Chronicles of some fishers of men (Part II)

Monday May 31st, 2010

Today, after my secular work I returned to the pedestrian crossing at the show grounds. I took up my spot on the opposite side of the pedestrian crossing under a street lamp as it was getting dark early this winter evening. There was a muslim man named Mohammed selling some lumination toys on the sidewalk, so I witnessed to him and I also witnessed to a hindu woman and her daughter selling candyfloss – they would all be sharing the same street light I stood under to read from the Bible and proclaim the name of Christ Jesus. I handed out some tracts and warned those passing by of Judgment Day and the Way to escape eternity in Hell is by coming to repentance and trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ alone. The message – If you are not a Christian you cannot be saved. The evening was slow with not much foot traffic, but those who heard the Word have much to think about.

Wednesday June 2nd, 2010 

Witnessing to the Xhosa man Nyathi opposite the Royal Show

My son Chad joined me on the street opposite the Royal Show grounds this evening under the street light as we handed out tracts. Tonight God allowed me to have a wonderful witnessing conversation with a Xhosa man named Nyathi. He was passing by with his young son and by the time we had finished doing business with God, he was in agreement that his life had to change – please keep him in prayer and all the others mentioned.

Reasoning with Nyathi that he is to repent and believe in Jesus Christ

I also proclaimed Christ and Him crucified to foot-traffic going to-and-fro and had the honour of a white woman walk-by and yell out – “Give it a break, will you!” [In the words of Mark Cahill from his book “One Thing You Can’t Do In Heaven” – “‘cha-ching’ (like a cash register)” as we store up rewards in Heaven].

If ye be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are ye; for the Spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you: On their part he is evil spoken of, but on your part he is glorified. ~ 1 Peter 4:14

Preaching the Word

Friday June 4th, 2010

This evening many young people, especially teenagers received the Gospel in tract form and by the Word proclaimed. Some short conversations were had and many teens looked bemused, blank-faced and surprised. Tonight the Royal Show had a Rock Concert on so they were all dressed up – and some were dressed down – and ready to party!! A group of young men came by, and it was evident they had already started the party a while back. They were already tipsy – alcohol was definitely causing them to be loud. One guy was more than tipsy – he was down right drunk and when I was telling them that they will have to face a Holy God on Judgment Day this boy boisterously says: “My dad’s a pastor!” I told him that he was not bringing honour to his parents and especially his dad by his drunken behaviour and that I wouldn’t be speaking to him, but will be reasoning with someone that makes sense, one of his friends. That rebuke quietened him down some what, but they were more interested in getting to the Rock Concert than hearing the Word of Truth. We know one of his friends heard a large portion of the Gospel and we pray and believe that the Word of God went forth and will accomplish what God has prepared it to fulfill. Pray for the youth, and adults – especially drunken parents – around the world that they will not sell their souls to satan with their lust for alcohol, drugs, fornication and dressing immodestly.

All for God’s Glory

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