb the spread of Covid-19 in the country. But the government changed tune, saying the NCCC did not take decisions.

Breytenbach also asked, in both questions, whether the NCCC had taken over or was duplicating the powers, responsibilities and functions of the Intergovernmental Committee on Disaster Management and the National Disaster Management Advisory Forum or National Disaster Management Centre. These bodies are established in terms of the Disaster Management Act.

“No,” was Ramaphosa’s full response both times the question was posed.

Breytenbach also asked for details on the powers, responsibilities, functions and duties of the NCCC and in which ways do these specified powers, responsibilities, functions and duties differ from each of the Intergovernmental Committee on Disaster Management, the National Disaster Management Advisory Forum or National Disaster Management Centre.

“The NCCC co-ordinates government’s response to the coronavirus pandemic. The NCCC makes recommendations to Cabinet on measures required in terms of the national state of disaster. Cabinet makes the final decisions,” Ramaphosa responded.

However, the whole Cabinet serves on the NCCC, according to answers from Ramaphosa to Breytenbach and from [the] Minister in the Presidency Jackson Mthembu to Inkatha Freedom Party MP Narend Singh.

Breytenbach and Singh asked what the composition of the NCCC was.

Initially, all ministers except the following were included in the NCCC:

  • Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane.
  • Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development Minister Thoko Didiza.
  • Employment and Labour Minister Thulas Nxesi.
  • Mineral Resources and Energy Minister Gwede Mantashe.
  • Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordhan.
  • Public Works and Infrastructure Minister Patricia de Lille.
  • Small Business Development Minister Khumbudzo Ntshavheni.
  • Sports, Arts and Culture Minister Nathi Mthethwa.

“However, after two meetings of the NCCC, the president decided to invite the rest of the members of Cabinet, as it became clear that they too were crucial to the national response,” Mthembu answered to Singh.

“Other members of Cabinet were subsequently invited to attend NCCC meetings. It is supported by the Cabinet Secretariat and National Joint Operational and Intelligence Structure [NatJoints],” said Ramaphosa.

The letters informing ministers of their appointment to the NCCC is attached to Mthembu’s answer. The one with the initial members is dated 18 March, the one informing the rest of their appointment the next day.

Neither letter mentions any legislation.                          

Mthembu said the NCCC was briefed by Health Minister Zweli Mkhize at each meeting, based on the advice of “Health Expects [sic]”.

“All NCCC matters that have police implications are referred to the Cabinet for decision-making,” Mthembu said.

EDITED BY: News24Wire

The Real Virus is Communism Personally what is mentioned here and what has gone on before, writer believes that the State organ has been implemented unconstitutionally and by the mere fact that they have issued draconian regulations that have violated basic human rights shows that peoples’ freedoms are being eroded and slowly taken away from citizens in the name of a ‘medical pandemic’. A vast majority of people are not as gullible as the powers that be think they are and they are slowly wising up to this socialist scamdemic. Beware of the toxic media that is acting as their agents by promoting this socialist narrative. COVID-19 is a means to implement the deep state economic Global Reset and the forecasted vaccines will be their ticket to dictate and manipulate citizens as they deem fit. The people need to take power back from the ruling government as the government officials are the employees of the people, they work for them, the people have placed them in office to work for them. When the government know their place and “fear” their employers the people, that is democracy. But when it is the other way around and the people fear the iron-fisted power-hungry government, then it is not democracy, but tyranny. Socialism that breeds communism is tyranny that empowers tyrants as the rulers of the people! The people of South Africa need to rise up in unity to put our tyrants on terms and if they do not tow the line they need to be fired! That is how a free market democratic republic operates!

The warning signs that the COVID-19 pandemic and the NCCC were up to no good and that the truth would never be known is when you examine the past political shenanigans of the NCCC Chairperson Dr Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma who has had unfavourable governance that has preceded her chair appointment, like the R14.27million HIV/AIDS awareness programme contracts that were awarded by the Department of Health to Mbongeni Ngema, a “good friend” of Dlamini-Zuma’s, to produce a sequel to the musical, Sarafina![5] Investigations into Sarafina II revealed that Dlamini-Zuma had lied to Parliament about funding for the project coming from the EU, and had ignored proper bidding procedures.[6][5] Following criticism of the poor financial controls and commissioning procedures in a report by the Public Protector, the play was shelved.[7][8][9] Dlamini-Zuma was also criticised for supporting Virodene, a “quack remedy” for HIV/AIDS,[10] which was in fact a toxic industrial solvent rejected by the scientific community as ineffective.[11][12][13][14] With these previous misconducts on record, it is not rocket science that her chairing the NCCC has also brought about her questionable governing credentials! It is frightening to think that Dlamini-Zuma might have a say in the vaccines when one considers her track record of supporting dangerous toxic industrial solvent aka ‘poison’ as a solution for another virus – HIV/AIDS!


Another organ of the state that was set up as part of the NCCC is the Ministerial Advisory Committee (MAC) headed up by the Health Minister Zweli Mkhize. On Monday 13th April 2020 the Health Minister Zweli Mkhize was accompanied by various experts and the chairperson of the MAC, Professor Salim Abdool Karim, when they provided information to the public of South Africa setting forth the efforts to tackle the spread of COVID-19 and the way forward. The MedicalBrief report can be read Here.

The MAC’s responsibility is the obtaining of “experts’” information that would be passed on to the NCCC for “implementation” with regards to whether a lockdown is necessary and which regulations should be implemented based on medical and scientific advice, and any other medical advice that would be in the interests of fighting the “pandemic” and “saving lives”, as the COVID-19 narrative goes. At the initial briefing conducted by Abdool Karim, he was joined by the country’s top scientists, among others Professor Glenda Gray, the chair of the South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC), Professor Koleka Mlisana, a microbiologist from the University of KwaZulu-Natal, and Professor Brian Williams, an epidemiologist formerly with the World Health Organisation (WHO).

News24 reported that Abdool Karim, whose expertise lies in the field of HIV Research and epidemiology, was the chair of MAC which at the time comprised of more than 20 professors, doctors and scientists who advised Mkhize and the National Command Council which was chaired by President Cyril Ramaphosa.

On 20th May 2020 MedicalBrief reports in an article: Medical experts rebel over SA’s ‘nonsensical’ lockdown strategy[15], which is quoted extensively hereunder; Note – the report by MedicalBrief has been shortened. To read the full MedicalBrief report go Here:

NCCC and MAC Members

NCCC and MAC Members

The South African government is coming under strong criticism from medical experts on its own ministerial advisory committee (MAC), who say the present lockdown has “no basis in science” and should be ended, writes MedicalBrief. There is increasing concern that the extended lockdown is having a negative impact on the healthcare system, with non-COVID-related diseases not receiving attention.

MAC member Professor Shabir Madhi, who chairs its public health committee and immediate past president of the National Institute of Communicable Diseases, said the government is “ill-informed” and questioned who had told the president that South Africa was doing well. He said the MAC was not asked about measures involved in lifting the lockdown.

A Sunday Times report says some members of the ministerial advisory committee (MAC), the body headed by Professor Salim Abdool Karim that advises the government on its response to the pandemic, have supported their colleague Dr Glenda Gray, who has claimed the lockdown has no basis in science and should be called off. They said a false impression had been created about the level of consultation with scientists on the lockdown. Others questioned who is advising President Cyril Ramaphosa, calling the official risk-adjusted strategy a “catastrophe”.

But Health Minister Zweli Mkhize defended the regulations, though he conceded that there is not much more the lockdown can do to contain the disease. And business and labour have called for the easing of restrictions to be moved to level two as soon as possible.

The MAC scientists the Sunday Times spoke to reportedly all agreed that the lockdown should be lifted. The report suggests their claims that they are being side-lined tend to undermine the government’s insistence that its lockdown rules, and its exit from the lockdown, are always based on sound scientific advice.

The acting DG of the Health Department, Anban Pillay, said the government has “adopted almost all of the recommendations” they have made. But MAC member professor Shabir Madhi, who chairs its public health committee, said the government is ill-informed. He questioned who is advising the president that South Africa is doing well. He and others also said the MAC was not asked about measures involved in lifting the lockdown.

“Decisions about different lockdown levels and what should be allowed are not based on anything discussed by MAC,” he is quoted in the report as saying.

Gray, [MAC member and] chair of the SA Medical Research Council, said the strategy “is not based in science and is completely unmeasured” in remarks to News24.”We are seeing children with malnutrition for the first time (at Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital). We have not seen malnutrition for decades and so we are seeing it for the first time in the hospital,” Gray said – she was not speaking on behalf of the MAC.

Gray said the evidence behind certain lockdown regulations was uncompelling. For example, open-toe shoes were not allowed to be bought or sold during the lockdown. “This strategy is not based in science and is completely unmeasured. (It’s) almost as if someone is sucking regulations out of their thumb and implementing rubbish, quite frankly.

“In the face of a young population, we refuse to let people out. We make them exercise for three hours a day and then complain that there’s congestion in this time. We punish children and kick them out of school and we deny them education. For what? Where is the scientific evidence for that?”

Initially, there was good reason to implement the lockdown to slow down the spread of the virus and buy time to ready the health system, and this was largely achieved, Gray is quoted in the report as saying. “One can argue whether the extension of the lockdown and these alert levels are justified, and I think we could argue that an additional two weeks in the lockdown may have supported the work that had been started and was critical. But the de-escalation, month on month, to various levels is nonsensical and unscientific.”

Non-pharmaceutical interventions should include targeted strategies to protect the vulnerable while those who would not be affected by the virus should be allowed back into society, she said. “With increasing knowledge of the virus, we now know that those most vulnerable are the elderly and those with comorbidities. However, people under 30, and school-going children are not.”

The MAC’s overall chairperson, Professor Salim Abdool Karim, said it was not true that the government had ignored advice on the issue. But, the report said, another member, associate professor at the Clinical HIV Research Unit at Wits University and CEO of Right to Care, Dr Ian Sanne, said the committee was not asked whether the lockdown should downgrade to Level 3, or any broader questions related to the issue. The committee was asked to advise on a risk-adjusted approach to focus on hotspots, a screening and testing strategy and, in turn, lockdown.

“We were asked about the approach, not the trigger levels and relationship to economic activity,” Sanne said. “We were informed that this would in future be utilised to determine the lockdown and economic activity in areas where the risk of COVID-19 is less. And that we agreed with,” he added.

Sanne said the extended lockdown was having a negative impact on the healthcare system. He added that normal, non-COVID-related diseases were not receiving attention.

According to the report, Sanne said there had been an increase in missed appointments by HIV patients of between 40% and 60% since the lockdown, and a similar issue was expected for diabetes and other illnesses needing chronic medication. There had been a substantive decline in childhood vaccination programmes, he said, which scientists believed would lead to a substantial outbreak of childhood diseases in the future.

MAC member, Professor Marc Mendelson, who is the head of infectious diseases and HIV medicine at Groote Schuur Hospital, is also of the belief that phasing out the lockdown is not a science-led approach. He said it was based on the experience of other countries’ attempts to flatten the curve but the thinking still posed problems, adding the only countries which successfully flattened the curve through lockdown were those who were able to swiftly test, trace and quarantine on a mass scale.

“That has not been possible in South Africa, despite predictions of up to 36,000 tests per day by the end of April that have not manifested. The only way to reduce the rate of infection is through interventions such as social distancing, handwashing, mask wearing and cough etiquette. Infections are inevitable. Sixty percent or so of our country will become infected over the next two years, but limiting the rate of infection is not going to come through lockdown,” Mendelson said.

However, a News24 report says the crackdown by the Health Department on dissent among the ranks of scientific advisers was swift. It says the advisers faced a hard-nosed dressing down from health officials during a heated MAC meeting on Saturday night. They were told to stick to what they know and leave the economic interventions to other departments and raise concerns directly with the department, not through the media.

Mkhize defended the government’s lockdown strategy and said no region or district in the country can claim to conform to the World Health Organisation’s six criteria to have restrictions lifted. He called the criticism “unfair”.

Leading the charge for the Health Department was Pillay, who reportedly told News24 after the meeting that the department and the committee were provided an opportunity to voice their views. “I only heard the explanation from Professor Gray and others… that they were concerned about the regulations… those economic regulations are not their mandate, responsibility or expertise, so I don’t understand why they would think they needed to be speaking out about it as MAC members,” Pillay is quoted as saying.

Pillay said he also raised the issue of why experts went to the media with their concerns instead of writing to the Minister first. Regarding the phased exit of the lockdown, Pillay said no scientific basis existed. “The idea is to ease out of the lockdown, the question is how quickly or how slowly should you ease – there’s no science on that, that’s based on your best judgement on how you think the sector should open up,” Pillay said.

Frustration is, meanwhile, building among scientists over the government’s apparent lack of willingness to make key, detailed COVID-19 data accessible ahead of a meeting of a MAC meeting. News24 understands that questions have arisen over the apparent stranglehold by the Health Department on access to spatial data (geo-located confirmed coronavirus cases), data around testing, screening, contact tracing and hospitalisation data – which includes availability levels of medical supplies and high care beds.

According to a member of the MAC – who spoke on condition of anonymity – several members of the advisory body have spoken out during past meetings against the apparent lockdown on data.

However, the report says Mkhize, in late night phone calls to reporters, defended the government and his department’s actions, denying that, among other things, information is being withheld. “I don’t know of anyone who has actually come to us and said give us this information and we refused,” he said, while pointing out that detailed numbers were verified and released by the department daily. “We have been so transparent and upfront with everything that we haven’t got anything to hide, we haven’t hidden anything. So, when we get accused sometimes, we don’t know how to deal with the accusation because we don’t understand what people are now trying to do,” Mkhize said.

The report quotes Professor Alex van den Heever, an expert in health systems and economics, as saying that the ability for citizens to take preventative measures to protect themselves from the coronavirus is being hampered by the government’s lack of transparency around COVID-19 data. Van den Heever questioned the rationale behind some types of data – particularly where cases were being found and at what rate, and other contact tracing and screening data – being kept locked away from public view, saying it hindered the individual’s ability to take informed steps to avoid direct contact with hotspots.

“We don’t know what they have done and where. And that means I can’t protect myself. A large part of managing an epidemic like this is you being able to take preventative action yourself, not just the government.

“The rationale offered may be that they don’t want people to face stigmatisation. But where you are not revealing the identity of the person, you are just showing the public that there is an outbreak in this local area. And then they may say they don’t want to cause panic.

“The absence of credible information is more likely to cause anxiety, uncertainty, panic and a loss of trust in the government – all things you don’t want in an epidemic,” he said.

News24 reports that so far, the Health Department has not released modelling data or projections, reports over progress made to identify hotspots through testing and screening, contact tracing, testing data per region, and testing data that shows the growth rate of the epidemic (rate of positive and negative cases found per tests done), as well as data that shows time delays and backlogs in testing.

On a daily basis, the department has simply released the number of tests done, the number of confirmed cases, the number of deaths and, more recently, a breakdown per province showing the total number of confirmed cases and deaths per province.

Siviwe Gwarube, the DA shadow minister of health writes: “Reports… that the ministerial advisory committee (MAC) which advises the Health Minister, Dr Zweli Mkhize, is in disagreement with government strategy to deal with COVID-19 are deeply concerning. It is now clear that the government is reluctant to allow scientific findings to guide the country between the various levels of the strategy in order to save lives and livelihoods. While the Health response has been commendable over the past 7 weeks and the DA has supported the various interventions, we can no longer pledge support to a strategy that has no scientific basis.

“Ignoring expert advice which calls for responsible reopening of the economy and industry while capacitating the health system in order to deal with the inevitable spike in infections is wholly irresponsible and tantamount to gambling with the lives of South Africans who has pledged their support to government and their response to COVID-19. The fact that half of the four group leaders within the MAC now no longer support the government’s risk-adjusted lockdown strategy and how it is implemented through the regulations is indicative that something has gone seriously wrong. It is now clear that there is a chasm between what is being discovered and produced by scientists and experts and the strategy the South African government has taken.

“This is why the DA has repeatedly called for transparency in the data that the South African government is looking at in order to decide on the COVID-19 related responses. The secrecy that has characterized the issue of data and modelling is now being exacerbated by the advisors who have now broken rank.

“Minister Mkhize can no longer simply ask for blind support of his strategy when the team he leads is coming undone at the seams. He must now urgently take the nation into his confidence and explain the points of disagreement within his team; his submission to the National Command Council on dealing with the impending spike in infections; the data and modelling they are looking at in order to make health interventions and most importantly health system capacity to handle infections across the country. We need understand – per sub-district – bed capacity, ventilator availability and healthcare workers capacity and skills set.

“We no longer can run away from this pandemic. We must face it head on and ensure that the vulnerable to the illness, those who are unable to self-isolate and the general South African public is protected. Work must now be done to capacitate industries to be able to implement stringent health protocols for those that would be coming back to work.

“President Cyril Ramaphosa and his team can no longer avoid making the tough and necessary decisions. Millions of lives and livelihoods are now hanging in the balance.”

Whilst one can read the report here-above, the narrative is still flawed when it is evident that the present coronavirus COVID-19 aka SARS-CoV-2 has never been isolated and been scientifically determined as to its actual causes, other than to be a new strain of influenza that is being used to fear-monger the citizens in the name of a medical crisis! On 5th June 2020 when the South African “deaths recorded were 908”, I questioned the veracity of the deaths accredited to COVID-19 as the “virus” was as afore-stated never isolated to determine its actual causes, but “testings and certain deaths” were based on probable symptoms being: Fever or chills, coughs, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headaches, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, and/or diarrhoea. In a phrase flu-like symptoms! These symptoms were being used in the absence of having hundreds, if not thousands, of coronavirus case studies to truly use to “diagnose the infections”.

It should be noted that the Department of Health’s Minister Zweli Mkhize would initially report daily the underlying illnesses like hypertension, diabetes, cardiac disease, low blood oxygen, asthma, fever, pneumonia, etc., of infected patients who had died of “corona related symptoms”! After this additional information was voiced on social media platforms and citizens started asking hard questions and discussing the same, there appeared immediately an about turn by Dr Mkhize and the Health Department who stopped reporting the underlying illnesses patients were experiencing at the time of death being the probable cause of those deaths. From that point onwards only national figures were given for: Tests Conducted, Positive Cases Identified, Total Recoveries, Total Deaths and New Cases. In time provincial statistics then became available giving the results for provinces. These statistical figure headings are also designed to keep people fearful as the media, i.e. internet, radio, television and newspapers, keep bombarding the public with an ever increasing “Positive Cases Identified” narrative that are recorded as perpetually increasing when in actual fact many of the “so-called cases” are actually false positive diagnoses! What the toxic media and fear-mongering reporting should focus on is dealing with actual “current cases”, but this will not fit with their narrative of keeping people imprisoned by fear, which incidentally is also a silent killer, as they are using the fear of the unknown and the fear of death to dictate and manipulate uninformed people into accepting lockdown isolation situations, which also compound the health crisis causing psychological illness, anxiety and depression. This can even develop further into chronic mental illnesses that can lead to suicide tendencies which is not saving lives, but causing further fatalities. To violate social beings, who we have been created by GOD to be, is in essence a crime against humanity and The Creator!

On 30th September 2020 in a follow-up MedicalBrief article titled Mkhize culls his critics in order to ‘strengthen’ the MACs – Medical Brief[16], which article is quoted hereunder, deals with the MAC scientists that were ‘culled’ because they spoke out against minister Zweli Mkhize and the Health Department’s/Government’s implementation of unscientific regulations and decisions taken. Whilst Mkhize tries to explain away why this course of action was taken it is evident to anyone with an IQ >20 that he is looking for “advisory members” who will fall in line with his and the government’s rubber stamping of their decisions whether scientific or unscientific.

Culling of MAC Members

All the most outspoken medical scientists serving on the South African government’s Ministerial Advisory Committee (MAC) on COVID-19 who found themselves at public odds with government actions have been peremptorily axed in what Health Minister Dr Zweli Mkhize describes as a “strengthening” of the committee, writes MedicalBrief.

Among those who on Friday last week  received a one-paragraph letter telling them that their services were no longer required were Prof Glenda Gray, CEO of the SA Medical Research Council (SAMRC), Prof Shabhir Madhi, head of vaccinology at the University of the Witwatersrand and leader of SA’s first two Covid-19 vaccine in trials, Prof Francois Venter of Wits, and Dr Angelique Coetzee, chair of the SA Medical Association(SAMA).

All, at various stages, have been quoted in the media making assessments that could be construed as critical of government’s response to Covid-19, with News24 describing Madhi, Venter and Gray as “leading voices in criticising some of the regulations promulgated by government”. Among the issues with over which there has been vocal disagreement have been the effect of the hard lockdown, the closure of schools, taxi occupancy regulations, and the government’s secrecy over the scientific advice they had been given.

At least 14 of the 50 MAC members have been now told their services are no longer required. Mkhize is reported in the Citizen as saying that “the strengthened MAC will still maintain a degree of continuity, retaining many of the experts from the original clinical-biomedical MAC, including the incumbent chair Prof Abdool-Karim, Prof Marc Mendelson, Prof Sthembiso Mkhize, Prof Rudo Mathivha and Prof Nombulelo Magula, amongst others.”

The move came as a surprise. Initially, a fortnight ago, Mkhize announced that the MACs would be “pulling in” social and behavioural scientists because of “the changing pattern of the pandemic”, and that there would be a new MAC established to focus on vaccine development. Nothing was said about the planned removal from the MAC of some of SA’s top scientists.

In response to the Mkhize letter, Venter told News24 that it was done “with no warning or explanation … It is not like the epidemic is anywhere over. Government really needs to embrace transparency, and explain jetting in a crowd of WHO experts, an inexplicable curfew, or disbanding an expert panel that didn’t rubber stamp decisions made behind closed doors.”

SAMA’s Coetzee that while she understood the need to make the MAC smaller and have more involvement of people on the coalface – nursing groups and others – “the letter, arriving as it did out of the blue, was perhaps not the best way to go about the exercise of dissolving the committee”.

“One of the most important things is, if you look at another MAC, that it should be the public sector out there or the private sector advising the minister, and we should maybe have less people working for the [Department of Health] advising the minister,” Coetzee told News24.

It is no secret that Mkhize has been chaffing over MAC advisors differing in public from some of the more controversial aspects of the government’s handling of the pandemic. When Gray stepped out of line she faced a broadside from Mkhize and the Health Department.

Gray had, in her personal capacity, in an interview criticised the government’s harsh lockdown regulations as “unscientific” and claimed that childhood malnutrition cases were increasing at Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital. This prompted a sharp rebuttal from Mkhize and a demand from the then acting Health director general, Dr Anban Pillay, who called her a “liar” and demanded that the MRC board investigate her conduct.

The Witness, Facebook The MRC board initially apologised to the Ministry of Health and the MAC for Gray’s comments, saying it would institute a fact-finding investigation into the “damage” the comments may have caused. The following day MRC board said it had discussed the matter with Gray and found she had not breached any of the MRC’s policies.

The about-turn followed an outcry from public commentators, researchers, academics, and organisations, both locally and abroad. Daily Maverick described the response of the scientific community in backing Gray as “unprecedented”, with more than 300 leading scientists and academics, included deans of faculties, other MAC members, former Unisa vice-chancellor Barney Pityana and University of the Witwatersrand vice-chancellor, Prof Adam Habib, coming out in support of Gray.

In the Citizen report, following media speculation, Mkhize clarifies that the MAC has not been disbanded. “As we find ourselves in an extremely fortunate position of achieving effective transmission control, the true test lies in our ability to maintain low transmission rates. This requires a more holistic approach to case management, preventive measures and public policy.

“It therefore became necessary to strengthen the MAC on Covid-19 so that it falls in line with its mandate to advise on effective mechanisms for the prevention of onward transmission of Covid-19. Recognising that the composition of the current MAC was focused on a biomedical approach, the Minister has taken a decision to augment the existing committee with various other experts from different sectors. Also to influence the behavioural change that is required to mitigate against the spread of Covid-19.

“The reinforced MAC on Covid-19 will consist of bio-medical practitioners; clinical experts; specialists in ethics; the nursing profession; social scientists; researchers; and community leaders who will advise on interventions that should be considered in responding to the epidemic.”

Commenting in his Editor’s Notes in the Financial Mail, Rob Rose writes that the Health minister “would have you believe it’s just a miraculous coincidence that the three most outspoken scientists happen to have been excluded from the new MAC. It’s a curious move: as an acclaimed HIV/Aids scientist, [Gray’s] not only the president of the MRC, but in 2017 was also named one of Time magazine’s Top 100 most influential people.”

He quotes Gray as saying that her relationship with Mkhize has healed and that she’d “like to believe that excluding me from the new MAC isn’t an act of retribution. Since May, the minister and I have developed a great working relationship, and we even coauthored a scientific paper.”

The FM asked Madhi whether he believed his exclusion was retribution for being so outspoken, to which he responded “I would hope not — it would be very infantile if that were the case. But I take the government at its word, that it believes it is at a different stage of the pandemic, and needed a different set of expertise.”

“Some of us became a political embarrassment for Mkhize, since we didn’t just roll over and praise the government’s political decisions,” he told the FM. “They expected us to say: ‘Well done on the tobacco ban, well done on the booze ban’, and instead we pointed out how these decisions didn’t stack up scientifically,” he says.

Meanwhile, Business Tech quotes Prof Salim Abdool Karim as saying that if a second wave of infections hits South Africa in the same way it has hit European nations, tighter lockdownStatistics as at 7th July 2020 restrictions will be back – but this time, it will be on a local level.

He said that the government is currently setting up task teams to handle this type of lockdown, should it become necessary. This would finally see the implementation of the “district model” of lockdown that was announced by the health department in May 2020, when the virus was still building its presence in the country. Under the model, the country is split into 52 different districts, with each being assessed on its infection level.

At the time, districts that were seeing higher than five new infections per 100,000 population were considered COVID-19 hotspots, and were to face tighter restrictions. However, despite the model being developed, it was never put into effect, with many businesses and provincial leaders arguing that it was unworkable due to the integrated nature of many operations. Every move to a different level lockdown has been implemented nationally, since.

Business Tech reports that according to Karim, the government is now better prepared to use the system. He is quoted as saying that the problem with district model before was that it was difficult to police. To determine hotspot areas, the health department will look at more than just infection rates, but will also factor in other things, like the availability of beds, he said.

Daily Maverick quotes Mkhize saying some semblance of calm has since returned to the country, but adds: “At this point it is still very far from being over. The numbers are still very high but we are over the surge. Now is the time to look back and say thank you.”

Mkhize warned that the risk of a resurgence of infections remained. “We are not out of the woods yet but (what we have done) remains a tremendous achievement. “In my own family Times Live 20th May 2020several people got sick, we have lost some. All of us now know COVID-19 not to be a story on the TV in the media. We know it is a tragedy. It is a tragedy that has hit all of us. All of us have gone through that journey of pain, of anguish, of anxiety,” the minister said.

“There have been huge sacrifices. A lot of businesses have been damaged. A lot of people lost jobs. A lot of people went hungry. That is the cost of COVID-19 on top of those who had to be laid to rest.

“We are entering a new normal. We will have to reconstruct our lives … We saved as many lives as we could. Now we must save livelihoods,” he said.

Deputy director of the Desmond Tutu HIV Centre at the Institute of Infectious Disease and Molecular Medicine Professor Linda-Gail Bekker said she thought a vaccine would likely take another nine to 18 months “if all goes well”. “Perhaps it will be even longer for us to get it here in South Africa. Once it gets here, if it is efficacious and safe I think the uptake will be good. For the next six to 12 months, however, we will still have low level infections occurring throughout South Africa,” she said.

Business Day columnist Mr Peter Bruce in his article Mkhize getting rid of truth tellers ‘a sign of weakness’ – Peter Bruce – Medical Brief[17] dated 7th October 2020 sums it up succinctly, quote:

Health Minister Dr Zweli Mkhize looked like the voice of reason during the pandemic, and he works hard. But getting rid of advisers who only told him the truth is a sign of weakness, writes columnist Peter Bruce in Business Day.

Bruce, a former editor of Business Day, joins colleague Rob Rose, who in an editorial in last week’s Financial Mail was similarly scathing of Mkhize’s actions in dumping advisers who had been critical of the government’s pandemic policies.

Bruce writes that when you donʼt like the advice youʼre getting you just change the adviser. Thatʼs what health minister Zweli Mkhize did late last month to the Ministerial Advisory Committee (MAC), the body of experts, almost exclusively scientists and doctors, set up at the end of March to advise the cabinet on how to deal with the coronavirus.

Bruce notes that Mkhize had every right to change people around and there is serious debate abroad about the preponderance of medical advice ruling the lockdown roost in countries like Britain, at the expense of economics and sociological expertise.

Nonetheless, Bruce writes, the local MAC has more than 50 members but the three he chose to remove were also the most critical of the ultra-cautious way he has handled the pandemic in this country. “The three were Wits University‘s Professor Glenda Gray, celebrated HIV/Aids scientist and president of the Medical Research Council; Professor Shabir Madhi, arguably South Africaʼs best epidemiologist and a top vaccinologist; and Professor François Venter, a virologist with vast experience. They had all at some stage been publicly critical of the severity of the South African lockdown. Even Professor Salim Karim, head of the MAC, was saying six weeks into lockdown that it had served its purpose.”

Bruce points out that when one reads the likes of “solid health journalists like Katharine Child”, one has to wonder whether we have not all been well and truly conned. “Six – the number of state patients treated by Netcare,” she wrote last week, “during corona epidemic. 49.3% – hospital occupancy during the peak of the epidemic in July at all Netcare hospitals. 50% – how much surgery dropped in Netcare hospitals from April to August to prepare for COVID-19.”

Bruce writes that this tells one is just how easily even the public health service has handled this crisis. “Yes, there were some examples of filthy facilities being overrun. But, basically, we have seriously overreacted and citizens with other illnesses have suffered as a result.”

And, yes, while there probably will be a second wave, in all probability, it will not be as severe as the first and people who test positive in January [2021] are far less likely to die than if they had been infected last April.

Bruce writes that none of which is of the “slightest concern” to the ministers handling the crisis – chiefly Mkhize and Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma. “You can tell that by the absolutely ridiculous rules they have imposed on the tourism and air travel business since our move to lockdown level 1 last week.”

Screenshot_20201102-052256-1 Conclusion

Despite the Minister of Health Zweli Mkhize and his Department of Health’s comrades keeping their coronavirus model that the NCCC and the MAC are using to tackle the COVID-19 plandemic a closely guarded secret, they are mere puppets that are being used by the globalist elites to further their New World Order by means of their socialist Great Reset plans. This coronavirus is nothing but an influenza aka SARS CoV-2. Can “COVID-19” kill? Yes, it certainly can, for even the common cold and influenza can be a killer. Despite the “flu-shot” vaccine being available people still die every year. The Department of Health’s own NCID’s Version 1.2 dated 6th June 2019, which updated version 2020pdf can be viewed Here, reports that there are on average 11 800 seasonal flu deaths in South Africa each year and in addition an estimated 47 000 episodes of influenza-associated severe acute respiratory illness of which about 22 481 result in hospitalization. Also, as many as 10million mild and 128 000 severe non-fatal influenzas cases also occur annually. It appears from reports emanating from the same Department of Health that due to lockdown there has been practically no influenza season in South Africa in 2020. In an IOL article dated 27th June 2020[18] we read:

As the nation enters its second month of winter, health officials have declared that the seasonal flu has not yet started.

Last year, patients started getting colds and the flu from as early as April.

The National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD) recently explained that while the traditional winter flu season usually began to spike in the country around the middle of April, they detected two flu strains in the Western Cape by the beginning of last month only.

“There has been no influenza circulating from all other provinces in 2020,” it said.

The NICD said the Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) season usually began at the end of February but, this year, it was barely detected by the end of last month.

This virus is another common pathogen that causes flu-like symptoms and is particularly fatal to children,

“In the previous three years, the average start of RSV season ranged between week seven to week nine, therefore the start of the season in 2020 is substantially delayed compared to previous years, possibly in part due to the national lockdown,” the NICD said.

Unless the NICD is omniscient like GOD Almighty, how does the NICD know that, quote: “There has been no influenza circulating from all other provinces in 2020.” It also appears that there have been no diagnoses and no deaths, whilst incidentally a  flu-like coronavirus has taken its place. This is highly impossible as there have been many people that are known to have had the flu this year and were diagnosed as such by their doctors [Note: If you are one who has had the flu and would like to share, kindly comment hereunder]. Where problems arise is when a person catches a cold or flu and goes to the doctor, and the first thing the GP wants is for the patient to have a PCR Test[19] for the “COVID-19” instead of performing a normal inspection for the flu.

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It should also be noted that Dr Zweli Mkhize and his MAC experts predicted on 20th May 2020 that there would be between 40 000 and 48 000 coronavirus deaths by November 2020. It appears that their model is a flawed one and that the Department of Health’s “experts” have fear-mongered with their statistical projections as the “coronavirus deaths” have been a mere 19 411 as at 1st November 2020. Taking into consideration that the statistics could well have been inflated by deaths from underlying illnesses and false positive PCR Tests, over the eight month period (March – November 2020) the deaths of 19 411 falls well within the estimated influenza deaths per annum statistics. Based on the pessimistic projection using their model of “48 000 deaths”, the same would equate to a 40.44% “successful prediction” Screenshot_20200710-082649-1which begs the following questions:

  • Then why were 1.5 million graves “prepared” for COVID-19 burials? and
  • Why has the NCCC / Dept. of Health reported that South Africa has had a no-to-little flu season in 2020?

It has also been reported that the PCR Tests are not reliable. It has been previously qualified by the Nobel Peace Prize biochemist Dr Karry B. Mullis, PhD. inventor of the PCR Test, who incidentally died in August 2019 before the coronavirus plandemic, that it cannot be used reliably for diagnosing infectious diseases as one can detect any manner of debris from past infections, such as flu, and the results can be mostly false positives. Debris from previous illnesses remain in a persons system and can be picked up as a present infection. It has also been found that after amplifying a “virus” past the 36th cycle false negatives start appearing, and after the 40th cycle more positives start appearing and beyond the 60th cycle one gets positives 100% of the times of all persons tested. The reason that the virus has to be amplified is due to it being so minute and can only be properly diagnosed in amplified states. Therefore as the inventor said it is unreliable for diagnosing “virus infections.”

Besides all that has been said and done by the NCCC and MAC this coronavirus pandemic could have been a thing of the past already by applying Herd Immunity principles, but that would be too easy to overcome the practical-lockdown-imposed dictatorship by the ANC ruling party as there are sinister plans afoot. For one there is a Democratic Alliance article titled: DA exposes ‘top secret’ government document that suggests a massive ANC power grab[20] dated 6th July 2020 which can also be read at PoliticsWeb[20] and SA People News[20] websites. If that is not enough, then how about the Polity article by News24Wire dated as recent as 15th October 2020 titled: Mkhize wants powers to restrict citizens’ behaviour and movements beyond a state of disaster. No, these are not ‘Netflix Blockbuster titles’, but the sinister socialist commie agendas that are afoot. BE WARNED!

The final word concerning this post is to call all motivators of falsehood concerning the COVID-19 plandemic narrative and their deception thereof to come to REPENTANCE for their wicked and evil ways before it is too late! Deception is not from GOD, but from Satan the devil. A word of warning is that there is a Judgment Day where we all must appear before the Judgment Seat of the Lord Jesus Christ, for it is written:

10  For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad. ~ 2 Corinthians 5:10 KJV

The Scriptures warn and teach us that no unrighteous person (1 Cor. 6:9) or liar (Rev. 22:5) will enter into the kingdom of GOD, but have their part in the lake of fire and brimstone.

We therefore call upon liars and deceivers to have their “… repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.”(Acts 20:21b KJV). This is your only hope!

Soli Deo GloriaCitations

[1] Merten, Marianne: Daily Maverick dated 15 June 2020 – Covid-19 lockdown regulations and National Coronavirus Command Council under legal scrutiny, again

[2] Staff Writer: BusinessTech dated June 2020 – Ramaphosa on South Africa’s most controversial lockdown issues – including cigarettes and the NCCC

[3] IOL

[4] News24Wire: Polity dated 10 June 2020 – Govt’s coronavirus command council not established in terms of any act, Ramaphosa’s answers reveal

[5] van Onselen, Gareth (8 April 2016). “Dlamini-Zuma and Sarafina II: The original Nkandla”. South African Monitor. Retrieved 21 April 2017 – Wikipedia.

[6] Daley, Suzanne (8 October 1996). “South Africa Scandal Over ‘Sarafina’ Spotlights Corruption in the A.N.C.The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved 21 April 2017 – Wikipedia.

[7] “The Sarafina II Controversy”. Archived from the original on 3 March 2016. Retrieved 15 May 2011 – Wikipedia.

[8] “Zuma’s Response To Sarafina II”. Archived from the original on 11 December 2013. Retrieved 15 May 2011 – Wikipedia.

[9] “Ngema blames Sarafina”. News24. 29 May 2003. Retrieved 21 April 2017 – Wikipedia.

[10] Campbell, John (18 July 2012). “Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma and South Africa’s HIV/AIDS Past”. Council on Foreign Relations. Retrieved 21 April 2017 – Wikipedia.

[11] Dlamini-Zuma, the stern diplomat, Independent Online, 29 January 2012 – Wikipedia.

[12] Myburgh, James (18 September 2007). “The Virodene affair (II)”. Politics Web. Retrieved 21 April 2017 – Wikipedia.

[13] See also Virodene for further references – Wikipedia

[14] “One Zuma to another Zuma?” The Economist. 21 January 2017. Archived from the original on 14 February 2017. Retrieved 21 April 2017 – Wikipedia.

[15] Staff Writer: MedicalBrief dated 20 May 2020 – Medical experts rebel over SA’s ‘nonsensical’ lockdown strategy

[16] Staff Writer: MedicalBrief dated 30 September 2020 – Mkhize culls his critics in order to ‘strengthen’ the MACs – Medical Brief

[17] Bruce, Peter: Business Day dated 7 October 2020 – Mkhize getting rid of truth tellers ‘a sign of weakness’ – Peter Bruce – Medical Brief

[18] Dipa, Karishma: IOL – Saturday Star dated 27 June 2020 – Experts believe the lockdown has delayed the 2020 flu season

[19] Note – It is very expensive, in the region of R850.00 plus for a COVID-Test.

[20] DA exposes ‘top secret’ government document that suggests a massive ANC power grab: Issued by Cilliers Brink MP – DA Deputy Shadow Minister of Cooperative Governance & Traditional Affairs dated 6 July 2020 in News

Amended on 14th November 2020 at 15H53

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