Bill Adams – Confederations Cup Report – Saturday June 20th

Entry from Bill Adams:

Saturday was a return trip to downtown Johannesburg.  What joy.  Standing in the same plaza proclaiming Jesus Christ as Lord.

As it turned out we stood on a famous corner outside the Supreme Court building.  The corner was where the city was initially founded in 1886.  A statue of Carl von Brandis, the first magistrate of Johannesburg, is there.   Apparently he governed the city until 1900.  He must have done it well as the city has survived for 100+ years now.

Von Brandeis Staue

In spiritual terms when you go into a city to preach you go to the center to attack the spiritual powers & principalities that control the city.  So by God’s grace we had arrived at the city center.

In all candor my mission is to stand in a city center & preach as boldly, directly & long as possible.  This was accomplished today; even more so than Friday.

The boldness encourages the Saints & the directness challenges the demonic spirits in the area: those dwelling in the people & those governing the area.

Willem Preaching

The longer you can go the greater damage you do to their power.  The Bible says that preaching is the power we have been given to tear down demonic powers & principalities.  Paul says in II Corinthians 10:3-5 that our power is not carnal but mighty in tearing down spiritual strongholds.

THomas Preaching

So I was able to proclaim the Word for a long time.  You can look at the pictures to see how simple this is & what is surrounding me.

One brother from Zimbabwe began to stand beside me & listen.  He was a pastor & was encouraged by our presence.  He helped me by interpreting the invitation from me to people to pray for them.

Several people during the day asked to be prayed for.

Willem witnessing

At about 4:00 PM we departed for Ellis Stadium.  Gary adroitly navigated us into a parking space near the stadium.  The four of us journeyed to the stadium chatting along the way.  During the travel is when the comraderie is further experienced.

Chatting about whatever comes to mind & recalling the events of the day is what we do for as long as we walk & ride.

We arrived at the stadium about 5:00 PM.  We walked to the Shell station across the street from the stadium to get a Coke.  Gary stopped along the way to witness to a man.  Thomas talked to some people at the station.  Willem & I, undeterred, got our drinks & snacks.

As we stood around waiting on Gary there were more opportunities to witness to passersby.  It truly never ends until you are home.  Because of God working through us & around us at all times when we are out every moment is a witnessing opportunity.

Willem & I went back to the corner where Thomas & I were Wednesday night.  Immediately we began preaching.  “Are you a good person” from Willem; “The goodness of God” from me which of course ends with “Jesus Christ is Lord”.

The police coming & going, fans, stadium workers all heard the Word.  No one talked to me but several paused to listen.  Even those who don’t stop but are standing around hear.  The Word is sharper than any two edged sword cutting asunder to the bone & marrow (Hebrews ).  We can’t underestimate to power of the  Word prolcaimed.

Ultimately one of the workers gave us two tickets to the game.  To me this is a witness from God; what you learn is that people will give you something as a sign that they are impacted from your preaching.  Some people give a smile; some give a word of encouragement; some a dollar; generally I take whatever one offers because God has convicted them to give.

After we were done, Gary & Thomas used the tickets & Willem & I returned to the Shell station for coffee & more fellowship.  Even here we are witnesses & our presence reinforces the message to those who heard us in the streets.

Word travels fast amongst the security that preachers are in an area, others who have noticed us as we preached & maybe in the store see us & the message is reinforced to them.

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